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Ghost Invasion Game is most likely Space Invaders. Check The preview at the End of the

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Ghost Invasion Game in Python [Completed]

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Table of Contents

Creating a Pygame Window and Responding to User Input

  • First, we import the sys and pygame modules. The pygame module contains the functionality we need to make a game. We’ll use tools in the sys module to exit the game when the player quits.

  • Ghost Invasion starts as a class called GhostInvasion. In the __init__() method, the pygame.init() function initializes the background settings that Pygame needs to work properly.

  • We call pygame.display.set_mode() to create a display window, on which we’ll draw all the game’s graphical elements. The argument (1200, 800) is a tuple that defines the dimensions of the game window, which will be 1200 pixels wide by 800 pixels high.

  • The object we assigned to self.screen is called a surface. A surface in Pygame is a part of the screen where a game element can be displayed.

  • The surface returned by display.set_mode() represents the entire game window. When we activate the game’s animation loop, this surface will be redrawn on every pass through the loop, so it can be updated with any changes triggered by user input.

  • The game is controlled by the run_game() method. This method contains a while loop w that runs continually. The while loop contains an event loop and code that manages screen updates.

  • To access the events that Pygame detects, we'll use the pygame.event.get() function. This function returns a list of events that have taken place since the last time this function was called. Any keyboard or mouse event will cause this for loop to run. Inside the loop, we’ll write a series of if statements to detect and respond to specific events.

  • The call to pygame.display.flip() tells Pygame to make the most recently drawn screen visible. In this case, it simply draws an empty screen on each pass through the while loop, erasing the old screen so only the new screen is visible.

  • At the end of the code, we create an instance of the game, and then call run_game(). We place run_game() in an if block that only runs if the file is called directly. When you run this file, you should see an empty Pygame window.

Setting the Background Color

  • Pygame creates a black screen by default, but that’s boring. Let’s set a different background color. We’ll do this at the end of the init() method.

  • Colors in Pygame are specified as RGB colors: a mix of red, green, and blue. Each color value can range from 0 to 255. The color value (255, 0, 0) is red, (0, 255, 0) is green, and (0, 0, 255) is blue. You can mix different RGB values to create up to 16 million colors. The color value (230, 230, 230) mixes equal amounts of red, blue, and green, which produces a light gray background color. We assign this color to self.bg_color. We fill the screen with the background color using the fill() method, which acts on a surface and takes only one argument: a color.

Creating a Settings Class

  • Each time we introduce new functionality into the game, we’ll typically create some new settings as well. Instead of adding settings throughout the code, let’s write a module called settings that contains a class called Settingsto store all these values in one place.

  • This also makes it easier to modify the game’s appearance and behavior as our project grows: to modify the game, we’ll simply change some values in, which we’ll create next, instead of searching for different settings throughout the project.

  • To make an instance of Settings in the project and use it to access our settings, we need to modify

  • We import Settings into the main program file. Then we create an instance of Settings and assign it to self.settings, after making the call to pygame.init(). When we create a screen, we use the screen_width and screen_height attributes of self.settings, and then we use self.settings to access the background color when filling the screen as well.

Adding the Ship Image

  • Let’s add the ship to our game. To draw the player’s ship on the screen, we’ll load an image and then use the Pygame blit() method to draw the image.

  • After choosing an image for the ship, we need to display it on the screen. To use our ship, we’ll create a new ship module that will contain the class Ship. This class will manage most of the behavior of the player’s ship.

  • Pygame is efficient because it lets you treat all game elements like rectangles (rects) , even if they’re not exactly shaped like rectangles. Treating an element as a rectangle is efficient because rectangles are simple geometric shapes. We’ll treat the ship and the screen as rectangles in this class.

  • We import the pygame module before defining the class. The init() method of Ship takes two parameters: the self reference and a reference to the current instance of the GhostInvasion class. This will give Ship access to all the game resources defined in GhostInvasion.

  • we access the screen’s rect attribute using the get_rect() method and assign it to self.screen_rect. Doing so allows us to place the ship in the correct location on the screen.

  • To load the image, we call pygame.image.load() and give it the location of our ship image. This function returns a surface representing the ship, which we assign to self.image. When the image is loaded, we call get_rect() to access the ship surface’s rect attribute so we can later use it to place the ship.

  • When you’re working with a rect object, you can use the x- and y-coordinates of the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the rectangle, as well as the center, to place the object. There are also attributes that combine these properties, such as midbottom, midtop, midleft, and midright. When you’re adjusting the horizontal or vertical placement of the rect, you can just use the x and y attributes, which are the x- and y-coordinates of its top-left corner.

  • Note: In Pygame, the origin (0, 0) is at the top-left corner of the screen, and coordinates increase as you go down and to the right. On a 1200 by 800 screen, the origin is at the top-left corner, and the bottom-right corner has the coordinates (1200, 800). These coordinates refer to the game window, not the physical screen.

  • We’ll position the ship at the bottom center of the screen. To do so, make the value of self.rect.midbottom match the midbottom attribute of the screen’s rect. Pygame uses these rect attributes to position the ship image so it’s centered horizontally and aligned with the bottom of the screen. At y, we define the blitme() method, which draws the image to the screen at the position specified by self.rect

Drawing the Ship to the Screen

  • We import Ship and then make an instance of Ship after the screen has been created. The call to Ship() requires one argument, an instance of . The self argument here refers to the current instance of GhostInvasion. This is the parameter that gives Ship access to the game’s resources, such as the screen object. We assign this Ship instance to self.ship.

  • After filling the background, we draw the ship on the screen by calling ship.blitme(), so the ship appears on top of the background. When you run now, you should see an empty game screen with the rocket ship sitting at the bottom center.

Refactoring: The _check_events() and _update_screen() Methods

In large projects, you’ll often refactor code you’ve written before adding more code. Refactoring simplifies the structure of the code you’ve already written, making it easier to build on. In this section, we’ll break the run_game() method, which is getting lengthy, into two helper methods. A helper method does work inside a class but isn’t meant to be called through an instance. In Python, a single leading underscore indicates a helper method.

  • The _check_events() Method

    • We’ll move the code that manages events to a separate method called _check_events(). This will simplify run_game() and isolate the event management loop. Isolating the event loop allows you to manage events separately from other aspects of the game, such as updating the screen.

    • We make a new _check_events() method and move the lines that check whether the player has clicked to close the window into this new method. To call a method from within a class, use dot notation with the variable self and the name of the method. We call the method from inside the while loop in run_game().

  • The _update_screen() Method

    • To further simplify run_game(), we’ll move the code for updating the screen to a separate method called _update_screen()

    • We moved the code that draws the background and the ship and flips the screen to _update_screen(). Now the body of the main loop in run_game() is much simpler. It’s easy to see that we’re looking for new events and updating the screen on each pass through the loop.

Piloting the Ship

We’ll give the player the ability to move the ship right and left. We’ll write code that responds when the player presses the right or left arrow key. We’ll focus on movement to the right first, and then we’ll apply the same principles to control movement to the left. As we add this code, you’ll learn how to control the movement of images on the screen and respond to user input

  • Responding to a Keypress

    • Whenever the player presses a key, that keypress is registered in Pygame as an event. Each event is picked up by the pygame.event.get() method. We need to specify in our _check_events() method what kind of events we want the game to check for. Each keypress is registered as a KEYDOWN event. When Pygame detects a KEYDOWN event, we need to check whether the key that was pressed is one that triggers a certain action. For example, if the player presses the right arrow key, we want to increase the ship’s rect.x value to move the ship to the right.

    • Inside _check_events() we add an elif block to the event loop to respond when Pygame detects a KEYDOWN event. We check whether the key pressed, event.key, is the right arrow key. The right arrow key is represented by pygame.K_RIGHT. If the right arrow key was pressed, we move the ship to the right by increasing the value of self.ship.rect.x by 1.

