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libdvid-cpp Picture

libdvid-cpp provides a c++ wrapper to HTTP calls to DVID. It exposes only part of the DVID REST API. Extra functionality will be added as needed.

Some of this functionality has been exposed through a Python API. See the online Python documentation for details. Also, the Python unit tests are a great place to look for examples.


The primary dependencies are:

  • Boost
  • jsoncpp
  • libpng
  • libcurl
  • lz4
  • numpy (>=1.7) (when building the python wrapper)

To build bindings for Python, please add the cmake flag -DLIBDVID_WRAP_PYTHON=1.

To run the regression tests, type "make test" after building. To successfully run, DVID must be installed on

standalone installation

To install libdvid:

% mkdir build; cd build;
% cmake ..
% make; make install

This will install the library libdvidcpp.a.

buildem (no longer supported)

conda installation

The conda build system allows easy 1-step installation of libdvid libraries.

The Miniconda tool first needs to installed:

# Install miniconda to the prefix of your choice, e.g. /my/miniconda


# MAC:

# Activate conda
CONDA_ROOT=`conda info --root`
source ${CONDA_ROOT}/bin/activate root

Once conda is in your system path, call the following to install libdvid-cpp:

% conda create -n <NAME> -c flyem libdvid-cpp

Conda allows builder to create multiple environments. To use the python library, set your PATH to the location of PREFIX/envs/< NAME >/bin. The libdvidcpp.a can be found in PREFIX/envs/< NAME >/lib.

Developers' Builder Guide

Developing has never been easier using conda. If you plan to actively modify the code, first install libdvid-cpp as discussed above. Then clone this repository into the directory of your choosing. The package cmake can still be used but the environment variables must be set to point to the dependencies and libraries stored in /condapath/envs/ENV_NAME. libdvid-cpp includes a simple wrapper script '' that simply properly configures cmake so that a simple make and install can be performed. To build libdvid-cpp:

% conda create -n ${ENV_NAME} --only-deps libdvid-cpp
% conda install -n ${ENV_NAME} clangxx_osx-64  # or gxx_linux-64
% ./ $(conda info --base)/${ENV_NAME} build
% cd build
% make install

Calling make install will overwrite the binaries and libraries in your CHOOSE_ENV_PATH.

For coding that requires adding new dependencies please consult documentation for building conda builds and consult Fly EM's conda recipes.

Contributors should verify regressions using 'make test' (with DVID running on port 8000) and submit pull requests so that the authors can properly update the binstar repository and build system.

Building an application

Building an application is easy with libdvid. The following shows the libraries that need to be linked:

% g++ myapp.cpp -ldvidcpp -ljsoncpp -lboost_system -lpng -lcurl -llz4

libdvid works well with cmake. To find the package, add the following to the cmake file:

% find_package ( libdvidcpp )

Overview of Library

DVID provides an HTTP REST interface. There is a concept of DVID server that hosts several repositories (or datasets). Each repository, contains several different version nodes. This is analogous to GIT except that each version node contains different datatypes with specific interfaces.

libdvid implements an API for the different types of DVID interface. Currently, it supports DVIDServerService and DVIDNodeService to access some REST calls at the server level and version node level respectively. For example, libdvid can call the DVID server through the server service to create a new repository.

DVIDServerService server("https://mydvidserver");
string uuid = server.create_new_repo("newrepo", "This is my new repo");

The following retrieves a 3D segmentation with dimension sizes indicates by a vector DIMS and spatial offset by a vector given by OFFSET:

DVIDNodeService node("https://mydvidserver", UUID);
Labels3D segmentation = node.get_labels3D("segmentation", DIMS, OFFSET);

For some simple examples of using libdvid, please review tests/. For detailed explanation of available API, please examined DVIDNodeService.h and DVIDServerService.h. For information on the Python interface, consult python/src/libdvid_python.cpp and the tests in python/tests.

Important Notes

To use this library in a multi-threaded environment, instantiate a new service variable for each thread. Also, GET and POST requests should involve less bytes than INT_MAX. If bigger requests are needed, the request should be divided into multiple calls

lz4 compression has been implemented in libdvid but has not been tested against DVID yet. libdvid also implements a labelblk block get/put that is not yet supported in DVID. Eventually, DVID will version the APIs and this library can then be checked against that.

Testing the Package

libdvid contains unit tests under tests/ and load tests under load_tests/. The unit tests can be run in the build directory:

% cd build
% make test

A DVID server needs to be running on It is important that the libdvid installation matches the DVID installation.


  • Add support for sparse volumes datatypes
  • Support caching for tiles
  • Better handling of DVID metadata and verification of interface versions