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LaTeX Template of A. C. Patil College of Engineering for developing project reports, thesis, journal papers, etc.

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LaTeX Template of A. C. Patil College of Engineering for developing project reports, thesis, journal papers, etc.

Currently only supports project reports. Further, options for research_papers, thesis, etc. will be added.

Supports pdfLaTex, overleaf

File / Folder Usage

Name Type Use
main.tex File Main file which groups, drives and links various components of the document.
figures Folder This folder holds all figures that are or are to be referenced in the chapters.
images Folder Images that are not referred in chapters. Ex., Logo image, etc.
code Folder Images that are not referred in chapters. Ex., Logo image, etc.
chapters Folder Images that are not referred in chapters. Ex., Logo image, etc.
class Folder Holds various classes for templating various types of documents.

Modifying, Edit or Deleting this file will result in COMPILATION FAILURE or produce IMPROPER DOCUMENTS.

Components of Document

Document Class Components
report title_page


main.tex is the main file which can be used to add/edit or remove components from the document.

Document Declaration Commands

Command Mandatory Behaviour Example Usage Required In Class(es)
\documentclass{class/[filename]} Yes Sets project template to be used. Path of class file to be used is to be provided to this command. \documentclass{class/report}
\title{[String]} Yes Sets title of document. \title{ACPCE Transactional System Using OAuth 2.0} report
\reportstage{[Integer]} No Sets Stage of document.
Ex., Project Report Stage II
\reportstage{2} report
\degree{[String]} Yes Sets degree in document. \degree{Bachelor of Engineering} report
\degreespecialization{[String]} Yes Sets specialization or branch in document. \degreespecialization{Computer Engineering} report
\department{[String]} Yes Sets department in document. \department{Department of Computer Engineering} report
\academicyear{[Integer|start_year]}{[Integer|end_year]} Yes Sets academic year in document. \academicyear{2019}{2020} report
\hod{String} Yes Sets hod's name in certificate. \hod{Prof. R. C. Suryawanshi} report
\principal{String} Yes Sets principal name in certificate. \principal{Dr. V. N. Pawar} report
\guide{String} Yes Sets guide's name throughout document. \guide{Dr. M. M. Despande} report
\coguide{String} No Sets co-guide's name throughout document. (if applicable) \coguide{Prof. S. P. Bansu} report
\author{String|name (String|prn)} Yes Sets author's name throughout document. \author{Jaiesh Bhagat (151041042)} report
\coauthor{String|name (String|prn)} No Sets co-author's / group member's name throughout document. \coauthor{Pratul Sutar (151041042)} report
\declarationdate{String|day}{Integer|dd\textsuperscript{String|date_superscript} String|month, Integer|Year} Yes Sets declaration date throughout document. \declarationdate{Wednesday}{22\textsuperscript{nd} March, 2020} report
\declarationplace{String} Yes Sets declaration date throughout document. \declarationplace{Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra} report

Document Component Commands

Command Mandatory Required In Class(es)
\begin{document} Yes report
\maketitle Yes report
\begin{dedication}<br>Your dedication here...<br>\end{dedication} No report
\makecertificate Yes report
\begin{abstract}<br>Your project abstract here...<br>\end{abstract} Yes report
\makedeclaration Yes report
\tableofcontents Yes report
\listoffigures Yes report
\listoftables Yes report
\include{chapters/chapter1} Yes report
\bibliography{plain}{chapters/bibliography} Yes report
\makeacknowledgement Yes report

For behaviour of code and example, refer below code or go through main.tex

Sample Code Functioning

\begin{document} % Document Scope Begins

\maketitle %Makes Title / Cover Page of document

\begin{dedication} %Adds 'Dedicated To' Page to the document
To my college...

\makecertificate %Adds Certificate Page to document

\makedeclaration %Adds Declaration Page to document

\begin{abstract} %Adds Abstract Page to document
This report specifies the various processes and techniques used in gathering requirements, designing, implementing and testing for the
project on 'ACPCE Transactional System Using OAuth 2.0'. Existing problems with current system in the institute was analysed and
noted. This project aims to solve some of the problems by creating a core software, development platforms for future works and to
set up necessary infrastructure for maintaining transactional data for the institute, thus, adding more value to the current
system. The requirements were gathered from various institute departments and stakeholders, based on which, requirement was
modelled. A web application, using Java, MySQL and frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Apache, etc, was designed to fulfil the
modelled requirements. Features of the system includes, but are not limited to, Admissions, Student and Staff Dashboard,
Examinations, Results, WebAdmin, ACPCE SSO and Attendance.

\tableofcontents %Adds Table of Contents Page to document
\listoffigures %Adds List of Figures Page to document
\listoftables %Adds List of Tables Page to document

\include{chapters/chapter1} % Adds Chapter 1 to document
\include{chapters/chapter2} % Adds Chapter 2 to document
\include{chapters/chapter3} % Adds Chapter 3 to document
\include{chapters/chapter4} %             .
\include{chapters/chapter5} %             .
             .                            .
             .                            .
             .                            .
\include{chapters/chapterk} % Adds Chapter k to document

               #1             #2
\bibliography{plain}{chapters/bibliography} % Adds Bibliography page to document.
                                            % '#1' defines type of bibliography to be used.
                                            % '#2' defines path to 'bibliography.bib' file.

\makeacknowledgement % Adds Acknowledgement page to document

\end{document} % Document Scope Ends


LaTeX Template of A. C. Patil College of Engineering for developing project reports, thesis, journal papers, etc.







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