    • Allowing Continuous Movement

      • When the player holds down the right arrow key, we want the ship to continue moving right until the player releases the key. We’ll have the game detect a pygame.KEYUP event so we’ll know when the right arrow key is released; then we’ll use the KEYDOWN and KEYUP events together with a flag called moving_right to implement continuous motion.

      • When the moving_right flag is False, the ship will be motionless. When the player presses the right arrow key, we’ll set the flag to True, and when the player releases the key, we’ll set the flag to False again. The Ship class controls all attributes of the ship, so we’ll give it an attribute called moving_right and an update() method to check the status of the moving_right flag. The update() method will change the position of the ship if the flag is set to True. We’ll call this method once on each pass through the while loop to update the position of the ship.

      • We add a self.moving_right attribute in the init() method and set it to False initially. Then we add update(), which moves the ship right if the flag is True. The update() method will be called through an instance of Ship, so it’s not considered a helper method. Now we need to modify _check_events() so that moving_right is set to True when the right arrow key is pressed and False when the key is released.

      • We modify how the game responds when the player presses the right arrow key instead of changing the ship’s position directly, we merely set moving_right to True. we add a new elif block, which responds to KEYUP When the player releases the right arrow key (K_RIGHT), we set moving_right to False. Next, we modify the while loop in run_game() so it calls the ship’s update() method on each pass through the loop

      • The ship’s position will be updated after we’ve checked for keyboard events and before we update the screen. This allows the ship’s position to be updated in response to player input and ensures the updated position will be used when drawing the ship to the screen.

    • Moving Both Left and Right

      • Now that the ship can move continuously to the right, adding movement to the left is straightforward. Again, we’ll modify the Ship class and the _check _events() method. Here are the relevant changes to init() and update() in Ship

      • In init(), we add a self.moving_left flag. In update(), we use two separate if blocks rather than an elif to allow the ship’s rect.x value to be increased and then decreased when both arrow keys are held down. This results in the ship standing still. If we used elif for motion to the left, the right arrow key would always have priority. Doing it this way makes the movements more accurate when switching from right to left when the player might momentarily hold down both keys.

      • If a KEYDOWN event occurs for the K_LEFT key, we set moving_left to True. If a KEYUP event occurs for the K_LEFT key, we set moving_left to False. We can use elif blocks here because each event is connected to only one key. If the player presses both keys at once, two separate events will be detected.

    • Adjusting the Ship’s Speed

      • Currently, the ship moves one pixel per cycle through the while loop, but we can take finer control of the ship’s speed by adding a ship_speed attribute to the Settings class. We’ll use this attribute to determine how far to move the ship on each pass through the loop. Here’s the new attribute in

      • We set the initial value of ship_speed to 2.0, When the ship moves now, its position is adjusted by 2.0 pixels rather than 1 pixel on each pass through the loop. We’re using decimal values for the speed setting to give us finer control of the ship’s speed when we increase the tempo of the game later on.

      • We create a settings attribute for Ship, so we can use it in update(). we’re adjusting the position of the ship by fractions of a pixel, we need to assign the position to a variable that can store a decimal value. You can use a decimal value to set an attribute of rect, but the rect will only keep the integer portion of that value. To keep track of the ship’s position accurately, we define a new self.x attribute that can hold decimal values. We use the float() function to convert the value of self.rect.x to a decimal and assign this value to self.x

      • Now when we change the ship’s position in update(), the value of self.x is adjusted by the amount stored in settings.ship_speed After self.x has been updated, we use the new value to update self.rect.x, which controls the position of the ship Only the integer portion of self.x will be stored in self.rect.x, but that’s fine for displaying the ship. Now we can change the value of ship_speed, and any value greater than one will make the ship move faster. This will help make the ship respond quickly enough to shoot down ghosts, and it will let us change the tempo of the game as the player progresses in gameplay

      • Note: If you’re using macOS, you might notice that the ship moves very slowly, even with a high speed setting. You can remedy this problem by running the game in fullscreen mode, which we’ll implement shortly

    • Limiting the Ship’s Range

      • At this point, the ship will disappear off either edge of the screen if you hold down an arrow key long enough. Let’s correct this so the ship stops moving when it reaches the screen’s edge. We do this by modifying the update() method in Ship.

      • This code checks the position of the ship before changing the value of self.x The code self.rect.right returns the x-coordinate of the right edge of the ship’s rect. If this value is less than the value returned by self.screen_rect.right, the ship hasn’t reached the right edge of the screen.

      • The same goes for the left edge: if the value of the left side of the rect is greater than zero, the ship hasn’t reached the left edge of the screen This ensures the ship is within these bounds before adjusting the value of self.x

    • Refactoring _check_events() and Pressing Q to Quit

      • The _check_events() method will increase in length as we continue to develop the game, so let’s break _check_events() into two more methods: one that handles KEYDOWN events and another that handles KEYUP events.

      • We make two new helper methods: and _check _keyup_events() Each needs a self parameter and an event parameter. The bodies of these two methods are copied from _check_events(), and we’ve replaced the old code with calls to the new methods. The _check_events() method is simpler now with this cleaner code structure, which will make it easier to develop further responses to player input.

      • Now that we’re responding to keypresses efficiently, we can add another way to quit the game. It gets tedious to click the X at the top of the game window to end the game every time you test a new feature, so we’ll add a keyboard shortcut to end the game when the player presses Q

      • In _check _keyup_events(), we add a new block that ends the game when the player presses Q. Now, when testing, you can press Q to close the game rather than using your cursor to close the window.

    • Running the Game in Fullscreen Mode

      • Pygame has a fullscreen mode that you might like better than running the game in a regular window. Some games look better in fullscreen mode, and macOS users might see better performance in fullscreen mode.

      • When creating the screen surface, we pass a size of (0, 0) and the parameter pygame.FULLSCREEN This tells Pygame to figure out a window size that will fill the screen. Because we don’t know the width and height of the screen ahead of time, we update these settings after the screen is created. We use the width and height attributes of the screen’s rect to update the settings object. If you like how the game looks or behaves in fullscreen mode, keep these settings. If you liked the game better in its own window, you can revert back to the original approach where we set a specific screen size for the game.

      • Note:Make sure you can quit by pressing Q before running the game in fullscreen mode; Pygame offers no default way to quit a game while in fullscreen mode.

Shooting Bullets

Now let’s add the ability to shoot bullets. We’ll write code that fires a bullet, which is represented by a small rectangle, when the player presses the spacebar. Bullets will then travel straight up the screen until they disappear off the top of the screen.

  • Adding the Bullet Settings

    • At the end of the __init__() method, we’ll update to include the values we’ll need for a new Bullet class.

    • These settings create dark gray bullets with a width of 3 pixels and a height of 15 pixels. The bullets will travel slightly slower than the ship.

  • Creating the Bullet Class

    • Now create a file to store our Bullet class. Here’s the first part of bullet. py:
    import pygame
    from pygame.sprite import Sprite

    class Bullet(Sprite):
        #A Class to manage bullets fired from the ship

        def __init__(self, ai_game):

            #Create a bullet object at the ship's current position
            self.screen = ai_game.screen
            self.settings = ai_game.settings
            self.color = self.settings.bullet_color

            # Create a bullet rect at (0, 0) and then set correct position.
            self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.settings.bullet_width,self.settings.bullet_height)
            self.rect.midtop = ai_game.ship.rect.midtop
            # Store the bullet's position as a decimal value.
            self.y = float(self.rect.y)
  • The Bullet class inherits from Sprite, which we import from the pygame.sprite module. When you use sprites, you can group related elements in your game and act on all the grouped elements at once. To create a bullet instance, __init__() needs the current instance of GhostInvasion, and we call super() to inherit properly from Sprite. We also set attributes for the screen and settings objects, and for the bullet’s color.

