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This is the ITPcp plasma group meta-repository that collects scripts to setup development and use of internal and external codes. Our development environment is Visual Studio Code, and we strongly recommend GitHub Copilot there and in the CLI.


On Windows: Prepare your machine with scripts/setup_windows.bat first. CODE can then be used via the devcontainer or alternatively via Debian Linux in WSL.

On Linux: At ITPcp all packages should be installed to get going. For your own setup, look inside the packages in the Dockerfiles base, devel and devel-tex inside images or use the devcontainer.

On Mac: The recommended way is the devcontainer. The next option is multipass via the most recent LTS version of Ubuntu Linux. The option on the local system is brew with similar packages as in Linux, but it is prone to problems with Fortran on Apple Silicon.

If you haven't done so earlier, set up your SSH keys in ~/.ssh via ssh-keygen and add the content of to Gitlab and GitHub for authentication.


Clone the repository to your working copy, at the institute this is

git clone [email protected]:plasma/code /proj/plasma/CODE/<username>

Then open the directory in VS Code with

code code

When asked to initialize the devcontainer, do so. If there is no message run F1 and Remote-Containers: Rebuild and reopen in Container. Wait for Configuring Dev Container to finish in the lower status bar. Then open a new bash shell. You should see the prompt

Activating /workspaces/code on branch main
(.venv) root@fcb4ad176bde:/workspaces/code#

When working outside the container, run the setup script manually with


The setup will install external dependencies and create and activate a Python virtual environment in the hidden .venv directory.

If you work outside a container, also manually put a line

source /path/to/code/

in your bashrc.


Tests can currently be performed by using

pytest tests/

This will perform all the tests in tests/ and its subfolders.