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PowerSpike Code Challenge: Todo App

Setup Development Environment

This application is created in Nuxt.js, Vuetify and a few small packages. I chose Nuxt.js because it is allows me to get a project going quickly. I decided to use Vuetify for this project because it is what is used at PowerSpike.

Additional packages used are vue-luxon for datetime display, nuxt-vuex-localstorage for localStorage since Nuxt prevents normal window.localStorage, and vue-confetti for flair.

Build UI

I wanted to show my ability to create something great using Vuetify without altering the native styles too much, and I wanted to play with dark mode since I had never worked with it before. I created a fairly basic but clean UI that utilizes custom light and dark themes and the theme is automatically set based on the user's system settings.

Add Server Integration

After creating the UI, I wrote the server integration and realized a few things:

  • POST and PUT requests must be in multipart/form-data format.
  • PUT requests require the full object, not just the updated fields.
  • Items have a strict structure and keys can not be added.
  • created and last_edited dates are in unix second format instead of iso.

Since items have a strict structure and don't have a value for completion, I could either delete items when they were completed, use last_edited as an indication of completion or think outside the box. Since I wanted to be able to edit, delete and complete items I had to find another way to implement completion. I chose to track completion locally and use localStorage to retain these completion values for the user.

Build a Vuex Store to handle local completion

Before this point my application had been set up to handle requests from the page but when I ran into my "completion problem" I decided this would be a fantastic chance for me to show off my experience with Vuex.

As an added benefit this also allowed me to simplify many of my components and reduce custom events.

Add some flair!

For flair, I added the light/dark themes, a background pattern from Hero Patterns, search functionality and completion confetti.


I did not end up writing testing for this application since I got way too excited at the beginning, I ended up testing everything manually.

In hind-sight I would use Vue instead of Nuxt if I were to start this project over.

In total, I built this application in about 12 hours of work time.

Build Setup

# create .env file and populate AUTH_KEY
$ cp .env.example .env

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# build and launch project
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.


To-Do App Project for interview process.







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