This is a quick way to upload modbus sensor data to a machine learning hub connected by a broker.
Create a proof-of-concept solution to integrate an already running script and send the/some data to a FIWARE broker connected to swim-ai.
- Python >3.6 (respect order of maps; tested with 3.9.2)
- pip with virtualenv installed
- Modbus-TCP source
- Fiware target
In order to get things running, you can e.g. create a virtual environment to separate the software from other applications.
Just clone this repository, change into it. Next you need to copy the
and adopt it to your needs.
The following commands, executed inside this projects work directory,
set up your environement:
$ python -m venv venv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you can test the main script with e.g.:
$ ./src/