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This repo containes codebase for a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) based chatbot at that I built for my technical blog.

A gif of using the chatbot to ask questions about my blog

Asking the chatbot questions about my blog

This repo also has a companion blog post Chat with my blog: A RAG based chatbot that talks about me and my blog !

Codebase and Tech

The application is built using the following technologies:

  1. Backend:
  2. Frontend:
  3. Deployment:
    • Docker for containerization and multi stage builds
    • Docker Compose for orchestrating multi-container applications

The codebase is built on top of the excellent chat-langchain repo by langchain, and carries MIT License. I made the following modifications to the original code:

  1. Backend:
    • Refactor to use self hosted Chroma Vector Database (with security) instead of Weaviate Cloud.
    • use Together AI for embedding (msmarco-bert-base-dot-v5) and answer generation (Mixtral-Instruct-v0.1).
    • Add support for parsing using Unstructured IO during ingestion.
    • An improved chain that generates better standalone questions and incorporates summary of chat history.
    • Refactoring to improve modularity and maintainability.
    • Improved prompts with step-by-step instructions and few-shot examples.
    • Add support for using Open Source Langfuse instead of Langsmith for monitoring.
  2. Frontend:
    • Removed Langsmith integration
    • Modified the example prompts and page contents
    • Added footer element for links to my social
  3. Deployment:
    • Added Dockerfiles with multi stage building for backend and frontend to keep deployment lightweight.


1. Clone the repository

To get started, clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

2. Modify the configs and env files

  • Backend
    • Modify dev.config or prod.config at rag_chatbot_backend/chatbot_backend/configs depending on your deployment target.
    • Create a chroma/chroma.env file with the same format and info as chroma/chroma.env.example.
    • Create a rag_chatbot_backend/keys.env file with the same format and info as rag_chatbot_backend/keys.env.example.
  • Frontend env file
    • create a rag_chatbot_frontend/.env.local file with the same format and info as rag_chatbot_frontend/.env.example

3. Build the images and deploy the containers using docker compose

Use docker compose to build and deploy in detached mode.

docker compose -f up --build -d

For production environment

docker compose -f up --build -d

4. (Optional) Poplulate the Vector Database

If the mounted folders have no data in them, the Chroma Vector Database will be empty. You can populate it by running an interactive session with the backend container and running the

Find the name or ID of backend container using docker

docker ps

Launch an interactive session

docker exec -it <backend_container_id_or_name> /bin/bash

Execute the ingestion pipeline


Repo Structure

The repository structure is organized as follows:

  1. Root:

    • Contains the Docker Compose files for both development and production
  2. Chroma:

    • Contains environment files chroma.env for the Chroma Vector Database used in the project.
  3. rag_chatbot_backend:

    • Contains the backend codebase for the RAG chatbot.
    • chatbot_backend:
      • Contains the core components of the chatbot backend:
        • chain: Implements the retrieval-augmented generation logic using langchain.
        • configs: Contains configuration files dev.config, prod.config for different deployment environments.
        • Script for populating the Chroma Vector Database.
        • Main FastAPI entry point for the backend langserve server.
        • utils: Contains utility functions that are used during ingestion.
  4. rag_chatbot_frontend:

    • Contains the frontend codebase for the RAG chatbot.
    • app:
      • components: Contains reusable UI components for the chatbot interface.
      • globals.css: Global styles for the frontend.
      • layout.tsx and page.tsx: Layout and page components.
      • utils: Contains constants (constants.tsx).
    • Other configuration and build files:
      • .env.example and .env.local: Environment variable files.