  • Then we create the bullet’s rect attribute. The bullet isn’t based on an image, so we have to build a rect from scratch using the pygame.Rect() class. This class requires the x- and y-coordinates of the top-left corner of the rect, and the width and height of the rect. We initialize the rect at (0, 0), but we’ll move it to the correct location in the next line, because the bullet’s position depends on the ship’s position. We get the width and height of the bullet from the values stored in self.settings

  • Then we set the bullet’s midtop attribute to match the ship’s midtop attribute. This will make the bullet emerge from the top of the ship, making it look like the bullet is fired from the ship. We store a decimal value for the bullet’s y-coordinate so we can make fine adjustments to the bullet’s speed.

       def update(self):
       #"""Move the bullet up the screen."""
       #Update the decimal position of the bullets
       self.y -= self.settings.bullet_speed
       #update the rect position
       self.rect.y = self.y
       def draw_bullet(self):
       #"""Draw the bullets to the screen"""
       pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, self.rect)

  • The update() method manages the bullet’s position. When a bullet is fired, it moves up the screen, which corresponds to a decreasing y-coordinate value. To update the position, we subtract the amount stored in settings.bullet_speed from self.y, We then use the value of self.y to set the value of self.rect.y

  • The bullet_speed setting allows us to increase the speed of the bullets as the game progresses or as needed to refine the game’s behavior. Once a bullet is fired, we never change the value of its x-coordinate, so it will travel vertically in a straight line even if the ship moves. When we want to draw a bullet, we call draw_bullet(). The draw.rect() function fills the part of the screen defined by the bullet’s rect with the color stored in self.color.

  • Storing Bullets in a Group

    • Now that we have a Bullet class and the necessary settings defined, we can write code to fire a bullet each time the player presses the spacebar. We’ll create a group in GhsotInvasion to store all the live bullets so we can manage the bullets that have already been fired. This group will be an instance of the pygame.sprite.Group class, which behaves like a list with some extra functionality that’s helpful when building games. We’ll use this group to draw bullets to the screen on each pass through the main loop and to update each bullet’s position. Then we need to update the position of the bullets on each pass through the whil loop.

    • When you call update() on a group, group automatically calls update() for each sprite in the group. The line self.bullets.update() calls bullet.update() for each bullet we place in the group bullets

  • Firing Bullets

    • In GhostInvasion, we need to modify _check_keydown_events() to fire a bullet when the player presses the spacebar. We don’t need to change _check_keyup _events() because nothing happens when the spacebar is released. We also need to modify _update_screen() to make sure each bullet is drawn to the screen before we call flip().

    • First, we import Bullet Then we call _fire_bullet() when the spacebar is pressed, In _fire_bullet(), we make an instance of Bullet and call it new_bullet We then add it to the group bullets using the add() method. The add() method is similar to append(), but it’s a method that’s written specifically for Pygame groups.

    • The bullets.sprites() method returns a list of all sprites in the group bullets. To draw all fired bullets to the screen, we loop through the sprites in bullets and call draw_bullet() on each one.

  • Deleting Old Bullets

    • At the moment, the bullets disappear when they reach the top, but only because Pygame can’t draw them above the top of the screen. The bullets actually continue to exist; their y-coordinate values just grow increasingly negative. This is a problem, because they continue to consume memory and processing power.

    • We need to get rid of these old bullets, or the game will slow down from doing so much unnecessary work. To do this, we need to detect when the bottom value of a bullet’s rect has a value of 0, which indicates the bullet has passed off the top of the screen.

    # Get rid of bullets that have disappeared.
    for bullet in self.bullets.copy():
        if bullet.rect.bottom <= 0:
  • When you use a for loop with a list (or a group in Pygame), Python expects that the list will stay the same length as long as the loop is running. Because we can’t remove items from a list or group within a for loop, we have to loop over a copy of the group. We use the copy() method to set up the for loop. which enables us to modify bullets inside the loop. We check each bullet to see whether it has disappeared off the top of the screen, If it has, we remove it from bullets then we insert a print() call to show how many bullets currently exist in the game and verify that they’re being deleted when they reach the top of the screen.

  • If this code works correctly, we can watch the terminal output while firing bullets and see that the number of bullets decreases to zero after each series of bullets has cleared the top of the screen. After you run the game and verify that bullets are being deleted properly, remove the print() call. If you leave it in, the game will slow down significantly because it takes more time to write output to the terminal than it does to draw graphics to the game window.

  • Limiting the Number of Bullets

    • Many shooting games limit the number of bullets a player can have on the screen at one time; doing so encourages players to shoot accurately. We’ll do the same in GhostInvasion , First, store the number of bullets allowed in, This limits the player to three bullets at a time. We’ll use thisGhostInvasion to check how many bullets exist before creating a new bullet in _fire_bullet()

    • When the player presses the spacebar, we check the length of bullets. If len(self.bullets) is less than three, we create a new bullet. But if three bullets are already active, nothing happens when the spacebar is pressed. When you run the game now, you should be able to fire bullets only in groups of three.

  • Creating the _update_bullets() Method

    • We want to keep the GhostInvasion class reasonably well organized, so now that we’ve written and checked the bullet management code, we can move it to a separate method. We’ll create a new method called _update_bullets() and add it just before _update_screen()

    • The code for _update_bullets() is cut and pasted from run_game(), all we’ve done here is clarify the comments. Now our main loop contains only minimal code, so we can quickly read the method names and understand what’s happening in the game. The main loop checks for player input, and then updates the position of the ship and any bullets that have been fired. We then use the updated positions to draw a new screen. Run one more time, and make sure you can still fire bullets without errors.

Error : Occured

Removing some extra whitespaces and there was an error of bullets iin which bullets were blinking while firing, reason for that I repeted the code accidentally from _update_screen() to run_game(), which I was mistaken in the start of the program. So Now it is fixed.
Now You can check the fromat of commit from which you can understand better.

Creating a First Ghost

Placing one ghost on the screen is like placing a ship on the screen. Each ghost’s behavior is controlled by a class called ghost, which we’ll structure like the Ship class

  • Creating the Ghost Class

    • Now we’ll write the Ghost class and save it as Most of this class is like the Ship class except for the ghosts’ placement on the screen. We initially place each ghost near the top-left corner of the screen; we add a space to the left of it that’s equal to the ghost’s width and a space above it equal to its height, so it’s easy to see. We’re mainly concerned with the ghosts’ horizontal speed, so we’ll track the horizontal position of each ghost precisely This Ghost class doesn’t need a method for drawing it to the screen; instead, we’ll use a Pygame group method that automatically draws all the elements of a group to the screen.
    import pygame
    from pygame.sprite import Sprite
    class Ghost(Sprite):
        # """A class to represent a single ghost in the fleet."""
        def __init__(self, ai_game):
            # """Initialize the ghost and set its starting position."""
            self.screen = ai_game.screen
            # Load the ghost image and set its rect attribute.
            self.image = pygame.image.load('images/ghost.png')
            self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
            # Start each new ghost near the top left of the screen.
            self.rect.x = self.rect.width
            self.rect.y = self.rect.height
            # Store the ghost's exact horizontal position.
            self.x = float(self.rect.x)
  • Creating an Instance of the Ghost

    • We want to create an instance of Ghost so we can see the first ghost on the screen. Because it’s part of our setup work, we’ll add the code for this instance at the end of the init() method in GhostInvasion. Eventually, we’ll create an entire fleet of ghosts, which will be quite a bit of work, so we’ll make a new helper method called _create_fleet().

    • The order of methods in a class doesn’t matter, as long as there’s some consistency to how they’re placed. I’ll place _create_fleet() just before the _update_screen() method, but anywhere in GhostInvasion will work. First, we’ll import the Ghost class.

    • We create a group to hold the fleet of ghosts, and we call _create_fleet() In this method, we’re creating one instance of Ghost, and then adding it to the group that will hold the fleet. The ghost will be placed in the default upper-left area of the screen, which is perfect for the first ghost. To make the ghost appear, we need to call the group’s draw() method in _update_screen()

    • When you call draw() on a group, Pygame draws each element in the group at the position defined by its rect attribute. The draw() method requires one argument; a surface on which to draw the elements from the group. Now that the first ghost appears correctly, we’ll write the code to draw an entire fleet.

