Go SDK for Tiktok Shop Open Platform.
- Authentication
- Get your auth code url
- Use auth code to get access_token
- Refresh your access token
- Webhook
- Order API
- GetOrderList
- GetOrderDetail
- ShipOrder
- Fulfillment API
- SearchPreCombinePkg
- ConfirmPreCombinePkg
- RemovePackageOrder
- GetPackagePickupConfig
- ShipPackage
- SearchPackage
- GetPackageDetail
- GetPackageShippingInfo
- UpdatePackageShippingInfo
- GetPackageShippingDocument
- VerifyOrderSplit
- ConfirmOrderSplit
- Logistics API
- GetShippingInfo
- UpdateShippingInfo
- GetShippingDocument
- GetWarehouseList
- GetShippingProvider
- Product API
- GetCategory
- GetAttribute
- GetCategoryRule
- GetBrand
- UploadImg
- UploadFile
- CreateProduct
- EditProduct
- GetProductList
- GetProductDetail
- UpdatePrice
- UpdateStock
- DeactivateProducts
- DeleteProducts
- RecoverProduct
- ActivateProduct
- Shop API
- GetAuthorizedShop
- Finance API
- SearchSettlements
- GetOrderSettlements
- SearchTransactions
- Reverse Order API
- ConfirmReverse
- RejectReverse
- GetReverseList
- GetReverseReason
- All Feature supports
- Integraion tests
Install taskfile
before you start.
edit .env
file in root directory:
APPKEY=<app id for tiktok>
APPSECRET=<app secret for tiktok>
AK=<access token>
RK=<refresh token>
OPENID=<seller's openid>
SELLER=<seller's name>
task # run tests.
task integration # run integration tests.
If env is not setup, all integration tests will be skipped.