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nilskuhn edited this page Dec 3, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the OpenSpeedMonitor wiki!

OpenSpeedMonitor automates web performance measurements based on WebPagetest. It also processes, aggregates and visualizes the results. So it perfectly fits the need for a continuous monitoring of your most important pages.

The timings you have to keep track of - always on expressive, well arranged dashboards. Without loosing all the details of the single WebPagetests if needed!

You want to see it running? No problem, there is a demo up and running at

OpenSpeedMonitor is published under Apache License 2.0, so feel free to use, adapt and do whatever you want with the code. If you extend functionality we would appreciate contributions. Technically, OpenSpeedMonitor is based on grails, a jvm based web framework leveraged by the programming language groovy.

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