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My goal is to see how the choice of a reference genome affects the artic pipelines accuracy.


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The goal of this repository is to see how a poor choice in a reference genome affects the accuracy of the consensus made by the artic pipeline.

We are also comparing the accuracy of artic to the accuracy of LILO, which does not do reference based polishing.

Note about the writing

This is not going to be the most well written repository. That is not my goal. This is just here to show what I found.

Found Error:

I found that the Neeldeman aligner I built (alnSeq) had an issue with adding or misplacing two extra deletions. I plan to fix these errors later.

Turns out this was not an error. It ended up being due to faving matches/snps over deletions. It can be fixed by compiling alnSeq with a preference for deltions over matches/snps. This error was due to poor assembler settings.

I have switched to quast, so this is not an issue.


This repository is under a dual license consisting of the CC-0 or MIT license. Take your pick of the one you prefer to work with.

The code in 00-programs and 00-scripts is my own and so, are under the dual license. However, the code downloaded with the makefile in 00-programs (LILO, Porechop, quast, and ivar) are not my own and so, are not covered by these licenses. You can remove all complied programs and downloaded code with cd 00-programs && make removeall.

Extra steps

Installing programs

LILO can be installed with the make file in 00-programs cd 00-programs && make. This build will call sudo and require you to enter a password (for porechop, required by LILO).

You will need to install the artic pipeline (by conda), medaka (conda or source), minimap2, and samtools on your own. I should add these to the Makefile at some point, but will probably never bother to.

Preparing data for graphing

I needed to clean up the stats from the quast benchmarking. Something was happening with the medaka polishing runs for buildcon. Also I had some errored out entires at low read depths or early on.

tr '\t' ',' < 11-quast-bench/11-quast-bench-stats.tsv |
  sed 's/[, ][, ]*/,/g; s/[, ]*$//g;' |
  tr ',' '\t' | 
  awk \
          if(NR == 1){headI = NF; print $0; next;};
          if($28 == "TRUE") next; 
          if(NF == headI) print $0;
          #print NF;
      };' \
  > 11-quast-bench/11-quast-bench-cleanup.tsv;

The stats files produced are a mixture of space and tab deliminators. Also, there might be some runs that might have made an emtpy sequence and thus, never had any stats. To do this I use:

tr ' ' ',' < file-stats.tsv |
  tr '\t' ',' |
  sed 's/,,*/,/g; s/,$//;' |
  tr ',' '\t' |
  awk '{
      if(NR == 1){lenHeadI = NF; print $0; next;};
      if(NF < lenHeadI){next;}; # if row is missing values
      print $0;
    };' > tmp.tsv &&
  mv tmp.tsv file-stats.tsv;

  # for some odd reason sed has an issue with s/\t\t*/\t/g


These are very rough, but should give you an idea of what I did.

Our goal was to see how accurately the artic pipeline could build a consensus as the difference between the reference and sequence increased. We also wanted to see when a method that does not use reference polishing, such as LILO, could build more accurate consensuses.

For a dataset we used a synthetic SARS-CoV 2 data set (twist) that was sequence on a Promethion by the McGill Genome Centre (SRA Bio sample SRR21813677). From McGill's web site we found that this data was likely basecalled with Guppy version 3.4.4 using the 941_prom_high_g344 model.

I have not filtered this data set yet with a program like filtlong, so my results are based on the raw data on the SRA. This is a bit of a weak point in my study.

We were unable to download the complete dataset, but were able to download 1.7 million reads (see 01-input/01-SRR21813677-ids.txt for a list of ids). We then split these reads into separate amplicons and removed any amplicons that had under 1000 read depth. Also, to avoid having overlapping amplicons (more than just the ends), we removed any amplicons that were over 500 nucleotides or that mapped to a similar position on the reference.

# Extraction step
minmap2 -a ref.fasta reads.fastq | 
   awk \
     -f 00-scripts/extReadsByTbl.awk \
     -v extTbl=04-read-table/ \
     -v prefix="amplicons;

To measure accuracy we looked at the number of SNPs and indels using quast. We also measured completeness by the number of N's in each consensus and the number of missing bases (done in R). The quast call was automated with the script in 00-scripts ( gets more data).

The pipelines we tested were artic version 1.2.3, ivar version 1.4.2, LILO (Downloaded Sep 5th, 2023). Artic was run with medaka (--medaka --skip-nanopolish) with the r941_prom_high_g344 model (--medaka-model r941_prom_high_g344) and using the artic SARS-CoV 2 V4.1 scheme (--scheme-directory path/to/scheme --scheme-version 4.1 SARS-CoV-2).

We ran LILO with three consensus building methods. The first was using the default consensus output by LILO when the conda path error was fixed. The second was using the polished_trimmed amplicons with scaffold_builder using the settings suggested by Amanda Warr for manually building the consensus on issue #2 in the LILO repository. The third was with stich (in 00-programs).

