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Android App Client for GarageaTrois Server

If compiling yourself: Edit the following values in /app/src/main/res/xml/pref_server_settings.xml

'YOUR-SERVER-URL-OR-IP' e.g. or 'YOUR-SCRIPT-PATH' e.g. guacamole or NickCarter 'YOUR-SCRIPT-NAME' e.g. GarageaTrois-Server.php or GaT.php

and make sure these two are the same as the server script.

'ADMIN-RESULT-FROM-SERVER' e.g. taco or backstreetsback 'USER-RESULT-FROM-SERVER' e.g. grande or alright!

and finally sleepytime, the time that it takes the door to open and close. HOW-LONG-IT-TAKES-FOR-DOOR-TO-MOVE(11.4 = 11.4 seconds) e.g. 11.4 for 11.4 or 30.9 for 30.9

also set 'value' to true.