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OpenSpeedmonitor on Docker

Of course you can use the OSM as a docker-container. By this you don't have to care about any java-version or grails-version or building your war-file.

Grails supports an embedded Tomcat which is used in this docker-image. This container listens on port 8080, so you have to set docker-port-forwarding if you want to use another port on your host.

Configure OSM-container

You can pass some environment-variables to your osm-container for configuring it:

  • OSM_URL: full URL under which your OSM-instance will be reachable, f.e.: OSM_URL="http:", default: http:https://localhost:8080
  • OSM_ADMIN_USER: name of the admin-user which will be bootstrapped, f.e.: OSM_ADMIN_USER="admin", default: admin
  • OSM_ADMIN_PASSWORD: password of the admin-user which will be bootstrapped, f.e.: OSM_ADMIN_PASSWORD="secret123", default: admin123
  • OSM_ROOT_USER: name of the root-user which will be bootstrapped, f.e.: OSM_ROOT_USER="root", default: root
  • OSM_ROOT_PASSWORD: password of the root-user which will be bootstrapped, f.e.: OSM_ROOT_USER="muchMoreSecret!123", default: muchMoreSecret!123
  • MYSQL_HOST: hostname of your mysql-instance, f.e.: MYSQL_HOST="localhost" or MYSQL_HOST="", default: osm-mysql
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: name of database on mysql-host, f.e.: MYSQL_DATABASE="osm-prod", default: osm
  • MYSQL_USER: user-name for accessing mysql-database, f.e.: MYSQL_USER="osm-user", default: osm
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: user-password for mysql-user, f.e.: MYSQL_PASSWORD="DatSecret456", default: osm123

Run your own dockerized OSM

In the OSM-git-repo is a docker-compose-file for you placed. This file will ensure there is a mysql-db running which is linked to the OSM-container.

For testing purposes just start this OSM-environment by typing docker-compose up.

If you want a long-term OSM-environment please adopt the given docker-compose-file to your infrastructure. Of course you can use this docker-compose-file to boot up your OSM, but you should (seriously) modify the given passwords for security-reasons.

After the bootup, you should reach your OSM-instance under this URL: http:https://localhost:8080