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Repository files navigation

i2k static starter

Tools we use


  • BASE_URL should start with a /
  • config editable.html with 11ty
  • remove _includes/tags.liquid because it can be done with collection
  • responsive images

starter config

In this repo I have setup by default

  • 11ty
  • Forestry
  • Silex


These plugins are preconfigured:

Here are the available collections:

  • which take the content of content/pages
  • which take the content of content/posts
  • collections.product which take the content of content/products
  • collections.categories which is an array of all the categories found in all your posts and pages and products (e.g. the categories in this post)

Here are the available includes:

  • collection: display a list of links, to posts, categories or other collection, this will be useful for navigation and tag cloud, see the comment here
  • pagination: to be documented
  • slideshow: insert a slideshow which shows the images of the images key in the page front matter, see the comment here
  • image: display an image, see the comment here
  • tags: insert a list of page/post/product filtered by category, see the comment here


Import this repo in forestry and you will be able to edit pages, posts and products

host on github pages

This repository is a template you can use to create a site with 11ty and Silex website builder

It conains an action to deploy on github pages automatically

Here is how to start:

  1. Fork this repository or click "use this template" (/!\ be sure to select "Include all branches")
  2. Create a deploy token here with the access write public_repo
  3. In the settings of the website, "secret" section, create a new secret, call it DEPLOY_TOKEN and paste the token as its value
  4. In the settings of the website, "secret" section, create a new secret, call it BASE_URL and set its value to the name of your repository prepended with a / (e.g. /11ty-boilerplate)
  5. Create a website with Stastic designer
  6. Publish your site from Stastic designer to github as 11ty layout
  7. Create a file like, add layout: YOUR PAGE NAME IN STASTIC

local installation

Check the minimum version of node in .nvmrc or use nvm i

$ npm i
$ npm run build

build and deploy

Useful env vars on the build server

  • URL optional website URL
  • BASE_URL optional base url, when defined it should start with a /
  • DEPLOY_TOKEN for deployment to branch gh-pages

edit templates

Use the "stastic" fork of Silex which contains the 11ty components by default


In case the latest version will not work as expected, the version of stastic used for this website is v2.7.13 which can be downloaded here. There is a downloadable app to work offline with your local files, or you can host it somewhere (nodejs) to work with github files.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published



Contributors 4
