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Releases: jasp-stats/jasp-desktop


11 Sep 08:28
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0.19.1 (September 10th 2024)
Bug Fixes:

Filter being ignored in Levels constraint checks (jasp-stats/jasp-issues#2853)

Release 0.19.0

16 Jul 08:26
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0.19.0 (July 15th 2024)

  • New analyses:
    • Raincloud Plots
    • Bayesian process analysis
  • Data Type check improvements
    • Indicator and tooltip for type conversion
    • Min and max levels constraints for variables
    • When allowed, possibility to change type inside the analysis
  • Data Editing:
    • Redesign the Label Editor
    • Possibility to recode value
    • Automatic reorder labels per value
    • Real values in grey when differ from labels
  • New language: Italian
  • Improve welcome page with reference to bug/feature reports
  • Import Data
    • Better handling of ODS file (352, 2660)
    • Read missing values from sav/readstat (2500)
  • Improve Latex editor (5413)
  • Table title gets APA styles (5345)
  • Modules fixed and new features
    • Descriptives
      • Improve Shapiro-Wilk test (1209)
      • Added bound of Percentiles (155)
    • ANOVA:
      • Use multivariate as default for follow-up tests RM ANOVA (1221, 1642)
      • Letter based posthoc grouping + dunn relocating + allow singular model (321)
      • Contrast-specific error term for planned contrats in the context of RM-ANOVA (1642)
      • Request for Letter-Based Representation of All-Pairwise Comparisons in post-hoc testing (342)
      • Incorrect CI bars for repeated measures ANOVA (standard and Bayesian) (1187)
      • Effect size for Kruskall Wallis and Dunns test (post hoc) (1905)
      • CI error bars on rm-ANOVA much too small - can the Morey's correction be optional? (1227)
      • RM ANOVA - allow interactions between within/between factors in marginal means (2351)
      • Dunn's post hoc non functional (2678)
      • Option to only compute and display relevant post-hocs (637)
      • Presenting the results in post hoc tests for n-factorial ANOVA fixing one of the factors and showing the statistical difference among the levels of the other factor (2696)
      • Error in JASP homogeneity test for repeated measures ANOVA (2711)
      • Can't plot interactions for BANOVAs and RM BANOVAs (2573)
    • T-Tests
      • Niggling plot differences between classical and Bayesian paired t-test (573)
      • Confidence intervals for Wilcoxon signed-rank test are reported even when requested confidence level is not achievable (2037)
      • The abbreviated Mann-Whitney statistics (1735)
      • Bayesian Paired-Samples t-test (Wilcoxon) - Won't run with ordinal data, but will with scale data (2102)
    • Mixed Models
      • Change comparison group for mixed-models to fit other analyses types (1970)
      • MixedModelsLMM with only ~1 in fixed part (2092)
      • Allow Mixed models to only estimate the random effects (2780
    • Process:
      • Bootstrap percentile intervals (2657)
      • Fix short variable name (2635)
      • Add covariances between mediators and mediator-interaction terms (86)
      • Model fail with Hayes configuaration (2650)
      • Bayesian Process Model- estimate failed with lavaan things (2628)
      • Does not perform local tests (2622)
      • Multiple mediated processes become one (2473
      • Renaming model erases input (2469)
    • Regression
      • Classical Linear Regression: cannot add ordinal variable (2243)
      • Change Bayes factor label according to the hypothesis value (286)
      • Error when interaction term is entered in regression (1679)
      • Reintroduce stepwise/forward/backward regression with factors (2597)
      • Block Function for Hierarchical Linear Regression (176)
      • Additional statistics for the regression module (1637)
      • Hierarchical logistic regression (entering predictors in blocks (1675)
      • Error when running moderator analysis (2727)
      • linear weighing in Cohen kappa (2175)
    • Reliability
      • Output factor loadings when computing frequentist McDonald's omega (2525)
    • Factor
      • Export/Save function for factor scores in EFA and PCA (101)
      • CFA error with grouping variable (2182)
      • Unidimensional omega of Relibability/Unidimensional Reliability differs from that of Factor/CFA (2655)
    • JAGS
      • Error in binamy classification (2537)
    • AUDIT:
      • Separate the prior most likely misstatement and the expected misstatements in the sample (459)
    • Machine Learning:
      • Transpose confusion matrix, Show training and data validation split options for decision trees, support vector machines, better help (318)
      • ROC for Naive Bayes Classification does not work (2794)
      • error while setting test set indicator for Boosting classification (1838)
      • Machine Learning Regression: add scaled MSE in the evaluation metrics (2619)
      • Incorrect test accuracy for decision tree classifier when one class doesn't contain any prediction (2596)
    • SEM
      • No negative correlation in Partial Least Squared SEM (2086)
      • Error message when trying to perform LGCM (2764)
Read more

Release 0.18.3

12 Jan 11:19
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Bug fixes

Release 0.18.2

21 Dec 11:02
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New Features and Improvements

  • New module:

    • Survival (Beta)
    • Process (Beta)
  • Data Editing:

    • Redesign the Variable setting window
    • Possibility to switch computed columns to not computed and vice-versa
    • Add empty values settings per variable
    • Make JASP readable on small screen
    • Copy/Paste with headers work between JASP and other spreadsheet editor.
    • Undo/Redo shortcut available everywhere on data editing mode
  • Results:

    • Add video support in annotation (#5293)
  • Computed columns:

  • Windows Installation

  • Factor/CFA

  • Quality Control

    • Added options to calculate charts with stages for variable charts for subgroups.
    • Added new options to handle unequal subgroup sizes in variable charts for subgroups.
    • Improved error handling and robustness for handling missing values in variable charts for individuals and subgroups.
  • Machine Learning:

