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Placements.InteractiveInvoice: Coding Challenge

Frameworks: ASP.NET Core 3.1 & .NET Core 3.1

Why ASP.NET Core?
  • Open-source
  • Develop and run your ASP.NET Core apps cross-platform on Windows, MacOS, and Linux
  • Great for modern cloud-based apps, such as web apps, IoT apps, and mobile backends
  • ASP.NET Core apps can run on .NET Core or on the full .NET Framework
  • Designed to provide an optimized development framework for apps that are deployed to the cloud or run on-premises


  • EntityFramework Core 3.1.1
  • EntityFramework Core .NET Command-line Tools 3.1.1 for database migrations


  • Development: SqlServer on Docker
  • Deployment: Azure SqlServer
  • Relationships: db

How to publish and deploy

I containerize this app into docker image and deploy on Heroku to host

  1. clone this repository Link
  2. Install Heroku CLI
    • check after installation by type in terminal: % heroku version heroku/7.37.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.13.0
  3. Install Docker
    • check after installation by type in terminal: % docker --version Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea
  4. cd to the repository root folder which contains the Dockerfile
  5. Login to Heroku account and create new app with {app_name} create
  6. Run % heroku login in terminal to log in to your Heroku account
  7. Run % docker ps to make sure docker is setup locally
  8. Run % heroku container:login to sign into Container Registry
  9. Run % heroku container:push web -a {app_name} to push docker_based app
  10. Run % heroku container:release web -a {app_name} to deploy the app

Usecases implemented and Instructions to run

Bucket 1

  1. The user should be able browse through the line-item data as either a list or table (ie. pagination or infinite-scrolling).


  • navigate to Invoice tab invoiceindex
  • click into one invoice invoicedetails
  • lineitems are paginated page1
  • arrows represnet first and end page; Previous and Next link will be disabled if there is no prev or next page; page2
  1. The user should be able to edit line-item "adjustments".


  • follow steps in usecase 1
  • click Edit link for one lineitem
  • enter number into adjustments and click save edit
  • page will be redicted to invoice and subtotal and grandtotal amount are also updated beforeedit aftetedit
  1. The user should be able to see each line-item's billable amount (sub-total = actuals + adjustments).


  • follow steps in usecase 1 and see pagination pic
  1. The user should be able to see sub-totals grouped by campaign (line-items grouped by their parent campaign).


  • follow steps in usecase 1
  • click "Subtotals by Campaign" button and a modal will pop up showing the subtotals of billable amount grouped by each campaign in ascending order subtotal
  1. The user should be able to see the invoice grand-total (sum of each line-item's billable amount).


  • follow steps in usecase 1
  1. The user should be able to sort the data.


  • follow steps in usecase 1
  • click the table names to apply sorting; by default, the list is sorted in ascending order by lineitem id
  • user can sort lineitems by id, name, booked amount, actual amount, and billable amount. sort
  1. The user should be able to browse/filter/sort the invoice history, as well.


  • pagination also applied to invoices view
  • user can sort invoices by id, name, created date, and username
  • search invoice by name invoicesearch

Bucket 2

  1. The user should be able to filter the data (ie. by campaign name, etc., should affect the grand-total).


  • search by campaign name and notice that pagination, subtotal, and grand total are also changed according to search result campaignsearch
  1. The user should be able to add comments on an individual line-item.


  • add a new comment to lineitem 2 and the most-recent-added comment will appear to the top of all comments
  • each comment show the author, content, and created time (user login has not implemented yet.) comments