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Iquety Application is a library for creating modular applications using MVC, FrontController and Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters) architectural patterns.
composer require iquety/application
- Separation of concerns, using bootable modules;
- Extremely flexible dependencies, using Hexagonal architecture (Ports and Adapters);
- Multiple mechanisms to manage user inputs (MVC, FrontController or Console);
- Publish/Subscribe pattern for event-based architecture.
- May have the most appropriate mechanism (MVC, FrontController or Console);
- You can define your own routes;
- You can define your own dependencies;
- Its dependencies are only manufactured if a module route is accessed;
- The invocation of web actions (Controller/Command) is done using Inversion of Control.
For detailed information, see Documentation Summary.
- Made for PHP 8.3 or higher;
- Coded with good practices and maximum quality;
- Well documented and friendly to IDEs;
- Made with TDD (Test Driven Development);
- Implemented with unit tests using PHPUnit;
- Made with ❤️ & ☕.