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Bill Katz edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 16 revisions

Before running DVID, you can specify the various ports, storage backends, email notification address and mail server in case of crashes, and other run-time options.

DVID configuration is specified in a TOML file. It's an easily readable configuration format that maps unambiguously to a hash table. There are simple and more complex example configuration files within the DVID source code repository.

A filled-in example might look like this:

httpAddress = "localhost:8000"
rpcAddress = "localhost:8001"
webClient = "/path/to/webclient"

# to return Timing-Allow-Origin headers in response
# allowTiming = true

# How new data instance ids are generated.
# Is one of "random" or "sequential".  If "sequential" can set "start_instance_id" property.
# Use of "random" is a cheap way to have multiple frontend DVIDs use a shared store without
# key collisions.
instance_id_gen = "sequential"
instance_id_start = 100  # new ids start at least from this.

# Email server to use for notifications and server issuing email-based authorization tokens.
notify = ["[email protected]"] # Who to send email in case of panic
username = 
password = 
server = 
port = 25

logfile = "/demo/logs/dvid.log"
max_log_size = 500 # MB
max_log_age = 30   # days

# Backends can be specified in three ways:
# backend.default  = default storage engine if not otherwise specified
# backend.metadata = store to use for metadata
# backend.<datatype> = store to use for the given "datatype"
# backend."<name>:<uuid>" = store to use for a particular data instance, 
#   where uuid is the full UUID of the repo's root.
# If no backend is specified, DVID will return an error unless there is only
# one store, which will automatically be backend.default.

    store = "raid6"

    store = "ssd"

    store = "kvautobus"

# List the different storage systems available for metadata, data instances, etc.
# Any nickname can be used for a backend.  In this case, it's "raid6" to reflect
# that the directory is on a RAID-6 drive system, "ssd" for a directory mounted on
# a SSD, and "kvautobus" for an internal Janelia HTTP dataservice.  Note that all
# store properties like "engine" and "path" should be lower-case by convention.

    engine = "basholeveldb"
    path = "/data/dbs/basholeveldb"

    engine = "basholeveldb"
    path = "/datassd/dbs/basholeveldb"

    engine = "kvautobus"
    path = ""
    collection = "99ef22cd85f143f58a623bd22aad0ef7"
    owner = "flyEM"

The only required configuration is the [store] section. In particular, you must specify at least one store. If you specify more than one store, you must also include the [backend] section and set a [backend.default] to the default store.

The [server] section allows you to set the RPC and HTTP ports as well as the path to a web app that comes up when you point a web browser to the root HTTP address. The httpAddress option allows for binding to unique IP addresses. This is crucial for hosting on cloud services such as AWS. Note that some port addresses could be protected on your machine, so if you have trouble getting https://myserver:port/api/help in your web browser, try a different (particularly larger) port. The defaults port 8000 (http) and 8001 (rpc) work well.

The webClient property is a path to static website code for DVID administration, etc. We suggest you download the dvid console project and set the webClient path to its location. The stock dvid console lets you browse data repos and provides nice graphical representations of the data versions.

If you've configured the [email] section and there is a catchable panic, the DVID server will try to email an admin and continue on. Here's an example email you'll hopefully never receive but could be useful during debugging new features:

Subject: DVID panic report
Date: Friday, July 17, 2015 at 3:19:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: [email protected]
To: DVID admin

Panic detected on request runtime error: index out of range
IP:, URL: /api/node/ee7dc/annotations/keyrange/0
Stack trace:
goroutine 17099711 [running]:·005()
/groups/flyem/home/katzw/work/go/src/ +0xd6*Data).ServeHTTP(0xc2081dc648, 0xc2081a1760, 0x20, 0xc215091788, 0x7f2504847080, 0xc2082904b0, 0xc20bd41110)
/groups/flyem/home/katzw/work/go/src/ flyem/dvid/datatype/keyvalue/keyvalue.go:430 +0x2143·009(0x7f2504847080, 0xc2082904b0, 0xc20bd41110)
/groups/flyem/home/katzw/work/go/src/ +0x649 net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xc2243fda00, 0x7f2504847080, 0xc2082904b0, 0xc20bd41110)
created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
/opt/buildem/src/golang-1.4.2/src/net/http/server.go:1751 +0x35e


Server tuning for big data (optional but recommended)

Particularly when using leveldb variants, we recommend modifying default "max open files" and also avoiding extra disk head seeks by turning off noatime, which records the last accessed time for all files. See this explanation on the basho page

First, make sure you allow a sufficient number of open files. This can be checked via the "ulimit -n" command in Linux and Mac. We suggest raising this to 65535 on Linux and at least 8192 on a Mac. Please see this page for setting ulimit on Mac or simply include a ulimit command in the .bashrc and starting a new terminal. You might have to modify the (1024 has proven sufficient for Teravoxel repos on 64-bit Linux using standard leveldb but this had to be raised to several thousand even for 50 Gigavoxel repos on Mac.)

% ulimit -n 65535

You can also set max file open limits for a dvid-specific user by editing appropriate sys files.

This can be done on Linux by adding a few lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file corresponding to the user running the dvid server. For example, if we have an account "dvid" for running the server, add these lines where the number is some arbitrarily high number of files:

dvid   hard    nofile    655350
dvid   soft    nofile    655350

Second, disable access-time updates for the mount with your DVID data. In Linux, you can add the noatime mounting option to /etc/fstab for the partition holding your data. The line for the mount holding your DVID data should like something like this:

/dev/mapper/vg0-lv_data    /dvid/data     xfs      noatime,nobarrier     1 2

Then remount the disk:

% mount /dvid/data -o remount
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