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Customizing WebAuthn JavaScript

Janko Marohnić edited this page Sep 16, 2023 · 1 revision

While the JavaScript for passkey registration & authentication that ships with Rodauth is convenient when getting started, sooner or later you'll probably want to customize it. The original Web Authentication API isn't very user-friendly, but the @github/webauthn-json package makes it really simple to use.

The following is the simplest functional implementation using Stimulus, which can later be extended:

// app/javascript/controllers/webauthn_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import * as WebAuthnJSON from "@github/webauthn-json"

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ["result"]
  static values = { data: Object }

  connect() {
    if (!WebAuthnJSON.supported()) alert("WebAuthn is not supported")

  async setup() {
    const result = await WebAuthnJSON.create({ publicKey: this.dataValue })

    this.resultTarget.value = JSON.stringify(result)

  async auth() {
    const result = await WebAuthnJSON.get({ publicKey: this.dataValue })

    this.resultTarget.value = JSON.stringify(result)
<!-- app/views/rodauth/webauthn_setup.html.erb -->
<% cred = rodauth.new_webauthn_credential %>

<%= form_with url: request.path, method: :post, data: { controller: "webauthn", webauthn_data_value: cred.as_json.to_json } do |form| %>
  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.webauthn_setup_param, data: { webauthn_target: "result" } %>
  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.webauthn_setup_challenge_param, value: cred.challenge %>
  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.webauthn_setup_challenge_hmac_param, value: rodauth.compute_hmac(cred.challenge) %>

  <% if rodauth.two_factor_modifications_require_password? %>
    <div class="mb-3">
      <%= form.label "password", rodauth.password_label, class: "form-label" %>
      <%= form.password_field rodauth.password_param, autocomplete: rodauth.password_field_autocomplete_value, required: true, class: "form-control #{"is-invalid" if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param)}" %>
      <%= content_tag(:span, rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param), class: "invalid-feedback") if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param) %>
  <% end %>

  <%= form.submit rodauth.webauthn_setup_button, class: "btn btn-primary", data: { action: "webauthn#setup:prevent" } %>
<% end %>
<!-- app/views/rodauth/webauthn_auth.html.erb -->
<% cred = rodauth.webauthn_credential_options_for_get %>

<%= form_with url: rodauth.webauthn_auth_form_path, method: :post, data: { controller: "webauthn", webauthn_data_value: cred.as_json.to_json } do |form| %>
  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.webauthn_auth_param, data: { webauthn_target: "result" } %>
  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.webauthn_auth_challenge_param, value: cred.challenge %>
  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.webauthn_auth_challenge_hmac_param, value: rodauth.compute_hmac(cred.challenge) %>

  <%= form.hidden_field rodauth.login_param, value: params[rodauth.login_param] if rodauth.valid_login_entered? %>

  <%= form.submit rodauth.webauthn_auth_button, class: "btn btn-primary", data: { action: "webauthn#auth:prevent" } %>
<% end %>

The flow works in a way that the server first generates parameters for the Web Authentication API, then when user clicks on the submit button, a JavaScript call is made with those parameters to register/authenticate a passkey on the client device. Once the browser flow is finished, the JavaScript response is submitted with the form, where the server verifies it and handles the outcome (saving passkey information in the database, logging the user in etc).

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