Building the Ghost Fleet

To draw a fleet, we need to figure out how many ghosts can fit across the screen and how many rows of ghosts can fit down the screen. We’ll first figure out the horizontal spacing between ghosts and create a row; then we’ll determine the vertical spacing and create an entire fleet.

  • Determining How Many Ghosts Fit in a Row

    To figure out how many ghosts fit in a row, let’s look at how much horizontal space we have. The screen width is stored in settings.screen_width, but we need an empty margin on either side of the screen. We’ll make this margin the width of one ghost. Because we have two margins, the available space for ghosts is the screen width minus two ghost widths:

    available_space_x = settings.screen_width – (2 * ghost_width)

    We also need to set the spacing between ghosts; we’ll make it one ghost width. The space needed to display one ghost is twice its width: one width for the ghost and one width for the empty space to its right. To find the number of ghosts that fit across the screen, we divide the available space by two times the width of an ghost. We use floor division (//), which divides two numbers and drops any remainder, so we’ll get an integer number of ghosts:

    number_ghosts_x = available_space_x // (2 * ghost_width)

    We’ll use these calculations when we create the fleet

    • Note:One great aspect of calculations in programming is that you don’t have to be sure your formulas are correct when you first write them. You can try them out and see if they work. At worst, you’ll have a screen that’s overcrowded with ghosts or has too few ghosts. You can then revise your calculations based on what you see on the screen.
  • Creating a Row of Ghosts

    • We’re ready to generate a full row of ghosts. Because our code for making a single ghost works, we’ll rewrite _create_fleet() to make a whole row of ghosts.

    • We’ve already thought through most of this code. We need to know the ghost’s width and height to place ghosts, so we create an ghost, before we perform calculations. This ghost won’t be part of the fleet, so don’t add it to the group ghosts. code we get the ghost’s width from its rect attribute and store this value in ghost_width so we don’t have to keep working through the rect attribute. We calculate the horizontal space available for ghosts and the number of ghosts that can fit into that space.

    • Next, we set up a loop that counts from 0 to the number of ghosts we need to make In the main body of the loop, we create a new ghost and then set its x-coordinate value to place it in the row, Each ghost is pushed to the right one ghost width from the left margin. Next, we multiply the ghost width by 2 to account for the space each ghost takes up, including the empty space to its right, and we multiply this amount by the ghost’s position in the row. We use the ghost’s x attribute to set the position of its rect. Then we add each new ghost to the group ghosts. When you run GhostInvasion now, you should see the first row of ghosts appear.

    • The first row is offset to the left, which is actually good for gameplay. The reason is that we want the fleet to move right until it hits the edge of the screen, then drop down a bit, then move left, and so forth. Like the classic game Space Invaders, this movement is more interesting than having the fleet drop straight down. We’ll continue this motion until all ghosts are shot down or until an ghost hits the ship or the bottom of the screen.

      • Note:Depending on the screen width you’ve chosen, the alignment of the first row of ghosts might look slightly different on your system.

Refactoring _create_fleet()

  • If the code we’ve written so far was all we need to create a fleet, we’d probably leave _create_fleet() as is. But we have more work to do, so let’s clean up the method a bit. We’ll add a new helper method, _create_ghost(), and call it from _create_fleet()

  • The method _create_fleet() requires one parameter in addition to self: it needs the ghost number that’s currently being created. We use the same body we made for _create_fleet() except that we get the width of an ghost inside the method instead of passing it as an argument. This refactoring will make it easier to add new rows and create an entire fleet.

  • Adding Rows

    • To finish the fleet, we’ll determine the number of rows that fit on the screen and then repeat the loop for creating the ghosts in one row until we have the correct number of rows. To determine the number of rows, we find the available vertical space by subtracting the ghost height from the top, the ship height from the bottom, and two ghost heights from the bottom of the screen:

      available_space_y = settings.screen_height – (3 * ghost_height) – ship_height

    • The result will create some empty space above the ship, so the player has some time to start shooting ghosts at the beginning of each level. Each row needs some empty space below it, which we’ll make equal to the height of one ghost. To find the number of rows, we divide the available space by two times the height of an ghost. We use floor division because we can only make an integer number of rows. (Again, if these calculations are off, we’ll see it right away and adjust our approach until we have reasonable spacing.)

      number_rows = available_height_y // (2 * ghost_height)

      Now that we know how many rows fit in a fleet, we can repeat the code for creating a row.

    • We need the width and height of an ghost, so we use the attribute size, which contains a tuple with the width and height of a rect object. To calculate the number of rows we can fit on the screen, we write our available_space_y calculation right after the calculation for available_space_x, The calculation is wrapped in parentheses so the outcome can be split over two lines, which results in lines of 79 characters or less, as is recommended.

    • To create multiple rows, we use two nested loops: one outer and one inner loop The inner loop creates the ghosts in one row. The outer loop counts from 0 to the number of rows we want; Python uses the code for making a single row and repeats it number_rows times.

    • To nest the loops, write the new for loop and indent the code you want to repeat. (Most text editors make it easy to indent and unindent blocks of code, but for help see Appendix B.) Now when we call _create_ghost(), we include an argument for the row number so each row can be placed farther down the screen.

    • The definition of _create_ghost() needs a parameter to hold the row number. Within _create_ghost(), we change an ghost’s y-coordinate value when it’s not in the first row by starting with one ghost’s height to create empty space at the top of the screen. Each row starts two ghost heights below the previous row, so we multiply the ghost height by two and then by the row number. The first row number is 0, so the vertical placement of the first row is unchanged. All subsequent rows are placed farther down the screen. When you run the game now, you should see a full fleet of ghosts.

Making the Fleet Move

Now let’s make the fleet of ghosts move to the right across the screen until it hits the edge, and then make it drop a set amount and move in the other direction. We’ll continue this movement until all ghosts have been shot down, one collides with the ship, or one reaches the bottom of the screen. Let’s begin by making the fleet move to the right.

  • Moving the Ghosts Right

    • To move the ghosts, we’ll use an update() method in, which we’ll call for each ghost in the group of ghosts. First, add a setting to control the speed of each ghost, Then use this setting to implement update() We create a settings parameter in __init__() so we can access the ghost’s speed in update(). Each time we update an ghost’s position, we move it to the right by the amount stored in ghost_speed. We track the ghost’s exact position with the self.x attribute, which can hold decimal values, We then use the value of self.x to update the position of the ghost’s rect, In the main while loop, we already have calls to update the ship and bullet positions. Now we’ll add a call to update the position of each ghost as well

    • We’re about to write some code to manage the movement of the fleet, so we create a new method called _update_ghosts(). We set the ghosts’ positions to update after the bullets have been updated, because we’ll soon be checking to see whether any bullets hit any ghosts

    • Where you place this method in the module is not critical. But to keep the code organized, I’ll place it just after _update_bullets() to match the order of method calls in the while loop. Here’s the first version of _update_ghosts()

    • We use the update() method on the ghosts group, which calls each ghost’s update() method. When you run GhostInvasion now, you should see the fleet move right and disappear off the side of the screen.

  • Creating Settings for Fleet Direction

    • Now we’ll create the settings that will make the fleet move down the screen and to the left when it hits the right edge of the screen. Here’s how to implement this behavior.

    • The setting fleet_drop_speed controls how quickly the fleet drops down the screen each time an ghost reaches either edge. It’s helpful to separate this speed from the ghosts’ horizontal speed so you can adjust the two speeds independently.

    • To implement the setting fleet_direction, we could use a text value, such as 'left' or 'right', but we’d end up with if-elif statements testing for the fleet direction. Instead, because we have only two directions to deal with, let’s use the values 1 and −1, and switch between them each time the fleet changes direction. (Using numbers also makes sense because moving right involves adding to each ghost’s x-coordinate value, and moving left involves subtracting from each ghost’s x-coordinate value.)