We ran LILO with a config file that had the scheme (scheme: SARS-CoV-2), reference (reference: /path/to/ref.fasta), primers (primers: /path/to/primers.scheme.bed), and medaka model (medaka: r941_prom_high_g344). LILO was then called with env to correct the path to conda, which causes LILO to crash.

 env CONDA_PREFIX="$(conda info |
   grep -i 'base environment' | 
   sed 's/base.*: //; s/  *.read only.//; s/ //g' \
)" -k -s /path/to/Lilo/LILO --configfile config.txt

We also ran our own pipeline (buildcon). This is not a pipeline that we expect to be used, since it requires the user to identify the reads to use to build each amplicons consensus. We used only the majcon step (not Racon or Medaka), but we tested with and without ivar polishing. See in 00-scripts for details on how this pipeline ran.

We automated each pipeline using scripts (,, and, which can be found in 00-scripts.

Our levels for this test are read depth, length, and the percent difference between the reference and true sequence. For depth, we looked at 30x, 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x, and 1000x read depth. We selected the reads for each read depth by randomly subsampling each amplicons file. The seed for each subsample was the same for all depths, but changed between replicates. This step was automated with the script in 00-scripts.

For consensuses length we looked at 1700 nucleotides, 5700 nucleotides, 11800 nucleotides, and 29000 nucleotides long. Scheme files and reference files had entries/parts of sequences removed that did not match these lengths. To prevent errors, we made sure to only take only the first X nucleotides for each sequence. I am currently not planning to graph this data, but it is their if you want to try.

To make the reference different than the true consensus we mutated the reference. We tested cases were the reference was mutated to 0%, 1%, 2%, 5%, and 10% different. When mutating we made sure to not mutate and primer regions or areas were high depth consensus had gaps. Like, subsampling, each level used the same seed, with the seed changing between replicates. This step was automated with a script (

We ran each test for ten replicates. Also, we automated all of this with the script in 00-scripts.

The computer used for benchmarking had an Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz and 8 gigs of ram.

There is a and, which I never used. I made these scripts to get data I missed in my first quast run, but found that my results were good enough for what I wanted. I have tested for water from EMBOSS, but not These should be better scripts, if they work.


Our first step was to narrow down Ivar, LILO, and buildcon to a single combination. We found that Ivar with its built in trimming step was less accurate than Ivar with trimPrimers (ivar graphs in 11-quast-bench), or without primer any trimming (ivar graphs in 10-new-bench). For LILO, we found that LILO with a manual scaffold_builder step with Ivar polishing or stich step with Ivar polishing was more accurate than the other tested combinations for LILO (lilo graphs in 11-quast-bench). We found that buildcon with Ivar polishing was the only option with any level of accuracy (buildCon graphs in 11-quast-bench).

 Graph showing the number of false snps and indels of artic, Ivar, LILO, and buildcon when the read depth is over 30x.

Figure 1: Graph showing the number of false snps and indels of artic, Ivar, LILO, and buildcon when the read depth is over 30x.

We looked at the indel and snp accuracy of each consensus at read depths over 30x and when the reference was 0%, 1%, 2%, 5%, and 10% different. We found that Ivar had the least number of false positive snps and indels, followed by either LILO or buildcon (figure 1). Both LILO and buildcon had outliers that were close or had over 0.5% false positive snps (figure 1). However, artic had more outliers then LILO or buildcon (figure 1).

We thought that read depth might be a factor, so we made graphs for reach read depth (see 11-quast-bench/all-depthX-snps-indels.svg). However, we found that in some cases buildcon had less outliers at 50x than 500x (See 11-quast-bench/all-50X-snps-indels.svg and 11-quast-bench/all-50X-snps-indels.svg). We also found that the worst outliers for LILO were at 1000x read depth (see 11-quast-bench/all-1000X-snps-indels.svg). This could be due to not running enough replicates and so, these may be rare cases. It also could be due to having more complete genomes at deeper read depths, which may include amplicons that were more error prone (see 11-quast-bench/all-masked.svg).

 Graph showing how the number of false positive snps changes as the reference becomes more distant from the true sequence.

Figure 2: Graph showing how the number of false positive snps changes as the reference becomes more distant from the true sequence. Read depth is over 30x.

Next we looked at how the reference was influencing the snp accuracy of our consensus. We found that reference choice had little affect on buildcon, possibly caused a few outliers with over ten false positive snps LILO when 10% different, may have added an false positive snp for Ivar, and had a large increase in false positive snps for artic (figure 2). For the artic pipeline, we found that even when the reference was 1% to 2% different than the true sequence, we still had several consensuses with at least one extra false positive snp (figure 2). We also found less extreme outliers in LILO than buildcon or artic when the reference was under 10% different (figure 2).

