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Closed Nov 20, 2017 100% complete

The following bugs have been resolved:

  • web-interface, renders 500 http error, upon generating model, using json dataset
  • libssl-dev package breaks during build, since minor version gets updated frequently
  • existing bagr datasets, incorrectly implement classification style values

The following feature enhancements have been made

  • web-interface properly log…

The following bugs have been resolved:

  • web-interface, renders 500 http error, upon generating model, using json dataset
  • libssl-dev package breaks during build, since minor version gets updated frequently
  • existing bagr datasets, incorrectly implement classification style values

The following feature enhancements have been made

  • web-interface properly logs to designated flask.log
  • rest programmatic-api properly logs to designated flask.log
  • has been split, to allow different flask blueprint implementations
  • rest programmatic-api now requires all routes (except /login) to submit a valid token
  • corresponding, as well as respective documentation have been updated

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.