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#Izberg Python API

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The Izberg API provides an entire set of functions and classes to access and edit Iceberg data.

You can also check our PHP wrapper.

Table of Content

Get started

  1. Setup
  2. Resources
  3. Methods
  4. ProductOffer
  5. Products
  6. Cart
  7. Orders


Env variables

As you may have seen in the file, 2 environment variables are needed to use the Izeberg python API: the Izberg secret key and the application namespace. These variables must be initiated as environment variables.


Log in

  • There are two ways to log in:
  • By calling the sso() method on the IcebergAPI() class, and passing 3 parameters wich are the user mail, first name and last name.
  • By passing directly two parameters in the IcebergAPI() class wich are the access token and the username
api_handler = IcebergAPI().sso("userEmail","userFirstName","userLastName")
api_handler = IcebergAPI(access_token=XXXX, username=XXXX)


  • You have access to the following resources directly through the main IcebergAPI() object:
    • ProductVariation
    • ProductOffer
    • Product
    • MerchantOrder
    • Order
    • Application
    • Store
    • User
    • Profile
    • Cart
    • Country
    • Address
    • Payment

For example:



  • Methods are functions allowing you to access and manipulate the resources, the one we are going to use:
    • find() allows you to fetch a specific element within a list of elements, it can be product offers, products, orders.
    • save() allows you to update data about a store, offer, product etc... that has been modified.
    • search() returns a tuple, the first variable contains elements matching the requested parameter, the parameter can be a proprety like price, color, variation etc... the second returned variable contains info about the provided list.
    • to_JSON() returns a JSON serialized string containing the entirety of an object.

For example:



Offers differs from products, a product can not be added to a cart, the product is the physical object defined by its brand, model, colors etc ... When someone by a product on a marketplace, he actually orders an offer linked to a product from a specific merchant.
We are here going to deal with offers, or more accurately productOffers.

Get productOffer

In order to fetch a productOffer, we need to call the find() method on the ProductOffer class, and passing the id of the requested product. Once we've got it, let's print some infos.

offer = api_handler.ProductOffer.find("52")

print offer.default_image_url
print offer.description

for variation in offer.variations:
    print "%s items available in size %s, %s euros" %(variation['stock'],variation['name'],variation['price'])

Edit productOffer

To edit an offer, you must be logged as a staff user. Simply fetch the object using the find() method again, then edit the product's attributes you want to change. And finally call the save() method upon your offer object.

offer = api_handler.ProductOffer.find("52")

offer.previous_price ="40.00"
offer.default_image_url ="myimage.png"


Search for a range of products

Not every proprety of Product or ProductOffer can be scanned with the search() method, but a lot can be, like name, gender, made_in, description etc...
Let's look for every product wich name's contains the string "Robe". The meta variable contains info about the returned list.

products, meta ={"name__icontains": "Robe"})

print meta
for product in products:
    print product.to_JSON()


Even when they are offline, users have a cart empty or containing offers awaiting to be validated or canceled. We can manipulate a user's cart easily.

Get infos of a user's cart

Retrieve the current logged in user's cart by calling the mine() method within the class Cart.

user_cart = api_handler.Cart.mine()

print user_cart.shipping_address
print user_cart.shipping_amount
print user_cart.total_amount

Add an offer to cart

Edit a user's cart by adding an offer, and then print the amount of the updated cart for example.

user_cart = api_handler.Cart.mine()

offer = api_handler.ProductOffer.find("52")


print api_handler.Cart.mine().total_amount

Add an offer variation to cart

Edit a user's cart by adding an offer, and then print the amount of the updated cart for example.

user_cart = api_handler.Cart.mine()

offer = api_handler.ProductOffer.find("52")
variation = offer.variations[0]

print api_handler.Cart.mine().total_amount


Each Order and merchantOrder are identified with a unique id.

Get order infos

  • Each order is divided into 3 parts:
    • The Order class contains the summary of the order: total amount, adress, shipping, and the list of merchants concerned by the order (for example, 3 products have been ordered, 2 of them belong to merchant_1 and 1 of them belongs to merchand_2).
    • The MerchantOrder class contains all the infos a merchant recieves when an order is made and one or more products of the order are his.(for example, merchant_1 recieves a list of 2 items)
    • The OrderItem class contains the product informations and size.

Orders, MerchantOrder and OrderItems are available in the /order section of your dashboard. Let's display infos about the MerchantOrder number 6.

merchant_order = api_handler.MerchantOrder.find(6)

print merchant_order.amount
print merchant_order.shipping_address.zipcode


Get user infos

Using the me() method on the User class returns infos about the currently logged in user.

me =

#print me.to_JSON()
print me.username
print me.first_name
print me.last_name
print me.timezone


Get store infos

Retrieve infos about a Store in the application. We are going to look for the store number 11 and display infos about it. This number is allocated automatically by Iceberg, you can find your stores's IDs in the GET request's response on the "merchant" section.

store = api_handler.Store.find(11)

print store.created_on
print store.long_description
print store.url