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This toolbox can be used to perform model fitting and data simulation for the Drift Diffusion Model (DDM) and the attentional Drift Diffusion Model (aDDM). It is aimed to provide computational speedup, employing GPU optimizations for parameter estimation.

Table of Contents


This library requires NVCC and CUDA Toolkit versions 12.2 and g++ version 11.3.0. This library also uses three third-party C++ packages for thread pools, JSON processing, and statistical distributions:

These dependencies can be installed using the following commands:

$ wget -O /usr/include/c++/11/BS_thread_pool.hpp
$ mkdir -p /usr/include/c++/11/nlohmann
$ wget -O /usr/include/c++/11/nlohmann/json.hpp
$ apt-get install libboost-math-dev libboost-math1.74-dev

Note that the installation directory /usr/include/c++/11 may be modified to support newer versions of C++. In the event of a Permission Denied error, precede the above commands with sudo.

For Python data visualization, the base requirement is Python 3.10. The following libraries are required:

  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • seaborn

See requirements.txt for specific versions. These libraries can be installed using the following command:

$ pip install matplotlib numpy pandas seaborn

Installation and Usage

The aDDM-Toolbox-GPU library offers both a GPU and non-GPU reliant installation target. The default installation build employs CUDA libraries, including the NVCC compiler. For systems without CUDA capabilities or users looking to exclude CUDA code from the installation, uncomment the following line in the Makefile:


This macro declaration will ensure that all instances of CUDA code are undefined in the installation. Note that this removes the necessity to have NVCC and CUDA versions 12.2 installed; however, all other dependencies are still required. The aDDM-Toolbox-GPU library can then be built and installed in one step:

$ make install

In the event of a Permission Denied error, precede the above command with sudo.

This will install the shared library as well as the corresponding header files. Although there are multiple header files corresponding to the aDDM and DDM programs, simply adding #include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h> to a C++/CUDA program will include all necessary headers. A simple usage example is described below:


#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    aDDM addm = aDDM(0.005, 0.07, 0.5, 1);
    std::cout << "d: " << addm.d << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "sigma: " << addm.sigma << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "theta: " << addm.theta << std::endl; 

When compiling any code using the toolbox, include the -laddm flag to link with the installed shared object library.

$ nvcc -o main main.cpp -laddm
$ ./main
d: 0.005
sigma: 0.07
theta: 0.5

Note that nvcc is assumed to be at least version 12.2. The compiler path may need to be modified to support this requirement. For this example, or if using the CPU-dependent build, nvcc may be substituted with g++.


For any data simulation and model fitting, the DDM and aDDM classes are going to be the most useful. The addm.h amd ddm.h files can be found in the include directory. Below are some examples that may give you an idea how to use these classes. Besides these examples, you may want to:

N-Trial Simulation

Both the DDM and aDDM classes provide methods for simulating mass amounts of trials. This can be done using the simulateTrial method defined in both classes:


#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std; 

int N = 1000; 
int valueLeft = 3; 
int valueRight = 7; 
int SEED = 540; 

int main() {
    vector<DDMTrial> trials;
    DDM ddm = DDM(0.005, 0.07, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        DDMTrial trial = ddm.simulateTrial(valueLeft, valueRight, 10, SEED);

    DDMTrial::writeTrialsToCSV(trials, "ddm_example.csv");




Note that for generating aDDM trials, an existing set of empirical fixations is required. This data can be packaged in the form of 1-2 CSVs. The input format for a single CSV is identical to the output of aDDMTrial::writeTrialsToCSV(...). This CSV should be formatted as follows:

trial choice rt valueLeft valueRight fixItem fixTime
0 1 350 3 0 0 200
0 1 350 3 0 1 150
1 -1 400 4 5 0 300
1 -1 400 4 5 2 100

To load data using the single-CSV format:

#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std; 

int N = 1000; 
int valueLeft = 3; 
int valueRight = 7; 
int SEED = 540; 

int main() {
    map<int, vector<aDDMTrial>> data = loadDataFromSingleCSV("data/addm_sims.csv");
    FixationData fixationData = getEmpiricalDistributions(data);

    vector<aDDMTrial> trials;
    aDDM addm = aDDM(0.005, 0.07, 0.5, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        aDDMTrial trial = addm.simulateTrial(
            valueLeft, valueRight, fixationData, 10, 3, {}, {}, SEED);

    aDDMTrial::writeTrialsToCSV(trials, "addm_example.csv");



In the case of using two CSVs, such as with real experimental data, the first CSV should contain the experimental data including subject parcode, trial ID, RT, choice, and item values. The second CSV should contain fixation data pertaining to each trial. Sample CSV files in an acceptable format can be found in the data directory.

