Bitcoin Faucet integrated with banlist and VPN/Proxy Shield. It uses the service of Google reCaptcha (v2; box) and IPHub. Any claims will be saved in the account balance and can be withdrawn to ExpressCrypto, FaucetPay or directly using
- PHP >= 5.4 (tested on 5.6), please do not use PHP 7.0 or higher
- PHP Extensions: cURL and GMP
Download the files
Upload to your FTP Server
Upload the sql.sql using PHPMyAdmin
Change in includes/config.php the MySQL Connection and the website url (e.g.
Open and enter the following login datas:
Admin Username: admin
Admin Password: admin
Now you're on the admin site and change the configuration to run your faucet!
A demo is avaible:
Free. No hidden fees are applied.
You have the rights to modify the code, as long as you do not remove the license.