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Simmer The Toads aims to refine playlists of varying artists and genres to gradually transition from various music styles to create a cohesive listening experience.


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Simmer The Toads

Simmer The Toads aims to refine playlists of varying artists and genres to gradually transition from various music styles to create a cohesive listening experience.

Link to Asana project

Final Planning Documentation

Table of Contents

Elevator Pitch

Why do we want to do this?

Consider this situation: you are stuck on a long road trip with many people you don't know. Naturally, you all have differing music tastes, and so there is little cohesion between all the different songs you may add. Simmer The Toads aims to solve this problem (and many others!) by creating a collaborative Spotify playlist platform, which not only allows yourself and friends to create playlists but to seamlessly transition between music of one style to another.

Why is it cool?

To many of us, music has become more than a daily part of our lives. We listen to and explore new artists all the time. A collaborative playlist service where we can come together to listen to the music that we already enjoy, but also gently expand our tastes does not exist. Such a platform would aid in artist and genre discovery and even help get you more acquainted with the music tastes of your friends.

Why is it achievable?

Spotify has an exceedingly open and diverse set of resources for developers. We can take advantage of much of the existing music recommendation tool-set and build a cohesive platform with tight integration with Spotify. There is a project called "Boil The Frog" which already does something similar, but is rather limited, as it recommends a singular path of songs from one artist to another. We look to "Boil The Frog" as more of a proof of concept, which demonstrates our goals are achievable.

Possible Questions

How do you plan on implementing / doing this?

  • We plan on building a website (or some other equivalent platform) which allows invited members to add songs to a collaborative playlist. Then, utilizing the existing Spotify recommendations APIs, analyze each song within the playlist and identify distinct genres and styles. Essentially, group the songs into stylistic categories. We can search for songs matching these categories, and fill in large stylistic gaps with "transition" songs.

What kind of (relevant) Spotify APIs exist?

  • Playlist Interactions (Add, remove, update, etc.)
  • Track audio features, analysis, and recommendations.
  • Genre seeds for recommendation analytics.

How is this different from the existing project "Boil The Frog"?

  • Boil The Frog takes two artists and creates a playlist gradually transitioning from one to the other. While fundamentally similar, Simmer The Toads aims to reorder an existing playlist, while adding transition songs when necessary, to seamlessly shift between artists and (more importantly) musical styles. We also plan to add collaborative playlist creation features.

What's up with "Simmer the Toads?"

  • When you boil frogs, you don't put them in a hot pot initially - they'll just jump straight out. You slowly but surely turn up the heat! "Boil the Frogs" refers to slowly but surely changing the genre - so before you know it, you'll go from Taylor Swift to Five Finger Death punch. Simmer the Toads is our homage to Boil the Frogs, hence the synonymical name


Simmer The Toads aims to refine playlists of varying artists and genres to gradually transition from various music styles to create a cohesive listening experience.