Experimental Data

parcode trial rt choice valueLeft valueRight
0 0 1962 -1 15 0
0 1 873 1 -15 5
0 2 1345 1 10 -5

Fixation Data

parcode trial fixItem fixTime
0 0 3 176
0 0 0 42
0 0 1 188

To load data using the two-CSV format:

#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std; 

int N = 1000; 
int valueLeft = 3; 
int valueRight = 7; 
int SEED = 540; 

int main() {
    map<int, vector<aDDMTrial>> data = loadDataFromCSV("data/expdata.csv", "data/fixations.csv");
    FixationData fixationData = getEmpiricalDistributions(data);

    vector<aDDMTrial> trials;
    aDDM addm = aDDM(0.005, 0.07, 0.5, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        aDDMTrial trial = addm.simulateTrial(
            valueLeft, valueRight, fixationData, 10, 3, {}, {}, SEED);
    aDDMTrial::writeTrialsToCSV(trials, "addm_example.csv");



Trial Likelihood Compuation

The DDM and aDDM classes both provide functionality for estimating trial likelihoods. The getTrialLikelihood(...) method takes in a single trial object and returns the likelihood that the provided model will generate that trial. Examples are provided below:


#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

int main() {
    DDM ddm = DDM(0.005, 0.07, 1);
    DDMTrial trial = DDMTrial(2400, -1, 4, 5); 
    double prob = ddm.getTrialLikelihood(trial);
    cout << "Probability = " << prob << endl; 


Probability = 0.000166691


#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

int main() {
    aDDM addm = aDDM(0.005, 0.07, 0.5, 1);
    aDDMTrial trial = aDDMTrial(
        240, 1, 3, 3, {0, -1}, {100, 140}
    double prob = addm.getTrialLikelihood(trial);
    cout << "Probability = " << prob << endl; 


Probability = 0.000515395

Negative Log Likelihoods (NLL) and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

A useful application of the trial likelihood computation is determining the total Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) of an aggregation of trials. Each instance of the DDM and aDDMclasses can use the following methods to determine the sum of NLLs for the trials.

  • computeParallelNLL(...) to compute the sum of NLLs for a vector of trials using CPU multithreading.
  • computeGPUNLL(...) to compute tthe sum of NLLs for a vector of trials using GPU parallelism.

The sum of NLLs can also be computed without any optimization features using a simple for-loop and the getTrialLikelihood method.

These methods can be applied for model fitting and performing Maximum Likelihood Estimations (MLE) for a set of models. The fitModelMLE(...) method of both the DDM and aDDM allows a user to select a range of available parameters to test for, as well as the computational optimizations to employ based off the user's hardware. The fitModelMLE(...) method returns an instance of the MLEinfo struct, which contains the model with the most optimal parameters and aggregated likelihoods information:

  1. Mapping of models to their calculated NLLs over the dataset of trials.
  2. Mapping of models to their normalized posteriors, taken as the sum of likelihoods.

Examples of MLE calculations are described below:


#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

vector<float> rangeD = {0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009};
vector<float> rangeSigma = {0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09};

int barrier = 1;

int main() {
    vector<DDMTrial> trials = DDMTrial::loadTrialsFromCSV("data/ddm_sims.csv"); 
    cout << "Counted " << trials.size() << " trials." << endl;
    MLEinfo<DDM> info = DDM::fitModelMLE(trials, rangeD, rangeSigma, barrier, "gpu", true);
    cout << "Optimal d=" << info.optimal.d << " sigma=" << info.optimal.sigma << endl; 


