Golang app for creating and resolving shortlinks for n8n workflows and URLs.
Little learning project to get familiar with deployment and monitoring best practices.
Live at: https://n8n.to
- Create + resolve shortlinks for n8n workflows and URLs
- Optionally render n8n workflow shortlinks on canvas
- Vanity URLs and password protection support
- OpenAPI 3.0 spec + Swagger UI playground
- Extensive integration test coverage
- IP-address-based rate limiting
Deployment stack:
- Provisioning with Terraform
- Metrics with Prometheus
- Logging with zap, Promtail, Loki
- Monitoring with Grafana
- Caddy as reverse proxy
- Error tracking with Sentry
- Backups with AWS S3 + cronjob
- Bash scripts to automate VPS setup
- Releases with GitHub Actions, GHCR, Docker