  • Checking Whether an Ghost Has Hit the Edge

    • We need a method to check whether an ghost is at either edge, and we need to modify update() to allow each ghost to move in the appropriate direction.

    • We can call the new method check_edges() on any ghost to see whether it’s at the left or right edge. The ghost is at the right edge if the right attribute of its rect is greater than or equal to the right attribute of the screen’s rect. It’s at the left edge if its left value is less than or equal to 0.

    • We modify the method update() to allow motion to the left or right by multiplying the ghost’s speed by the value of fleet_direction. If fleet _direction is 1, the value of ghost_speed will be added to the ghost’s current position, moving the ghost to the right; if fleet_direction is −1, the value will be subtracted from the ghost’s position, moving the ghost to the left.

  • Dropping the Fleet and Changing Direction

    • When an ghost reaches the edge, the entire fleet needs to drop down and change direction. Therefore, we need to add some code to GhostInvasion because that’s where we’ll check whether any ghosts are at the left or right edge. We’ll make this happen by writing the methods _check_fleet_edges() and _change_fleet_direction(), and then modifying _update_ghosts(). I’ll put these new methods after _create_ghost(), but again the placement of these methods in the class isn’t critical.

    • In _check_fleet_edges(), we loop through the fleet and call check_edges() on each ghost, If check_edges() returns True, we know an ghost is at an edge and the whole fleet needs to change direction; so we call _change_fleet _direction() and break out of the loop In _change_fleet _direction(), we loop through all the ghosts and drop each one using the setting fleet_drop _speed. then we change the value of fleet_direction by multiplying its current value by −1. The line that changes the fleet’s direction isn’t part of the for loop. We want to change each ghost’s vertical position, but we only want to change the direction of the fleet once.

    • We’ve modified the method by calling _check_fleet_edges() before updating each ghost’s position. When you run the game now, the fleet should move back and forth between the edges of the screen and drop down every time it hits an edge.

Shooting Ghosts

We’ve built our ship and a fleet of ghosts, but when the bullets reach the ghosts, they simply pass through because we aren’t checking for collisions. In game programming, collisions happen when game elements overlap. To make the bullets shoot down ghosts, we’ll use the method sprite.groupcollide() to look for collisions between members of two groups.

  • Detecting Bullet Collisions

    • We want to know right away when a bullet hits an ghost so we can make an ghost disappear as soon as it’s hit. To do this, we’ll look for collisions immediately after updating the position of all the bullets

    • The sprite.groupcollide() function compares the rects of each element in one group with the rects of each element in another group. In this case, it compares each bullet’s rect with each ghost’s rect and returns a dictionary containing the bullets and ghosts that have collided. Each key in the dictionary will be a bullet, and the corresponding value will be the ghost that was hit.

    • The new code we added compares the positions of all the bullets in self.bullets and all the ghosts in self.ghosts, and identifies any that overlap. Whenever the rects of a bullet and ghost overlap, groupcollide() adds a keyvalue pair to the dictionary it returns. The two True arguments tell Pygame to delete the bullets and ghosts that have collided. (To make a high-powered bullet that can travel to the top of the screen, destroying every ghost in its path, you could set the first Boolean argument to False and keep the second Boolean argument set to True. The ghosts hit would disappear, but all bullets would stay active until they disappeared off the top of the screen.) When you run GhostInvasion now, ghosts you hit should disappear.

  • Repopulating the Fleet

    • One key feature of GhostInvasion is that the ghosts are relentless: every time the fleet is destroyed, a new fleet should appear. To make a new fleet of ghosts appear after a fleet has been destroyed, we first check whether the ghosts group is empty. If it is, we make a call to _create_fleet(). We’ll perform this check at the end of _update_bullets(), because that’s where individual ghosts are destroyed.

    • We check whether the ghosts group is empty. An empty group evaluates to False, so this is a simple way to check whether the group is empty. If it is, we get rid of any existing bullets by using the empty() method, which removes all the remaining sprites from a group. We also call _create _fleet(), which fills the screen with ghosts again. Now a new fleet appears as soon as you destroy the current fleet.

Refactoring _update_bullets()

  • Let’s refactor _update_bullets() so it’s not doing so many different tasks. We’ll move the code for dealing with bullet and ghost collisions to a separate method.

  • We’ve created a new method, _check_bullet_ghost_collisions(), to look for collisions between bullets and ghosts, and to respond appropriately if the entire fleet has been destroyed. Doing so keeps _update_bullets() from growing too long and simplifies further development.

Ending the Game

What’s the fun and challenge in a game if you can’t lose? If the player doesn’t shoot down the fleet quickly enough, we’ll have the ghosts destroy the ship when they make contact. At the same time, we’ll limit the number of ships a player can use, and we’ll destroy the ship when an ghost reaches the bottom of the screen. The game will end when the player has used up all their ships.

  • Detecting Ghost and Ship Collisions

    • We’ll start by checking for collisions between ghosts and the ship so we can respond appropriately when an ghost hits it. We’ll check for ghost and ship collisions immediately after updating the position of each ghost in GhostInvasion.

    • The spritecollideany() function takes two arguments: a sprite and a group. The function looks for any member of the group that has collided with the sprite and stops looping through the group as soon as it finds one member that has collided with the sprite. Here, it loops through the group ghosts and returns the first ghost it finds that has collided with ship.

    • If no collisions occur, spritecollideany() returns None and the if block won’t execute. If it finds an ghost that has collided with the ship, it returns that ghost and the if block executes: it prints Ship hit!!!. When an ghost hits the ship, we’ll need to do a number of tasks: we’ll need to delete all remaining ghosts and bullets, recenter the ship, and create a new fleet. Before we write code to do all this, we need to know that our approach for detecting ghost and ship collisions works correctly. Writing a print() call is a simple way to ensure we’re detecting these collisions properly. Now when you run GhostInvasion, the message Ship hit!!! should appear in the terminal whenever an ghost runs into the ship.

  • Responding to Ghost and Ship Collisions

    • Now we need to figure out exactly what will happen when an ghost collides with the ship. Instead of destroying the ship instance and creating a new one, we’ll count how many times the ship has been hit by tracking statistics for the game. Tracking statistics will also be useful for scoring. Let’s write a new class, GameStats, to track game statistics, and save it as

    class GameStats:
        """Track statistics for Ghost Invasion."""
        def __init__(self, ai_game):
            """Initialize statistics."""
            self.settings = ai_game.settings

        def reset_stats(self):
            """Initialize statistics that can change during the game."""
            self.ships_left = self.settings.ship_limit

  • We’ll make one GameStats instance for the entire time GhostInvasion is running. But we’ll need to reset some statistics each time the player starts a new game. To do this, we’ll initialize most of the statistics in the reset _stats() method instead of directly in __init()__. We’ll call this method from __init()__ so the statistics are set properly when the GameStats instance is first created But we’ll also be able to call reset_stats() any time the player starts a new game.

  • Right now we have only one statistic, ships_left, the value of which will change throughout the game. The number of ships the player starts with should be stored in as ship_limit

  • We also need to make a few changes in to create an instance of GameStats. We import the sleep() function from the time module in the Python standard library so we can pause the game for a moment when the ship is hit. We also import GameStats. We’ll create an instance of GameStats in __init()__:

    # Create an instance to store game statistics.
    self.stats = GameStats(self)
  • We make the instance after creating the game window but before defining other game elements, such as the ship. When an ghost hits the ship, we’ll subtract one from the number of ships left, destroy all existing ghosts and bullets, create a new fleet, and reposition the ship in the middle of the screen. We’ll also pause the game for a moment so the player can notice the collision and regroup before a new fleet appears

  • Let’s put most of this code in a new method called _ship_hit(). We’ll call this method from _update_ghosts() when an ghost hits the ship:

  • The new method _ship_hit() coordinates the response when an ghost hits a ship. Inside _ship_hit(), the number of ships left is reduced by 1 , after which we empty the groups ghosts and bullets. Next, we create a new fleet and center the ship. (We’ll add the method center_ship() to Ship in a moment.) Then we add a pause after the updates have been made to all the game elements but before any changes have been drawn to the screen, so the player can see that their ship has been hit. The sleep() call pauses program execution for half a second, long enough for the player to see that the ghost has hit the ship. When the sleep() function ends, code execution moves on to the _update_screen() method, which draws the new fleet to the screen

  • In _update_ghosts(), we replace the print() call with a call to _ship_hit() when an ghost hits the ship. Here’s the new method center_ship() add it to the end of
    def center_ship(self):
        """Center the ship on the screen."""
        self.rect.midbottom = self.screen_rect.midbottom
        self.x = float(self.rect.x)

  • We center the ship the same way we did in __init()__. After centering it, we reset the self.x attribute, which allows us to track the ship’s exact position.

