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An expression parser for C# with some ability for simplifications and automatic differentialtion. Inspired by


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An expression parser for C# with easy compilation into delegate functions for fast evaluations, some ability for simplifications and automatic differentialtion. Inspired by The main class is Expr

Code Examples

SymbolExpr x = "x", y="y";

var f_input = "((x-1)*(x+1))/((x)^2+1)";
Console.WriteLine($"input: {f_input}");
var f = Expr.Parse(f_input).GetFunction("f");
var fx = f.CompileArg1();

Console.WriteLine("Partial Derivative");
var df = f.PartialDerivative(x);
Console.WriteLine($"df/dx: {df}");

Console.WriteLine("Total Derivative");
var fp = f.TotalDerivative();

var w_input = "x^2 + 2*x*y + x/y";
Console.WriteLine($"input: {w_input}");
var w = Expr.Parse(w_input).GetFunction("w", "x", "y");

Console.WriteLine("Patial Derivatives");
var wx = w.PartialDerivative(x);
Console.WriteLine($"dw/dx: {wx}");
var wy = w.PartialDerivative(y);
Console.WriteLine($"dw/dy: {wy}");

Console.WriteLine("Total Derivative");
Console.WriteLine($"Set xp=v, yp=3");
var wp = w.TotalDerivative("wp", ("x", "v"), ("y", 3.0));

The console output of the above code is

input: ((x-1)*(x+1))/((x)^2+1)
Partial Derivative
df/dx: f_x(x)=(2*(x^2+1)*x-2*(x-1)*(x+1)*x^1)/(x^2+1)^2
Total Derivative

input: x^2 + 2*x*y + x/y
Patial Derivatives
dw/dx: w_x(x,y)=2*x^1+2*y+y/y^2
dw/dy: w_y(x,y)=2*x-x/y^2
Total Derivative
Set xp=v, yp=3


The main type is Expr that holds expression trees. An auxilary type is VariableExpr which holds variables. A string input is parsed using Expr.Parse() and a variable is declared using implicit conversion Expr x = "x"; or by calling Expr x = Expr.Variable("x");.

An expression can either be build by parsing a string such as 1/ln(x+1) or by using the static functions defined under Expr, such as Expr.Inv(1/Expr.Log(x))

Several build-in constants are defined similarly to variables. They are accessible with the following function call Expr.Const("pi") or by a property Expr.Pi.

Each expression has a .Substiute(symbol,expression) function that can perform variable substitutions. Numerical evaluation is done via compilation into Func<double,double> via the .Compile<T>( <list of symbols> ) functions. Shortcuts to.Compile<T>() are the GetFunction() and GetArray() findexerf[].


Besides standard trig functions such as Expr.Sin(x) each Expr can evaluate both the partial derivative with respect to a variable with f.PartialDerivative(x) or the total derivative with f.TotalDerivative().

The total derivative needs the derivative of each variable (rate) which is automatically defined by appending the character p to the name of the variable. Then it performs the chain rule, such as

fp = f.Partial(x)*xp + f.Partial(y)*yp + ...

You can define the names of variable rates by either a list of variable-rate tuples, or 2nd argument with an array of rates. The rates can be just variables names, or can be any expression. For example, if the rate of time is 1 then you can write

var q = new SymbolExpr[] { "t", "x", "y" }
var qp = new Expr[] { 1, "xp", "yp" }
fp = f.TotalDerivative(q, qp);

Each variable has .Rate() function that declares a new variables denoting the time derivative of the variable. This is done by appending a p character after the main symbol and before any underscores _ in the name. For example "x".Rate() => "xp" and "x_1".Rate()=>"xp_1"

Lightweight Code Generation

Each expression can be converted into a function for extremely fast evaluation of the expressions. The result might be a scalar double value for simple expressions, or an array double[] for vector expressions. The user must choose the correct result type and number of arguments by selecting the appropriate GetFunction() or GetArray() function overload.

Each expression is going to emit IL code via generator.Emit(OpCodes) calls and all functions are inlined for very fast evaluations.

Simple Function Example

Expr x = "x";
Expr expr = 0.5 + 0.5*Expr.Sin(x/2);
var f = expr.GetFunction("x");
double y = f(Math.PI); // y = 1.0

The equivalent IL code to the function evaluation looks something like this

ldarg.0        // load 1st argument
ldc_R8.(2)     // load value 2
call Math.Sin()

As you can see each node in the expression tree only contributes a minimal amount of IL code and the overall compiled function produces optimized calculations.

