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ION and Charged Aerosol Growth Enhancement (ION-CAGE) model

The ION-Charged Aerosol Growth Enhancement (ION-CAGE) v0.9 code constitutes a time-integration 0-dimensional model that evolves an aerosol distribution through time while taking charge into account. The model takes its initial and environmental conditions from an input-file, and outputs snapshots with specified time intervals. If you use this code, please cite Svensmark et al. (2020).

//Jacob Svensmark, 2024

Installing, compiling and running the model

To install the model, simply clone this repository:

> git clone

In order to run the ION-CAGE model, the source code inside the f90 subdirectory should first be compiled using the Makefile:

> make

This produces the executable ioncage.out. Note that this has only been tested using the g95 FORTRAN compiler from OS X. If other compilers are desired, the Makefile should be adjusted accordingly. If successful the program may be run by typing the following

> ./ioncage.out > outputfilename.dat

where outputfilename.dat is the data output file of the run (the compiler may produce some warnings that can be ignored). Note that the run is based on the input given in the controlfile.txt at runtime.

Input parameters and inputfile

Most of the input for the model can be controlled by the controlfile.txt file, and it must be placed in the same directory as the compiled executable file produced by the Makefile. The controlfile.txt is split up into a number of paragraphs:

  • In the Total number of particle nodes top paragraph of the controlfile.txt, the number of volume nodes can be set, i.e. the number of log-spaced aerosol sizes.

  • The second paragraph of controlfile.txt it is possible to switch on (FLAG=1) and off (FLAG=0) different modules i.e. different terms of the general dynamic equation that the code runs. Each module corresponds to contributions to $dN/dt$ via different mechanisms (loss, coagulation etc), and the code for each module can be found in the dNdtmodule.f90 file.

  • The Continue from previous run paragraph is concerned with the possibility of taking an end-state of a previous run as initial conditions for the current run. The name of the previous run data-file should be provided, and the FLAG set to 1 to actually use it.

  • In the Parameters paragraph several parameters may be set for the course of the run. First the nucleation rate of small aerosols in neutral or charged state. Note that the nucleation of of a charged aerosol removes an ion of the same charge. Then the production rate for monomers (neutral and charged), the ion-ion recombination coefficient, neutral monomer density and ion densities, loss terms, masses (should match the used interaction coefficients).

  • In the Initial concentrations paragraph initial ion and sulfuric acid concentrations are set. The fixinitials keyword has three flags separated by comma, controlling whether the initial concentrations of the positive ions, negative ions and sulfuric acid are kept constant throughout the entire run (in that order). Initial values are overwritten if Loadfileflag=1, however if the fix fixinitials are set to 1, the choice of fixed ions and sulfuric acid are not overwritten. Also the initial values may be kept constant by setting the fixinitials=1.

  • The Time related parameters control start_time (usually 0), end_time i.e. duration of the run, and make_snapshot_every - the parameter controlling the time between each snapshot written to the output.

  • The Size related parameters paragraph contains parameters controlling the size range of the nodes in the simulation, as well as critical diameters for neutral and charged nucleated aerosols.

  • Integration (rk45) parameters has flag which normally should be integrator_step_length in seconds, and parameters controlling the tolerated error for the integration.

  • Finally, the Interaction Coefficients paragraph contains a list of paths to datafiles with interaction coefficients that are loaded for each type of interaction used in the GDE. (See subroutines readcoefftwocolumn and readcoeffmatrix in file ioioncagemodule.f90 for an explanation on the format assumed for the coefficient data files). For each file, a number of header lines to skip before reading data can be specified. NOTE: It is important to be aware exactly how these are used in the main.f90 and dNdtmodule.f90, as many different approaches are possible here.

Each parameter has a dedicated keyword followed by a value, which should be self explanatory. Lines that do not start with one of these keywords are ignored. Note that the executable does not need to be recompiled to register changes in controlfile.txt.


Unless otherwise stated, all calculations internally and all output are in standard SI units. Note that several input parameters in the controlfile.txt are not necessarily SI units, but converted to SI by the readcontrolfile subroutine.

CPU-Time vs. Precision

The model run speed varies significantly depending on the calculation. The number of nodes and temporal resolution can be adjusted to decrease computation time at the cost of precision inside the controlfile.txt. Especially the coagulation subroutine is sensitive to the number of nodes as it is an $N\times N$ process. The coagulation subroutine may be disabled by setting the corresponding FLAG inside controlfile.f90.

Visualizing output

A couple of python scripts inside of the py subdirectory have been included for reading and visualizing model output.

File overview

Files for running the model, all coded in FORTRAN include:

  • main.f90: The top level program i.e. the main program for the model. It is here the Runge Kutta time integration loop of the General Dynamics Equation is found.

  • dNdtmodule.f90: Module containing subroutines for the calculation of coagulation, condensation, ion-induced condensation, nucleation, charge exchange and loss terms as controlled in the controlfile.txt. Called from main.f90.

  • ioioncagemodule.f90: Subroutines related to I/O for the model. readcoefmatrix and readcoeftwocolumn are used to read interaction coefficients from a file (see instructions in the source code to use your own tables). readcontrolfile reads all parameters set in controlfile and converts to SI units. printcontrolfiletooutput is used to print the contents of the used controlfile into the output. printsnapshot prints a snapshot of the simulation to the output. Finally loadstate loads the latest snapshot of an output data from a previous run, and continues simulation from that state if corresponding FLAG is set in controlfile.txt.

  • mathmodule.f90: This modile contains two interpolation subroutines linearinterpolation and cubicinterpolation2d used in the process of loading interaction coefficients from the readcoeftwocolumn and readcoefmatrix subroutines. Both will return an error if grid is out of the interpolation range. Therefore, remember to check if diameter range of the model is compatible with (contained in) the range of diameters provided in these files.

  • iogeneral.f90: Contains filelines which counts the number of lines in a text file, and findnl which locates newline character in a string.

  • precisiontype.f90: FORTRAN module specifying precision of floats.

  • controlfile.txt Inputfile controlling parameters and other types of setup for the model at runtime. See below for in-depth explanation of the controlfile contents.

Also included are a number of interaction coefficient tables for condensation and coagulation. Coagulation coefficient tables are provided for aerosols of density 1200kg/m3. Condensation coefficients are provided for four different masses of monomers, namely 100AMU, 150AMU, 225AMU and 350AMU, which can be selected in the controlfile.