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IEEE Web application

A IEEE Student Branch Dashboard & Management tool for student branches of the IEEE Organization.


Members and the community of IEEE Student Branches will be able to advertise and interact with the community itself in an easier way. This application intends to tie the community in a much tighter form and shape a more robust social construct.

Its more important aspect is the fact that the student branch can advertise the SB's events. This means that the community will be more self-aware, more people will know about the SB's events and advertisment will be easier and more effortless.

In short: We spread knowledge, we make new friends and we meet people we haven't met before in a much more easy way.

How to start


Docker setups everything automatically without you having to install any additional tools that are required or maintain the local instance. Docker also happens to be multiplatform.

# Install docker & get compose files
wget && sh ./

# Initialize a swarm & deploy stack
docker swarm init
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml -c ieeesb-app


In this case, we don't provide further support for other platforms than Linux, and you have to figure out the setup on your own.

  1. Install golang (>= v1.10)
  2. Install nodejs,npm & yarn
  3. Install mongodb
  4. Clone repository
    git clone
  5. For backend-server run
    sudo systemctl start mongod
    go run main.go
  6. For frontend-server run
    cd ./web && yarn && yarn start

Environment Variables

Docker sets all of them up for you.

But it's necessary to setup a API_DATABASE_USERNAME and a API_DATABASE_PASSWORD.

Name Description
API_HOST Server host
API_PORT Server port
API_DATABASE_NAME Database collection/table name
API_DATABASE_USERNAME Database username credential
API_DATABASE_PASSWORD Database password credential

Planned Features

After they're all completed, we will pass to an Pre-Alpha phase.


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  • Contact Tickets

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  • Events

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  • Calendar

    • Show events
  • Upcoming Events

    • Show upcoming events
  • Contact form

  • Control panel

    • Events
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    • Tickets
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    • Sponsors
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