Multivariate Example

Expr x = "x", y = "y";
Expr expr = "exp(-(x^2)-(y^2))";
var f = expr.GetFunction("f", "x","y");
double z = f(0.2, 0.4); // z = Exp(-0.2)

The indexer function f[] can be used in place of GetFunction() also. For example

var f = expr["x","y"];
double z = f(0.2, 0.4);

Arrays of Expressions

Arrays are declared as comma separated values beween square brackers, such as [x,2*x,1/x] or with the function Expr.FromArray(). There is also an implicit conversion between Expr[] and an array expression.

All operators and functions auto-convert to vector functions when defined. For example 2*[x,y] = [2*x,2*y] , 1+[2*x,2] = [2*x+1,3] and even for unequal length arrays, the smaller array is copied over until it matches the size of the larger array. An example of this is [x,y]+[1,2,3,4,5] = [x+1,y+2,x+3,y+4,x+5]

Evaluation functions need the GetArray(<list-of-symbols>) function to return the proper delegate type that returns an array double[]

Array Function Example

Expr expr = "[1,x,sqr(x),cub(x)]";
var f = expr.GetArray("x");
double[] v = f(0.3);
// v[0] = 1.0
// v[1] = 0.09
// v[2] = 0.027

More Details

A list of functions already defined are shown below, but there migth be a few missing

Named Constants

Expr function String syntax Description & Value
Zero "0" The value zero
One "1" The value one
Inf "inf" Infinity $\infty$
Nan "nan" Not A Number (IEEE 754 constant)
PI "pi" The number $\pi$
π "π" Also the number $\pi$
DivPI "divpi" The number $1/\pi$
E "e" The natural log base $\mathrm{e}$
Φ "Φ" The golden ratio $(1+\sqrt{5})/2$
Deg "deg" Degree to radian conversion factor $\pi/180$
Rad "rad" Radian to degree conversion factor $180/\pi$
Rpm "rpm" Revolutions per minute to radians per second conversion $2\pi/60$

Unary Functions

Expr function String syntax Description
Identity(x) "+" Does nothing
Negate(x) "-" Negative
Inverse(x) "inv(x)" Inverse 1/x
Rnd(x) "rnd(x)" Random number between 0 and x
Pi(x) "pi(x)" Value of π multiplied by x
Abs(x) "abs(x)" Absolute value of x
Sign(x) "sign(x)" Either -1 or +1 depending on sign of x
Exp(x) "exp(x)" Exponatiation $e^x$
Ln(x) "ln(x)" Natural Logarithm $\ln(x)$
Log2(x) "log2(x)" Logarithm Base 2 $\ln(x)/\ln(2)$
Log10(x) "log10(x)" Logarithm Base 10 $\ln(x)/\ln(10)$
Sqr(x) "sqr(x)" Square $x^2$, opposite of "sqrt(x)"
Sqrt(x) "sqrt(x)" Square root $\sqrt{x}$, opposite of "sqr(x)"
Cub(x) "cub(x)" Cube $x^4$, opposite of "cbrt(x)"
Cbrt(x) "cbrt(x)" Cube root $\sqrt{x}$, opposite of "cub(x)"
Floor(x) "floor(x)" Floor function (biggest integer <= x)
Ceiling(x) "ceil(x)" Ceiling function (smallest integer >= x)
Round(x) "round(x)" Rounding function to nearest integer
Sin(x) "sin(x)" Sine function (argument in radians)
Cos(x) "cos(x)" Cosine function (argument in radians)
Tan(x) "tan(x)" Tangent function (argument in radians)
Sinh(x) "sinh(x)" Sine hyperbolic function
Cosh(x) "cosh(x)" Cosine hyperbolic function
Tanh(x) "tanh(x)" Tangent hyperbolic function
Asin(x) "asin(x)" Arc-sine function (result in radians)
Acos(x) "acos(x)" Arc-cosine function (result in radians)
Atan(x) "atan(x)" Arc-tangent function (result in radians)
Asinh(x) "asinh(x)" Arc-Sine hyperbolic function
Acosh(x) "acosh(x)" Arc-Cosine hyperbolic function
Atanh(x) "atanh(x)" Arc-Tangent hyperbolic function
Sum(x) "sum(x)" Sum of vector x

Binary Functions

Expr function String syntax Description
Add(x,y) "+" Addition
Substract(x,y) "-" Subtraction
Multiply(x,y) "*" Multiplication
Divide(x,y) "/" Division
Max(x,y) "max(x,y)" Maximum value
Min(x,y) "min(x,y)" Minimum value
Sign(x,y) "sign(x,y) abs(x)*sign(y)
Log(x,y) "log(x,y)" Logarith of x with base y
Atan2(dy,dx) "atan2(dy,dx)" Full quadrant arc tangent function
Dot(x,y) "dot(x,y)" Dot product of vectors x and y

A class diagram is added below

Class Diagram


An expression parser for C# with some ability for simplifications and automatic differentialtion. Inspired by







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