JSON Spirit is a C++ JSON library using Boost Spirit for parsing.
This version is modified for use with Sirikata.
To build and install the library independently of another project, use the normal cmake procedure:
cd json-spirit/build
# Run CMake and check output for errors.
cmake . [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install]
# Run some tests
# Optionally install
make install
To use JSON Spirit within another CMake-based project, you can add a command like the following to your CMakeLists.txt:
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(/path/to/json-spirit/build ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/json-spirit)
This adds the json-spirit build as a subdirectory of your project. You can use the json-spirit targets (e.g. json_spirit, json_test) in your own CMake commands.
There are a couple of CMake settings which control which components are built:
JSON_SPIRIT_BUILD_DEMOS - set to FALSE to disable demos
JSON_SPIRIT_BUILD_TESTS - set to FALSE to disable tests
Hosted documentation: https://sirikata.github.com/json-spirit/
You can generate documentation from the source code using doxygen:
doxygen doc/Doxyfile
The output will be placed in doc/[type], e.g. doc/html if you generated HTML documentation (the default).
The original code for JSON Spirit can be found at: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20027/JSON-Spirit-A-C-JSON-Parser-Generator-Implemented