This is a toy project created after JavaLand 2015. Wolf Nkole Helzle had this My-Matrix project going on there and i thought, well, this year i'm doing Daily Fratze for ten years and i alone will have 3650 pictures of myself uploaded to the internet by August and in sum there are over 50.000 images right now, that should be a pretty good idea, creating an interactive mosaic as well (Adastra has already created a beautiful mosaic on her 8th anniverary).
As i don't want to share the images anywhere else but only in my own daily picture project i had the opportunity to learn some more stuff which you can find here.
The basic idea for this mosaic generator is: Create an accurate color matching algorithm as readible as possible. Lukas Eder had this nice article on dzone why It's Okay to Stick With SQL and i wanted to see how far can i get with SQL for my goal.
This project includes:
- Flyway for creating and migrating databases (i didn't want to run sql-scripts myself)
- Flyway and jOOQ maven integration for effortless generating dao code at compile time
- jOOQ in common for all database access
- An CIE94 color distance algorithm
- JavaFX 3d for creating a spherical image wall.
Have a look at my blog post JavaLand 2015 result: JavaFX 3d mosaic for for an introduction and some more details.