    • Note:Notice that we never make more than one ship; we make only one ship instance for the whole game and recenter it whenever the ship has been hit. The statistic ships_left will tell us when the player has run out of
  • Ghosts that Reach the Bottom of the Screen

    • If an ghost reaches the bottom of the screen, we’ll have the game respond the same way it does when an ghost hits the ship. To check when this happens, add a new method in
    def _check_ghosts_bottom(self):
        #"""Check if any ghosts have reached the bottom of the screen."""
        screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
        for ghost in self.ghosts.sprites():
            if ghost.rect.bottom >= screen_rect.bottom:
                # Treat this the same as if the ship got hit.

  • The method _check_ghosts_bottom() checks whether any ghosts have reached the bottom of the screen. An ghost reaches the bottom when its rect.bottom value is greater than or equal to the screen’s rect.bottom attribute. If an ghost reaches the bottom, we call _ship_hit(). If one ghost hits the bottom, there’s no need to check the rest, so we break out of the loop after calling _ship_hit(). We’ll call this method from _update_ghosts()

  • We call _check_ghosts_bottom() after updating the positions of all the ghosts and after looking for ghost and ship collisions. Now a new fleet will appear every time the ship is hit by an ghost or an ghost reaches the bottom of the screen.

Game Over!

  • Ghost Invasion feels more complete now, but the game never ends. The value of ships_left just grows increasingly negative. Let’s add a game_active flag as an attribute to GameStats to end the game when the player runs out of ships. We’ll set this flag at the end of the __init()__ method in GameStats:
    # Start Ghost Invasion in an active state.
    self.game_active = True
  • Now we add code to _ship_hit() that sets game_active to False when the player has used up all their ships.

  • Most of _ship_hit() is unchanged. We’ve moved all the existing code into an if block, which tests to make sure the player has at least one ship remaining. If so, we create a new fleet, pause, and move on. If the player has no ships left, we set game_active to False.

  • Identifying When Parts of the Game Should Run

    • We need to identify the parts of the game that should always run and the parts that should run only when the game is active.

    • In the main loop, we always need to call _check_events(), even if the game is inactive. For example, we still need to know if the user presses Q to quit the game or clicks the button to close the window. We also continue updating the screen so we can make changes to the screen while waiting to see whether the player chooses to start a new game. The rest of the function calls only need to happen when the game is active, because when the game is inactive, we don’t need to update the positions of game elements.

    • Now when you play Ghost Invasion, the game should freeze when you’ve used up all your ships.

Adding the Play Button

In this section, we’ll add a Play button that appears before a game begins and reappears when the game ends so the player can play again. Right now the game begins as soon as you run `` Let’s start the game in an inactive state and then prompt the player to click a Play button to begin. To do this, modify the `__init__()` method of GameStats

	# Start game in an inactive state.
	self.game_active = False

Now the game should start in an inactive state with no way for the player to start it until we make a Play button.

  • Creating a Button Class

    • Because Pygame doesn’t have a built-in method for making buttons, we’ll write a Button class to create a filled rectangle with a label. You can use this code to make any button in a game. Here’s the first part of the Button class; save it as
     import pygame.font      #importing pygame_font
     class Button:
         def __init__(self, ai_game, msg):
             # """Initialize button attributes."""
             self.screen = ai_game.screen
             self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
             # Set the dimensions and properties of the button.
             self.width, self.height = 200, 50
             self.button_color = (0, 255, 0)
             self.text_color = (255, 255, 255)
             self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)
             # Build the button's rect object and center it.
             self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
             # The button message needs to be prepped only once.
    • First, we import the pygame.font module, which lets Pygame render text to the screen. The __init__() method takes the parameters self, the ai_game object, and msg, which contains the button’s text. We set the button dimensions, and then set button_color to color the button’s rect object bright green and set text_color to render the text in white.

    • We prepare a font attribute for rendering text. The None argument tells Pygame to use the default font, and 48 specifies the size of the text. To center the button on the screen, we create a rect for the button and set its center attribute to match that of the screen.

    • Pygame works with text by rendering the string you want to display as an image. We call _prep_msg()to handle this rendering. Here’s the code for _prep_msg():

	def _prep_msg(self, msg):
		#"""Turn msg into a rendered image and center text on the button."""
		self.msg_image = self.font.render(msg, True, self.text_color,self.button_color)
		self.msg_image_rect = self.msg_image.get_rect() =
  • The _prep_msg() method needs a self parameter and the text to be rendered as an image (msg). The call to font.render() turns the text stored in msg into an image, which we then store in self.msg_image. The font.render() method also takes a Boolean value to turn antialiasing on or off (antialiasing makes the edges of the text smoother). The remaining arguments are the specified font color and background color. We set antialiasing to True and set the text background to the same color as the button.

  • We center the text image on the button by creating a rect from the image and setting its center attribute to match that of the button. Finally, we create a draw_button() method that we can call to display the button onscreen:

	def draw_button(self):
		# Draw blank button and then draw message.
		self.screen.fill(self.button_color, self.rect)
		self.screen.blit(self.msg_image, self.msg_image_rect)
  • We call screen.fill()to draw the rectangular portion of the button. Then we call screen.blit() to draw the text image to the screen, passing it an image and the rect object associated with the image. This completes the Buttonclass.
  • Drawing the Button to the Screen

    • We’ll use the Button class to create a Play button in GhostInvasion. Because we need only one Play button, we’ll create the button in the __init__() method of GhostInvasion. We can place this code at the very end of __init__():
     # Make the Play button.
     self.play_button = Button(self, "Play")
    • This code creates an instance of Button with the label Play, but it doesn’t draw the button to the screen. We’ll call the button’s draw_button() method in _update_screen():
     # Draw the play button if the game is inactive.
     if not self.stats.game_active:
    • To make the Play button visible above all other elements on the screen, we draw it after all the other elements have been drawn but before flipping to a new screen. We include it in an if block, so the button only appears when the game is inactive. Now when you run Ghost Invasion, you should see a Play button in the center of the screen.
  • Starting the Game

    • To start a new game when the player clicks Play, add the following elif block to the end of _check_events() to monitor mouse events over the button:
     elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
     	mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    • Pygame detects a MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event when the player clicks anywhere on the screen, but we want to restrict our game to respond to mouse clicks only on the Play button. To accomplish this, we use pygame.mouse.get_pos(), which returns a tuple containing the mouse cursor’s x- and y-coordinates when the mouse button is clicked. We send these values to the new method _check_play_button(). Here’s _check_play_button(), which I chose to place after _check_events():
     def _check_play_button(self, mouse_pos):
     	"""Start a new game when the player clicks Play."""
     	if self.play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
     		self.stats.game_active = True
    • We use the rect method collidepoint() to check whether the point of the mouse click overlaps the region defined by the Play button’s rect. If so, we set game_active to True, and the game begins! At this point, you should be able to start and play a full game. When the game ends, the value of game_active should become False and the Play button should reappear.
  • Resetting the Game

