We include a .vim/ directory, and some .vimrc files.
Copy or link the following directory:
It is recommended that you use the NERDtree addon. For that:
$ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/
$ git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git
We provide some .vimrc files, for different files, for example LaTeX or Python. I have to improve this, as filetype should be used for that.
Right now, to "install" them, copy or link:
Then, to use one:
$ alias vig='gvim -u ~/.vimrcs/program'
$ vig file.py
Copy or link the following files:
respectively, as:
Zsh prompt addition for Git repos (prompt/git). Forked from:
$ mkdir -p ~/.zsh/git-prompt
$ cp prompt/git/* ~/.zsh/git-prompt/
$ vi ~/.zshrc
$ source ~/.zshrc
In the .zshrc editing step, modify your current PROMPT lines. My previous PROMPT value was:
PROMPT=$'%{\e[32m%}${HOST}[%{\e[33m%}%~%{\e[32m%}]%{\e[0m%}: '
For using the Git prompt I just added a function call to its end, and sourced a file:
source $HOME/.zsh/git-prompt/zshrc.sh
PROMPT=$'%{\e[32m%}${HOST}[%{\e[33m%}%~%{\e[32m%}]%{\e[0m%}$(git_super_status): '
Zsh prompt addition for Subversion repos (prompt/svn). Derived from zsh-git-prompt above.
$ mkdir -p ~/.zsh/svn-prompt
$ cp prompt/git/* ~/.zsh/svn-prompt/
$ vi ~/.zshrc
$ source ~/.zshrc
In the .zshrc editing step, modify your current PROMPT lines. My previous PROMPT value was:
PROMPT=$'%{\e[32m%}${HOST}[%{\e[33m%}%~%{\e[32m%}]%{\e[0m%}: '
For using the Subversion prompt I just added a function call to its end, and sourced a file:
source $HOME/.zsh/svn-prompt/svn.sh
PROMPT=$'%{\e[32m%}${HOST}[%{\e[33m%}%~%{\e[32m%}]%{\e[0m%}$(svn_super_status): '
You can use both prompts by sourcing both .sh files where appropriate, and using a compound PROMPT variable:
PROMPT=$'%{\e[32m%}${HOST}[%{\e[33m%}%~%{\e[32m%}]%{\e[0m%}$(git_super_status)$(svn_super_status): '