  • SEM:

Bug fixes

Release 0.18.1

29 Sep 11:35
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New Features and Improvements

  • New module: Learn Stats

Bug fixes

  • Data Editing:
    • Beter undo/redo shortcut handling (#5262)
    • Add copy/cut/paste with header (#5249)
    • Make remove columns/rows quicker(#5242)
  • Descriptives:
    • Incorrect confidence interval in descriptive statistics (#2288)
    • Likert plot long data (#2251)
    • Use ColorPalette (#216)
  • LearnBayes: Use ColorPalette (#167)
  • SEM:
    • Use ColorPalette (#177)
    • Fix disattenuation bug and handle resampling options better (#2260)
    • Merged notes additional fit measures (#147)
  • Meta Analysis, hot fixes for RoBMA (#196 & #197):
    • fix output ordering
    • fix diagnostics plots
    • fix effect size output option
    • fix 'plotsIndividualModelsOrder'
    • plot prior distributions under custom models
    • incorrectly disabled prior scale menu on custom
  • Predictive Analytics: #11

Release 0.18.0

06 Sep 08:48
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Main new feature

  • Data Editing

New Features and Improvements

  • New module: Robust T-Tests
  • Show color palettes (#2122)
  • Make LaTeX formula editable (#5186)

Bug fixes

  • ANOVA: Refreshing old jasp file engine crash (#2347)
  • T-Test: cannot render Bayesian sequential analysis with robustness check (#2252)
  • CFA error with grouping variable (#2182)
  • Improve Quality Control (#263)
  • Fix variance components plot failing for i18n (#270)
  • Add more translatable strings: (#5144)
  • Application stops responding when filtering data (#1644)
  • JASP files can be send via E-Mails, there are not blocked by E-Mail servers.

Release 0.17.3

19 Jul 12:04
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New Features and Improvements

  • Added a beta version of the Time Series Module
  • Added the analytical risk to the Audit Risk Model
  • Benford’s law provides confidence intervals in the table and plot
  • Latex formulas can now be used in results
  • Result screen is now translatable

Bug fixes

  • Results can now be copied into Google Docs, Word, etc using Google Chrome on Windows
  • Variable type is properly updated upon type switch
  • Fix for special character entry conflicting with ALT-Navigation mode (additionally can be turned off in settings)
  • Fix Bayesian descriptives Credible Interval (#2153, #2190)
  • Allow Ordinal data and fix citations (#1723)
  • Bug Report in PROPHET Module (#2201)


30 May 12:02
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a hotfix for:

macOs ARM tag:
(needs experimental versions of gmp and mpfr)

Release 0.17.2

15 May 07:46
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New Features and Improvements

  • New language added: Polish
  • Show R Syntax in Results (#2008)
  • Support for SPSS zsav file import (#5032)
  • New module: Power Analysis
  • Regression
    • Added Bayesian Logistic Regression (#205)
  • Audit
    • Audit module supports evaluation of stratified audit samples
  • Frequencies
    • Informed Multinomial Tests analyses(#113)
    • Informed Multi-Binomial Test analyses
  • Quality Control
    • Variable charts for subgroups can now handle uneven group sizes and missing values in different ways.
    • Variable charts for individuals now have the options to add stages of the analysis.
    • Functionality to create factorial and response surface designs has been expanded.
    • Functionality to analyze factorial designs has been expanded and functionality to analyze response surface designs has been added.
    • Contour plots and 3D Surface plots have been added to the Design Analysis.

Bug fixes

  • No error bars displayed when running a 2-way ANOVA (#1983)
  • R commander drops Random Effect terms from a formula
  • Repeated Measures ANOVA now runs when the model terms are not explicitly set (#1987)
  • Regression Casewise Diagnostics table now shows the correct case ID when having missing data in dependent variable (#1989)
  • Coefficient test and Confidence Interval (#173)
  • Improvements to the Factor module
    • Tables in multigroup CFA are aligned with those in the SEM module (#162)
    • Added reliability, AVE, and HTMT option for CFA (#754, #671)
    • Added eigenvalue factor characteristics to EFA (#114)
  • In the Summary Stats Bayesian independent t-test module, both groups used to be assigned number 1 (#2095)
  • The incorrect eta-square used to be show in unequal-cells ANOVA, Type III (#2024)
  • Non parametric correlations (Spearman’s & Kendall’s tau) no longer return NaN (#2022)
  • Analysis would terminate unexpectedly when performing certain linear regressions (#2016)
  • Bayesian network estimation now with improved centrality plots and more informative error messages
    Issues with the Tile heatmap in the Descriptives module is fixed
  • Binomial estimation had an issue with the observed count data in the Learn Bayes module (#137)
  • The Meta Analysis module did not show estimated coefficients for models with 1 continuous covariate and no intercept (#168)
  • Small fixes for the Mixed Models module
  • Warning text was inconsistent with menu options jasp-issues (#2093)

Release 0.17.1

10 Feb 14:33
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Bug fixes

  • Repeated Measures ANOVA does not run if the model terms are not explicitly set (#1987)
  • JASP crashes sometimes when starting it with an internet proxy (#1986)
  • Wrong name in T-Tests "Wilcoxon signed-rank" option should be labelled “Mann-Whitney” (#1990)
  • Linear Regression: Casewise Diagnostics table shows wrong case ID when having missing data in dependent variable (#1989)
  • No error bars displayed when running a 2-way ANOVA (#1983)