    • The Play button code we just wrote works the first time the player clicks Play. But it doesn’t work after the first game ends, because the conditions that caused the game to end haven’t been reset. To reset the game each time the player clicks Play, we need to reset the game statistics, clear out the old ghosts and bullets, build a new fleet, and center the ship, as shown here:
     # Reset the game statistics.
     # Get rid of any remaining ghosts and bullets.
     # Create a new fleet and center the ship.
    • We reset the game statistics, which gives the player three new ships. Then we set game_active to True so the game will begin as soon as the code in this function finishes running. We empty the ghosts and bullets groups, and then create a new fleet and center the ship. Now the game will reset properly each time you click Play, allowing you to play it as many times as you want!
  • Deactivating the Play Button

    • One issue with our Play button is that the button region on the screen will continue to respond to clicks even when the Play button isn’t visible. If you click the Play button area by accident after a game begins, the game will restart. To fix this, set the game to start only when game_active is False:
     button_clicked = self.play_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos)
     if button_clicked and not self.stats.game_active:
    • The flag button_clicked stores a True or False value. and the game will restart only if Play is clicked and the game is not currently active. To test this behavior, start a new game and repeatedly click where the Play button should be. If everything works as expected, clicking the Play button area should have no effect on the gameplay.
  • Hiding the Mouse Cursor

    • We want the mouse cursor to be visible to begin play, but once play begins, it just gets in the way. To fix this, we’ll make it invisible when the game becomes active. We can do this at the end of the if block in _check_play_button():
     # Hide the mouse cursor.
    • Passing False to set_visible() tells Pygame to hide the cursor when the mouse is over the game window. `
    • We’ll make the cursor reappear once the game ends so the player can click Play again to begin a new game. Here’s the code to do that:


    • We make the cursor visible again as soon as the game becomes inactive, which happens in _ship_hit(). Attention to details like this makes your game more professional looking and allows the player to focus on playing rather than figuring out the user interface.

Leveling Up

In our current game, once a player shoots down the entire ghost fleet, the player reaches a new level, but the game difficulty doesn’t change. Let’s liven things up a bit and make the game more challenging by increasing the game’s speed each time a player clears the Screen.

  • Modifying the Speed Settings

    • We’ll first reorganize the Settings class to group the game settings into static and changing ones. We’ll also make sure that settings that change, during the game reset when we start a new game. Here’s the __init__() method for
     # How quickly the game speeds up
     self.speedup_scale = 1.5
    • We continue to initialize those settings that stay constant in the init() method. We add a speedup_scale setting to control how quickly the game speeds up: a value of 2 will double the game speed every time the player reaches a new level; a value of 1 will keep the speed constant. A value like 1.1 should increase the speed enough to make the game challenging but not impossible. Finally, we call the initialize_dynamic_settings() method to initialize the values for attributes that need to change throughout the game. Here’s the code for initialize_dynamic_settings():
     def initialize_dynamic_settings(self):
     	#"""Initialize settings that change throughout the game."""
     	self.ship_speed = 2.0
     	self.bullet_speed = 3.0
     	self.ghost_speed = 2.0
     	# fleet_direction of 1 represents right; -1 represents left.
     	self.fleet_direction = 1
    • This method sets the initial values for the ship, bullet, and ghost speeds. We’ll increase these speeds as the player progresses in the game and reset them each time the player starts a new game. We include fleet _direction in this method so the ghosts always move right at the beginning of a new game. We don’t need to increase the value of fleet_drop_speed, because when the ghosts move faster across the screen, they’ll also come down the screen faster.

    • To increase the speeds of the ship, bullets, and ghosts each time the player reaches a new level, we’ll write a new method called increase_speed():
     def increase_speed(self):
     	"""Increase speed settings."""
     	self.ship_speed *= self.speedup_scale
     	self.bullet_speed *= self.speedup_scale
     	self.ghost_speed *= self.speedup_scale
    • To increase the speed of these game elements, we multiply each speed setting by the value of speedup_scale. We increase the game’s tempo by calling increase_speed() in _check _bullet_ghost_collisions() when the last ghost in a fleet has been shot down:


    • Changing the values of the speed settings ship_speed, ghost_speed, and bullet_speed is enough to speed up the entire game!
  • Resetting the Speed

    • Now we need to return any changed settings to their initial values each time the player starts a new game; otherwise, each new game would start with the increased speed settings of the previous game:	
     # Reset the game settings.
    • Playing Ghost Invasion should be more fun and challenging now. Each time you clear the screen, the game should speed up and become slightly more difficult. If the game becomes too difficult too quickly, decrease the value of settings.speedup_scale. Or if the game isn’t challenging enough, increase the value slightly. Find a sweet spot by ramping up the difficulty in a reasonable amount of time. The first couple of screens should be easy, the next few challenging but double, and subsequent screens almost impossibly difficult.


Let’s implement a scoring system to track the game’s score in real time and display the high score, level, and number of ships remaining. The score is a game statistic, so we’ll add a `score` attribute to `GameStats`:

self.score = 0

To reset the score each time a new game starts, we initialize score in `reset_stats()` rather than `__init__()`.

  • Displaying the Score

    • To display the score on the screen, we first create a new class, Scoreboard. For now, this class will just display the current score, but eventually we’ll use it to report the high score, level, and number of ships remaining as well. Here’s the first part of the class; save it as
     import pygame.font
     class Scoreboard:
     	"""A class to report scoring information."""
     	def __init__(self, ai_game):
     	#"""Initialize scorekeeping attributes."""
     	self.screen = ai_game.screen
     	self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
     	self.settings = ai_game.settings
     	self.stats = ai_game.stats
     	# Font settings for scoring information.
     	self.text_color = (30, 30, 30)
     	self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)
     	# Prepare the initial score image.
    • Because Scoreboard writes text to the screen, we begin by importing the pygame.font module. Next, we give __init__() the ai_game parameter so it can access the settings, screen, and stats objects, which it will need to report the values we’re tracking, Then we set a text color. and instantiate a font object.

    • To turn the text to be displayed into an image, we call prep_score(), which we define here:

	def prep_score(self):
		"""Turn the score into a rendered image."""
		score_str = str(self.stats.score)
		self.score_image = self.font.render(score_str, True,
		self.text_color, self.settings.bg_color)
		# Display the score at the top right of the screen.
		self.score_rect = self.score_image.get_rect()
		self.score_rect.right = self.screen_rect.right - 20 = 20

  • In prep_score(), we turn the numerical value stats.score into a string, and then pass this string to render(), which creates the image. To display the score clearly onscreen, we pass the screen’s background color and the text color to render().

  • We’ll position the score in the upper-right corner of the screen and have it expand to the left as the score increases and the width of the number grows. To make sure the score always lines up with the right side of the screen, we create a rect called score_rect and set its right edge 20 pixels from the right edge of the screen. We then place the top edge 20 pixels down from the top of the screen.

  • Then we create a show_score() method to display the rendered score image, This method draws the score image onscreen at the location score_rect specifies.

	def show_score(self):  
		#"""Draw score to the screen."""
		self.screen.blit(self.score_image, self.score_rect)

  • Making a Scoreboard

    • To display the score, we’ll create a Scoreboard instance in GhostInvasion.
    • Next, we make an instance of Scoreboard in __init__():	
     # Create an instance to store game statistics,and create a scoreboard.
     self.stats = GameStats(self) = Scoreboard(self)
    • Then we draw the scoreboard onscreen in _update_screen():	
     # Draw the score information.
    • We call show_score() just before we draw the Play button. When you run Ghost Invasion now, a 0 should appear at the top right of the screen. (At this point, we just want to make sure the score appears in the right place before developing the scoring system further.)
  • Updating the Score as Ghosts Are Shot Down

    • To write a live score onscreen, we update the value of stats.score whenever an ghost is hit, and then call prep_score() to update the score image. But first, let’s determine how many points a player gets each time they shoot down an ghost.
     # Scoring
     self.ghost_points = 50
    • We’ll increase each ghost’s point value as the game progresses. To make sure this point value is reset each time a new game starts, we set the value in initialize_dynamic_settings().

