Blog writing media using class based django which has create post, update , delete post, authentication , authorization, user profiel features
Blog site template with home page, details page, comment section, related post, author profile and so on.
API: routing, serealization model, handling request and response using django rest framework
User Authentication with json web token. In backend use Python, Django rest framework and frontend build with react
Customer Relationship Management Software. Here a customer can order a product, view details, update and delete the order. Vendor can find all orders, filter orders, search ordrs.
This repository will contain source codes of different lessons taught in my Express JS Tutorial Series
E-commerce site design with banner section, product category, product slider, wishlist, ad to cart, search sectiomn, product details page, shipping section etc
Personal portfolio template with home page, about page, details page, resume download section, contact section etc.
Web Scrapper using python - Beautifulsoup4. User copy any kind of valid link / url and past it in scrap field. Then hit scrap button. It will scrapp all existing link from the given url or link.
A todo-app using Python (Django). It has task add, view, update and delete task. Filtering tasks by complete or uncomplete task.
A social media application using Python(Django). In this app user can post a status with image or no image. Each user can have an profile by autometic registration. An authorized user can comments …
[under developing] E-commerce application using Python(Django Framework). Customer can signin , signout and Order a product. It has add to cart, checkout, shipping feature. User can see categorized…
HTML5 Boilerplate helps you build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. Kick-start your project with the combined knowledge and effort of 100s of developers, all in one little package.
Product purchasing application using Flask. User can authentication, purchase product, re-sell prodcut, product details view, update and delete product and user profile , profile update featues.