GAPO is a in silico genetic algorithm used to optimize proteins for a desired function, such as stability and affinity. The algorithm mimetizes the evolutionary process, by recombining and adding mutations to the best sequences in order to generate a new population with higher diversity and optimized for the given objetive function.
git clone
First of all, you must download PyRosetta.
PyRosetta4 Download
Additional help for downloading and installing and PyRosetta (source:Sari Sabban youtube channel )
conda create --name GA_env --file requirements.txt
tar -xvf PyRosetta4.Release.python310.linux.release-370.tar.bz2
cd PyRosetta4.Release.python310.linux.release-370/setup
conda activate GA_env
python install
After install pbee and all dependencies, remember to put in both pbee and GA folders and files on the same directory. = contains main function = contains a collection of objective functions for the genetic algorithm imports genetic_algorithmpy and, configures initial population and carries out the optimization
Parameter | Description |
opt_direction | Selects if the objective function goes up or down |
apt_function | Select between "apt_thread" for pbee and "apt_rosetta" for rosetta. |
gene_values | Values that vectors can assume |
gene_type | Selects between discrete or continuous genes |
vector_size | Size of the vectors |
selection_methods | Elitist or tournament selection |
threahds | Parallel processing (not supported) |
n_survivor | Number of survivors in each selection |
tournament_size | Number of individuals selected in each tournament |
lista_fixed | List of residues to maintain during evolution |
initial_population | An initial population can be given. Otherwise, a random population is created |
file_name | Output log file, Sequences - dG - population |
dg_method | Select between "fold" and "bind". |
cpus | Numbers of CPU usage to paralelize |
Follow below a usage example of the function used to optimize the CDRs from a scFv complexed to CD19 (script
####### Loading libraries
import os
from genetic_algorithm_rosetta import genetic_algo
from apt_function import *
import apt_function
from pyrosetta import *
from rosetta.core.pack.task import TaskFactory
from rosetta.core.pack.task import operation
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
from random import sample
# Initialize PyRosetta
# Create a scoring function using the "ref2015_cart.wts" weight set
scorefxn = pyrosetta.create_score_function("ref2015_cart.wts")
# Creates pose object from input PDB
starting_pose = pose_from_pdb('CD19_scFv_relax.pdb')
# Relax the starting pose by packing and relaxing it iteratively for 3 times
starting_pose = apt_function.pack_relax(starting_pose = starting_pose, scorefxn = scorefxn, times_to_relax = 3)
# Define a list of single-letter amino acid codes
gene_values = ['A','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','V','W','Y']
starting_pose_seq = [x for x in starting_pose.sequence()]
# Residues to mutate during optimization
CDRs = [62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,212,213,214,215,216,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269]# Chain identifier for the fixed residues
# Generate an initial population of protein structures for optimization and return the list of residues to maintain locked during the evolution
# Pop size receives the size of the population to be generated
# fixed_residues_list receives the list of residues to mutate during the evolution
# chains receive a list of the chains from the respective residues to mutate
init_population, list_fixed_index = apt_function.Generate_random_population(starting_pose = starting_pose,
pop_size = 50,
fixed_residues_list = CDRs,
chains = ["C", "D"])
GA = genetic_algo(pose=starting_pose, opt_direction='down',initial_population = init_population, gene_values=gene_values, gene_type='discrete',
vector_size=len(starting_pose_seq), pop_size=len(init_population), mutation_rate=0.025, segment_fluctuation=0,
apt_function=apt, selection_method='tournament', threads=False,
convergence_threshold=0, n_cycles=4, tournament_cycles=int(np.round(len(init_population)/4)), tournament_size=4, benchmark=False,
lista_fixed=list_fixed_index, crossing_over_type='mask', file_name="teste_1.txt", dg_method="bind", cpus = 5)