    • Let’s update the score each time an ghost is shot down in _check_bullet _ghost_collisions():
     if collisions:
     	self.stats.score += self.settings.ghost_points
    • When a bullet hits an ghost, Pygame returns a collisions dictionary. We check whether the dictionary exists, and if it does, the ghost’s value is added to the score. We then call prep_score() to create a new image for the updated score. Now when you play Ghost Invasion, you should be able to rack up points!
  • Resetting the Score

    • Right now, we’re only prepping a new score after an ghost has been hit, which works for most of the game. But we still see the old score when a new game starts until the first ghost is hit in the new game. We can fix this by prepping the score when starting a new game:

    • We call prep_score() after resetting the game stats when starting a new game. This preps the scoreboard with a 0 score.
  • Making Sure to Score All Hits

    • As currently written, our code could miss scoring for some ghosts. For example, if two bullets collide with ghosts during the same pass through the loop or if we make an extra-wide bullet to hit multiple ghosts, the player will only receive points for hitting one of the ghosts. To fix this, let’s refine the way that bullet and ghost collisions are detected.

    • In _check_bullet_ghost_collisions(), any bullet that collides with an ghost becomes a key in the collisions dictionary. The value associated with each bullet is a list of ghosts it has collided with. We loop through the values in the collisions dictionary to make sure we award points for each ghost hit.
     for ghosts in collisions.values():
     	self.stats.score += self.settings.ghost_points * len(ghosts)
    • If the collisions dictionary has been defined, we loop through all values in the dictionary. Remember that each value is a list of ghosts hit by a single bullet. We multiply the value of each ghost by the number of ghosts in each list and add this amount to the current score. To test this, change the width of a bullet to 300 pixels and verify that you receive points for each ghost you hit with your extra-wide bullets; then return the bullet width to its normal value.
  • Increasing Point Values

    • Because the game gets more difficult each time a player reaches a new level, ghosts in later levels should be worth more points. To implement this functionality, we’ll add code to increase the point value when the game’s speed increases:
     # How quickly the ghost point values increase
     self.score_scale = 1.5
  • Rounding the Score

    • Most arcade-style shooting games report scores as multiples of 10, so let’s follow that lead with our scores. Also, let’s format the score to include comma separators in large numbers. We’ll make this change in Scoreboard:
     rounded_score = round(self.stats.score, -1)
     score_str = "{:,}".format(rounded_score)
    • The round() function normally rounds a decimal number to a set number of decimal places given as the second argument. However, when you pass a negative number as the second argument, round() will round the value to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, and so on. The code tells Python to round the value of stats.score to the nearest 10 and store it in rounded_score.

    • a string formatting directive tells Python to insert commas into numbers when converting a numerical value to a string: for example, to output 1,000,000 instead of 1000000. Now when you run the game, you should see a neatly formatted, rounded score even when you rack up lots of points.

  • High Scores

    • Every player wants to beat a game’s high score, so let’s track and report high scores to give players something to work toward. We’ll store high scores in GameStats:
     # High score should never be reset.
     self.high_score = 0
    • Because the high score should never be reset, we initialize high_score in __init__() rather than in reset_stats(). Next, we’ll modify Scoreboard to display the high score. Let’s start with the __init__() method:
    • The high score will be displayed separately from the score, so we need a new method, prep_high_score(), to prepare the high score image. Here’s the prep_high_score() method:
     def prep_high_score(self):
     	"""Turn the high score into a rendered image."""
     	high_score = round(self.stats.high_score, -1)
     	high_score_str = "{:,}".format(high_score)
     	self.high_score_image = self.font.render(high_score_str, True, self.text_color, self.settings.bg_color)
     	# Center the high score at the top of the screen.
     	self.high_score_rect = self.high_score_image.get_rect()
     	self.high_score_rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx =
    • We round the high score to the nearest 10 and format it with commas. We then generate an image from the high score, center the high score rect horizontally, and set its top attribute to match the top of the score image.

    • The show_score() method now draws the current score at the top right and the high score at the top center of the screen:
     self.screen.blit(self.high_score_image, self.high_score_rect)
    • To check for high scores, we’ll write a new method, check_high_score(), in Scoreboard:
     def check_high_score(self):
     	"""Check to see if there's a new high score."""
     	if self.stats.score > self.stats.high_score:
     		self.stats.high_score = self.stats.score
    • The method check_high_score() checks the current score against the high score. If the current score is greater, we update the value of high_score and call prep_high_score() to update the high score’s image.

    • We need to call check_high_score() each time an ghost is hit after updating the score in _check_bullet_ghost_collisions():

    • We call check_high_score() when the collisions dictionary is present, and we do so after updating the score for all the ghosts that have been hit.
  • Displaying the Level

    • To display the player’s level in the game, we first need an attribute in GameStats representing the current level. To reset the level at the start of each new game, initialize it in reset_stats():
     self.level = 1
    • To have Scoreboard display the current level, we call a new method, prep _level(), from __init__():
    • Here’s prep_level():
     def prep_level(self):
     	#"""Turn the level into a rendered image."""
     	level_str = str(self.stats.level)
     	self.level_image = self.font.render(level_str, True, self.text_color, self.settings.bg_color)
     	# Position the level below the score.
     	self.level_rect = self.level_image.get_rect()
     	self.level_rect.right = self.score_rect.right = self.score_rect.bottom + 10
    • The prep_level() method creates an image from the value stored in stats.level and sets the image’s right attribute to match the score’s right attribute. It then sets the top attribute 10 pixels beneath the bottom of the score image to leave space between the score and the level. We also need to update show_score():
     self.screen.blit(self.level_image, self.level_rect)
    • This new line draws the level image to the screen. We’ll increment stats.level and update the level image in _check_bullet _ghost_collisions():
     # Increase level.
     self.stats.level += 1
    • If a fleet is destroyed, we increment the value of stats.level and call prep_level() to make sure the new level displays correctly. To ensure the level image updates properly at the start of a new game, we also call prep_level() when the player clicks the Play button:

    • Note: In some classic games, the scores have labels, such as Score, High Score, and Level. We’ve omitted these labels because the meaning of each number becomes clear once you’ve played the game. To include these labels, add them to the score strings just before the calls to font.render() in Scoreboard.
  • High Scores

    • Finally, let’s display the number of ships the player has left, but this time, let’s use a graphic. To do so, we’ll draw ships in the upper-left corner of the screen to represent how many ships are left, just as many classic arcade games do.

    • First, we need to make Ship inherit from Sprite so we can create a group of ships:
     from pygame.sprite import Sprite
    • Here we import Sprite, make sure Ship inherits from Sprite, and call super() at the beginning of __init__(). Next, we need to modify Scoreboard to create a group of ships we can display. Here are the import statements for Scoreboard:
     from pygame.sprite import Group
     from ship import Ship
    • Because we’re making a group of ships, we import the Group and Ship classes. Here’s __init__():
     self.ai_game = ai_game
    • We assign the game instance to an attribute, because we’ll need it to create some ships. We call prep_ships() after the call to prep_level(). Here’s prep_ships():
     def prep_ships(self):
     	#"""Show how many ships are left."""
     	self.ships = Group()
     	for ship_number in range(self.stats.ships_left):
     	ship = Ship(self.ai_game)
     	ship.rect.x = 10 + ship_number * ship.rect.width
     	ship.rect.y = 10
    • The prep_ships() method creates an empty group, self.ships, to hold the ship instances. To fill this group, a loop runs once for every ship the player has left. Inside the loop, we create a new ship and set each ship’s x-coordinate value so the ships appear next to each other with a 10-pixel margin on the left side of the group of ships. We set the y-coordinate value 10 pixels down from the top of the screen so the ships appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. Then we add each new ship to the group ships.

    • Now we need to draw the ships to the screen.
    • To display the ships on the screen, we call draw() on the group, and Pygame draws each ship.

    • To show the player how many ships they have to start with, we call prep_ships() when a new game starts. We do this in _check_play_button() in GhostInvasion: