FZF based client for cht.sh
Requirements: bash, curl, fzf
Ensure chtfzf is marked executable (chmod +x chtfzf.sh
) then run like any other shell script
$ ./chtfzf.sh
or to send a text based query:
$ ./chtfzf.sh query
You can open a sheet or go a level deeper (for instance into go/rosetta/
which contains additional sheets) by either hitting enter or double clicking on an entry.
Prior to opening an entry you can press ctrl+d to go up a level should you not already be on the initial main list.
* -t | Tmux Mode (sheet launches in new tmux window)
* sync | Cache main :list and enable preview caching
* preview <sheet> | Preview a sheet (and cache it if sync has run)
* query | After selecting, launch a text input to query question (i.e. go/ "open a file")
To launch fuzzy-sheets in a tmux window you can use the -t flag in your tmux.conf
as such:
bind-key i run-shell "tmux neww ~/git/fuzzy-sheets/chtfzf.sh -t"
This will launch fuzzy-sheets in a new window which will disappear after you quit fuzzy-sheets and bring you back to your last window.
Thanks to ThePrimeagen for inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJzqEAf2U4I