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Closed Nov 24, 2015 100% complete

The following features will be added:

  • standardized API for programmatic-interface
  • implement travis ci
    • code linting
      • python
      • JavaScript
      • scss
      • ruby
      • puppet
      • XML
      • csv
      • json
      • bash
      • shell & bash
      • markdown
  • high level unit tests for both programmatic, and web interface
    • 'data_new' session
    • 'data_append' session
    • 'model_generate' session
    • 'model_predict' session
  • enha…

The following features will be added:

  • standardized API for programmatic-interface
  • implement travis ci
    • code linting
      • python
      • JavaScript
      • scss
      • ruby
      • puppet
      • XML
      • csv
      • json
      • bash
      • shell & bash
      • markdown
  • high level unit tests for both programmatic, and web interface
    • 'data_new' session
    • 'data_append' session
    • 'model_generate' session
    • 'model_predict' session
  • enhanced webcompiler bash scripts, allowing proper initial, and successive builds, with the vagrant virtual machine
  • enhanced
  • create
  • replace inline puppet heredoc strings, with puppet templating

Note: unit test(s) will be incorporated into the travis-docker container build, on a future release.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.