⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
A list of startups that have employee-friendly terms for exercising your options past 90 days.
Talk as given at FluentConf 2012 SF, CA
Keydown presentation given at Scribd, re: Jasmine
Tech talk given at Amazon's a2z Dev Center
Slides given at the SF BackboneJS Meetup
Given at Castro Street Startup Slide on 12/08/2011
Slides given at 2011 Philly ETE conference: "Practical Jasmine"
A cookbook of recipes for an OSX workstation
Slides for the Jasmine presentation I gave at Sencha Con 2010
Introduction to Jasmine as given at the East Bay Ruby Meetup
Presentation given at SFSe on 2010.09.29: Intro to Jasmine
Presentation on TDD with Jasmine given to BK.js in May, 2010
Developer workflow convenience scripts
This repo is deprecated. Use the "Pivotal IDE Prefs" repo instead.
Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js