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Benchmarking dvc with pytest-benchmark.

Daily benchmark results


Dispatch workflow

Trigger a dispatch workflow with desired dataset and revisions and see results in, where ID is github.run_id and ATTEMPT is github.run_attempt. For example, for it would be http:

Setting up

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ dvc pull # optional, otherwise will pull datasets dynamically

Running all benchmarks

$ pytest --pyargs dvc.testing.benchmarks

Running one benchmark

$ pytest --pyargs dvc.testing.benchmarks.cli.commands.test_add

CLI options

$ pytest -h
                        Dataset name to use in tests (e.g. tiny/small/large/mnist/etc)
                        Remote type to use in tests
  --dvc-bin=DVC_BIN     Path to dvc binary
  --dvc-revs=DVC_REVS   Comma-separated list of DVC revisions to test (overrides `--dvc-bin`)
                        Path or url to dvc git repo
                        Path or url to dvc-bench git repo (for loading benchmark dataset)
                        Project revision to test
                        Path or url to dvc project

Comparing results

$ py.test-benchmark compare --histogram histograms/ --group-by name --sort name --csv results.csv

and if you want beautiful plots:

$ dvc repro
$ dvc plots show


Benchmark test definitions are now part of dvc.testing.