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A React/TypeScript implementation of the A* Pathfinding Algorithm (derived from Dijkstra's shortest path)

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This project implements the A* Pathfinding Algorithm (derived from Dijkstra's algorithm) to find the best path between 2 nodes in a Graph. For simplicity, this Graph is represented as a grid.

A* vs Dijkstra

Both Dijkstra's algorithm and the A* algorithm will find the shortest path between any two nodes in a graph.

The main difference is that the A* algorithm uses a "heuristic function" to prioritize which nodes are more likely to be on the shortest path to the goal. As a result, the A* algorithm will have better performance in larger graphs than Dijkstra's algorithm.

Applications of Pathfinding Algorithms

There are many applications of pathfinding algorithms. A few are listed below:

  • Games (e.g. planning character movement)
  • Robotics (e.g. planning the motion of a robot)
  • Networks (e.g. routing packets through a network)
  • Mapping (e.g. finding the shortest path between two points on a map)

Live Demo

You can find a live demo of the site here

Skills/Knowledge demonstrated in this project:

  • Web Fundamentals
    • HTML/CSS
      • Flex box
      • CSS Grid
      • Events/Event Listeners
    • JavaScript/TypeScript
      • Classes (Object-Oriented Design)
      • Types
  • React (TypeScript)
    • Native Hooks (useEffect, useMemo, useState)
    • Custom Hooks
    • Functional components
    • Props
  • Redux Toolkit
    • Async Actions
    • Immer (immutable state updates)
    • Listener Middleware
  • Unit testing using vitest
  • Module bundling using vite
  • Linting using eslint
  • Deployment with Github Actions (to firebase)
  • Understanding of data structures
    • Arrays
    • Maps
    • Queues
    • Sets
    • Hashes

Note: the initial project was generated via the vite react-typescript template. Read more


A React/TypeScript implementation of the A* Pathfinding Algorithm (derived from Dijkstra's shortest path)