Counted 1000 trials.
Optimal d=0.005 sigma=0.07


#include <addm/gpu_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

vector<float> rangeD = {0.003, 0.004, 0.005};
vector<float> rangeSigma = {0.06, 0.07, 0.08};
vector<float> rangeTheta = {0.5, 0.6, 0.7};

int barrier = 1;
int valueLeft = 3; 

int main() {
    vector<aDDMTrial> trials = aDDMTrial::loadTrialsFromCSV("data/addm_sims.csv");
    cout << "Counted " << trials.size() << " trials." << endl;
    MLEinfo info = aDDM::fitModelMLE(trials, rangeD, rangeSigma, rangeTheta, barrier, "thread", true);
    cout << "Optimal d=" << info.optimal.d << 
                 " sigma=" << info.optimal.sigma << 
                 " theta=" << info.optimal.theta << 


Counted 1000 trials. 
Optimal d=0.005 sigma=0.07 theta=0.5

Both the DDM and aDDM instances of fitModelMLE allow for the bias and decay fields of the model to be fit as well. See the documentation for instructions on how to do so.

Python Bindings

Python bindings are also provided for users who prefer to work with a Python codebase over C++. The provided bindings are located in lib/bindings.cpp. Note that pybind11 and Python version 3.10 (at a minimum) are strict prerequisites for installation and usage of the Python code. These can be installed with

apt-get install python3.10
pip3 install pybind11

Once pybind11 and Python3.10 are installed, the module can be built with:

make pybind

This will create a shared library object in the repository's root directory containing the addm_toolbox_gpu module. Although function calls remain largely analogous with the original C++ code, an example is described below that can be used to ensure the code is working properly:

import addm_toolbox_gpu

ddm = addm_toolbox_gpu.DDM(0.005, 0.07)
print(f"d = {ddm.d}")
print(f"sigma = {ddm.sigma}")

trial = ddm.simulateTrial(3, 7, 10, 540)
print(f"RT = {trial.RT}")
print(f"choice = {trial.choice}")

To run the code:

$ python3
d = 0.005
sigma = 0.07
RT = 850
choice = 1

Optional: Python Syntax Highlighting

For users working in a user interface, such as Visual Studio Code, a Python stub is provided to facilitate features including syntax highlighting, type-hinting, auto-complete. Although the addm_toolbox_gpu.pyi stub is built-in, the file can be dynamically generated using the mypy stubgen tool. The mypy module can be installed using:

pip install mypy

For users who plan to modify the library for their own use and want the provided features, the stub file can be built as follows:

stubgen -m addm_toolbox_gpu -o .

Note that the pybind11 shared library file should be built before running stubgen.

Sample C++ Scripts

This repository provides a set of built-in scripts for running trial simulations and model-fitting. These scripts are provided in the sample directory and are described below:

  • ddm_simulate.cpp: Simulate N trials using the ddm. Build using the make sim rule. Specify an output CSV file in the file constants. Usage:
bin/ddm_simulate [numTrials] [d] [sigma]
  • addm_simulate.cpp: Simulate N trials using the addm. Build using the make sim rule. Specify an output CSV file in the file constants. Sample files for empirical fixation distributions are provided in the data directory. However, these should be specified by the user as well in the file constants. Usage:
bin/addm_simulate [numTrials] [d] [sigma] [theta]
  • ddm_mle.cpp: Fit a DDM model's parameters. Build using the make mle rule. CSV simulations, output location, and parameter ranges should be specified in the file constants. Usage:
  • addm_mle.cpp: Fit an aDDM model's paramters. Build using the make mle rule. CSV simulations, output location, and parameter ranges should be specified int he file constants. Usage:

Data Analysis Scripts

A set of data analysis and visualization tools are provided in the analysis directory. Current provided scripts include:

  • DDM Heatmaps for MLE.
  • aDDM Heatmap for MLE.
  • Posterior Pair Plots.
  • Time vs RDV for individual trial.
  • Value Differences against Response Time Frequencies.

See the individual file documentation for usage instructions.


Jake Goldman - [email protected], jakegoldm


This toolbox was developed as part of a resarch project in the Rangel Neuroeconomics Lab at the California Institute of Technology. Special thanks to Antonio Rangel and Zeynep Enkavi for your help with this project.