High performance canvas danmaku for dense data scenario.
It is built using vanilla TypeScript, making it suitable for any environment.
Examples show danmus render in a div
element with id container
Vanilla JS
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="container"></div>
import { Danmaku } from "danmaku-leafer";
const app = new Danmaku("container");
app.insertBullet({ mode: "normal", text: "hello danmaku" });
JS library like React
import { Danmaku } from "danmaku-leafer";
import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
export default () => {
const containerName = "container";
const app = useRef<Danmaku>();
useEffect(() => {
app.current = new Danmaku(containerName);
}, []);
const handleInsert = () => {
app.current?.insertBullet({ mode: "normal", text: "hello" });
return (
<div class="wrapper">
<div id={containerName} />
<button onClick={handleInsert}>Insert Hello</button>
Note: Because of Canvas APIs, maybe you should use lazy loading to use the package in server side rendering.
- add license
- app animate(bullet motion) event scheduler
- bullet animation(normal, pinned)
- multi bullet placement
- class properties visibility completion
- floating speed of bullets
- timeline leap and bullet refresh
- bullet style completion(initial_rotate...)
- bullet custom render
- app support full screen