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Tags: jadconnolly/Perple_X



Toggle v7.1.6's commit message


Toggle v7.1.5's commit message
aaargh, format changed ps file size


Toggle v7.1.4's commit message


Toggle v7.1.3's commit message

updates frac2d (jbulk->kbulk).


Toggle v7.1.2's commit message


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Update perplex_parameters.h


Toggle v7.1.1's commit message

1) corrects flib.f so that vname(4) is only changed if EoS 27 is called by FLUIDS.
2) corrects MEEMUM so that independent compositional variable names begin from C1 rather than C2.
3) modifies MEEMUM so that it does not prompt for bulk compositions in problems with explicit bulk compositional variables. 
4) modifies WERAMI so that if immiscibility is encountered in mode 2, then the current conditions are output.
5) adds bob myhill's version of Fsp(HGP21), not clear if the endmember should be ab or abh.
6) San and San(TH) WRONG T-site disorder?????


Toggle v7.1.0's commit message
fix makefile, correct cst313 in convex.f


Toggle v7.0.11's commit message
Corrects 7.0.10 BUILD bug

numbad was combined with readyn in a single conditional. comments chkpa calls.


Toggle v7.0.10's commit message

1) adds HCl EoS slot.
2) corrects bounded renormalization in minfrc.
3) standardizes warn limit (iopt(1), max_warn_limit), eliminates warn_no_limits.
4) adds spewrn, changes name of volwrn to conwrn.
5) modifies sample on grid warning in WERAMI.
6) modifies warning ver637, WERAMI.
7) modifies routine resub to eliminate unnecessary call to gsol1/savrpc for non-electrolytic fluids.
8) routine gmodel moves dependent endmember (site occupancy) check to after boundd classification.
9) standardizes routines spec1/gpmlt1: adds oscillatory case and low quality bailouts. eliminates incorrect increment of ordered species after solution. 
10) corrects spec pointer (jd) for case k ~= 1 in routine gpder
11) corrects mode 1 output to report "solid only" rather than "solid+melt", should note fluid_is_melt option.
12) modifies 1-d gridded min to use x_nodes (auto-refine  stage value), rather than 1d_path (appropriate for fractionation). 
13) changes bsum on 3rd conditional of savrpc test in gsol2/minime_blas.
14) modifies resub to only call savkwk if speciated.
15) WERAMI: adds bdnum to test if a number is bad_number.
16) modifies range check loop in outmod to cycle on bad_number value.
17) for cumulative modes in outmod, adds check for bad_number in prop(i-1) for computing dy (mzero).
18) adds logical function readyn().
19) adds logical function bndbad check for minfrc.
20) corrects mode 1 calpr1 output to indicate fluid status of melt.
21) rewires error traps for lagged speciation. replaces aq_bad_results with aq_error_ver100-104, no evident reason to modify defaults.
22) adds special tolerance (aq_solvent_solvus_tol/nopt(37)) for error trap ver102/solvs4.
23) adds error trap error_ver109 for results computed with bad EoS.
24) adds d2g = 0 test for gderi1.
25) modifies aqsolv to use low quality result (nopt(40) threshold) and spewrn on bad outcomes.
26) reshuffles console option output to make error control a separate section.
27) renames volume_tolerance_exp to function_tolerance_exp. 
28) modifies titrat (0-d infiltration) to set verbos = true.
29) Coincidence of weak solution (idead = 3) with iteration limit caused result to be reported as failed optimization.
30) adds low quality warning for it limit in reopt.
31) corrects (?) idead/idead1 usage for idead = 3.
32) adds standardized warning and error traps from speci1 and gpmlt1 to speci2 and gpmelt.


Toggle v7.0.9's commit message

corrects include fluid prompt for WERAMI, adds stub for HCl in flib.