The increase in false positive snps in artic would explain many of the outliers in artic in the snp/indel graph (figure 1 and 2), which are not explained by read depth (11-quast-bench/all-over30x-snps-ref.svg). Also, we noticed that most consensuses made using Ivar did not have the extra false positive snp, even when the reference was 10% different (see 11-quast-bench/ivar-snps-depth.svg).

 Graph showing how depth (30x to 1000x) changes the completeness of built consensuses.

Figure 3: Graph showing how depth (30x to 1000x) changes the completeness of built consensuses.

Next we looked at how the read depth changed the completeness of each consensus. We found that Ivar made the most complete consensuses, followed by artic, then buildcon, which was closely followed by LILO (figure 3). We also found that increasing read depth led to an increase in the consensus completeness for every pipeline except artic (figure 3). Also, we noticed that both buildcon and LILO were less predictable about how complete a genome was at any read depth than artic are Ivar (figure 3).

 Graph showing how close the consensus is to the real sequence as the reference changes. Reads depths are all over 30x.

Figure 4: Graph showing how close the consensus is to the real sequence as the reference changes. Reads depths are all over 30x.

We wanted to look at how the length of the consensus changed as the reference became more distant to the true sequence. We found that only LILO with scaffold_builder had more than one or two outliers for a single reference (figure 4). In this case scaffold_builder inserted between 100 to 2000 bases in almost all sequences when the reference was 10% different (figure 4). However, these large insertions were not present when the reference was 5% or less different than the true sequence (figure 4). Also, LILO with stich did not suffer from this error, which suggests that this is a problem with scaffold_builder or our settings for scaffold_builder and not LILO itself (figure 4). There was a similar error, were LILO produced consensuses with 40 to 120 false positive indels when the scaffold_builder step in LILO did not error out (see 11-quast-bench/lilo-snps-indels.svg; this does not account for added bases).

 Graph showing the time usage of each pipeline as read depth increases (starts at 50x read depth).

 Graph showing the memory usage of each pipeline as read depth increases (starts at 50x read depth).

Figure 5: Graph showing the time usage of each pipeline as read depth increases (starts at 50x read depth). (a) is time usage in minutes. (b) is memory usage in megabytes.

We also wanted to look at the time usage and memory usage of each pipeline as read depth increased. At all read depths, we found that Ivar was the fastest program (under two minutes), followed by buildcon (under four minutes), then artic (under five minutes), and finally LILO (around 20 minutes at 1000x read depth) (figure 5a). Of all programs, artic seemed to have the least increase in time usage as read depth increased (figure 5a).

One note I will add is that I know that buildcon, when used with Medaka is slower (I think around 30 minutes for 1000x read depth) than LILO. So, these time stats only apply to the fastest consensus method in buildcon.

For memory usage we noticed that artic used the most memory (over 750 mb), followed by LILO (under 600 mb), and then followed by either buildcon or Ivar (under 200 mb) (figure 5b). However, the memory usage of buildcon was lower than Ivar only after 500x read depth (figure 5b). This is likely due to buildcon only using only a subsample of all reads (300 reads) in its consensus building step.

Again the memory usage for buildcon does not include a Medaka step. The memory usage will be the same as LILO when Medaka is used.


We set out to determine how the reference affects the accuracy of consensus made with artic, Ivar, and LILO. We found that the reference had little affect on consensuses made using Ivar. That the reference added in many insertions into consensuses built by LILO when the reference was 10% different than the true sequence, but had little affect when the reference was 5% different than the true sequence. That the reference had an affect on the accuracy of the artic pipelines consensus, but that it took over 10% difference to get more than 0.05% increase in snps.

If you are aiming for the most accurate consensus we would recommend that you check how close your reads are to the reference. We would then recommend only using artic if the reference is 1% or at most 2% different than the possible consensus. The alternatives to artic we would recommend are Ivar or LILO combined with Ivar polishing and either a manual scaffold_builder call when the reference is under 5% different or stich if over 5% different.

We should note that Ivar has not been tested with deletions in the reference, which would appear as insertions in the reads. Since Ivar has a stiff insertion threshold (90%), it is possible that Ivar would favor deletions in these cases. However, the most likely targets would be larger homopolymers, due to Nanopore reads having more errors and thus, less support in larger homopolymer regions. This error will not likely effect the polishing the consensus made by LILO, since Ivar is polishing the consensus instead of a reference.

Overall, we have no idea what to recommend, except that you should make sure that you check the reference when using the artic pipeline. However, if you want to prevent reference errors, we would recommend to always check your reference (no mater the pipeline), to use multiple references in your check, and to select and use the best reference from the check. This should ensure that the closest reference is always used.


  • Eric Bortz for encouraging me and pointing me to the type of data to look for.
  • The Drown lab (Devin Drown and many others) for there encouragement.
  • My Dad for listening to me talk about this (a lot) and finding a computer I could run this on. One thing that amazes me is just how much you can do with a little.


My goal is to see how the choice of a reference genome affects the artic pipelines accuracy.




MIT, CC0-1.0 licenses found

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