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Persistent Cohomological Cycle Matching


This repository contains the code for the Persistent Cohomological Cycle Matching approach developed in the paper "Fast Topological Signal Identification and Persistent Cohomological Cycle Matching" (García-Redondo, Monod, and Song 2022).

Persistent homology, one of the cornerstones of topological data analysis, studies the lifespan of the topological features in a nested sequence of topological spaces (i.e. a filtration) by tracking the changes in its homology groups. One of its main outcomes is the persistence barcode (or simply, barcode)---a canonical summary of the aforementioned lifespans as a set of half-open intervals. A natural question is whether it is possible to compare the barcodes obtained from different filtrations, which would, for instance, provide a correspondence between some of their intervals. Cycle matching [1] is one such way of obtaining an identification between the intervals in two different barcodes.

In this repository:

  1. we provide state-of-the-art code for performing cycle matching by using the computational advantage that Ripser [2] and Ripser-image [3] render (see folder match), and
  2. we present a notebook to reproduce the applications in Section 3 of the aforementioned paper (see folder applications).

The codes have been co-written by Inés García-Redondo and Anna Song.

About C++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language which has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation. It is the language chosen for the codes Ripser [2] and Ripser-image [3]. The C++ files for those, with a slight modification needed to implement cycle matching, can be found in the folder modified ripser.

About Python

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is the language we use for our code for cycle matching (see folders applications and match). In this repository you can find python scripts and jupyter notebooks in python. Jupyter Notebook (formerly IPython Notebook) is a web-based interactive computational environment for creating notebook documents.


Compiling the C++ programmes

Before running the code to perform cycle matching in this repository, one needs to compile the C++ files in the modified ripser folder. For that

  • Install a C++ compiler in your computer. We recommend getting the compiler GCC.
    • For Linux: the default Ubuntu repositories contain a meta-package named build-essential that contains the GCC compiler and a lot of libraries and other utilities required for compiling software. You only need to run sudo apt install build-essential in a terminal to install it.
    • For Windows: you can install Mingw-w64 which supports the GCC compiler on Windows systems. You can get this through the installation packages for MSYS2.
    • For MacOS: see this link to install GCC.
  • The relevant Makefiles are included in the corresponding folders, so the compilation can be done by running the command line make in a terminal opened in the folder.
  • The compiled files should be in the same directory than the python scripts/notebooks in which the cycle matching code is invoked.

Installing Python libraries

The implementation of cycle matching requires the installation of Python on your computer.

Additionally, the Python code in match requires the installation of the following libraries (follow the corresponding link to find the documentation and installation guidelines):

For the notebook on applications one must also install the library

We recommend installing Python and these libraries through Anaconda and conda-forge.

Structure of the repository

This repository is organised as follows.

  • applications: folder with the applications included on Section 3 of the paper
    • data: folder featuring the datasets used for the examples on the paper. Note that some of the data we used required an institutional materials transfer agreement, so these data were not made available on this repository, and thus those examples are no reproducible.
    • applications.ipynb: notebook to reproduce all experiments in the paper.
    • additional auxiliar scripts that are explained inside the notebook.
  • match: folder containing the main scripts of code.
    • a Python script with sampling functions on images, circles, and nii files for surfaces and volumes
    • a Python script with functions to compute persistence, image-persistence and cycle matching
      • REMARK: in this script you MUST specify your OS at the beginning of this script, if not, it will not work properly.
    • a Python script for plotting functions
  • modified ripser: folder containing the files of the modified versions of Ripser [2] and Ripser-image [3] needed to implement cycle matching. All the credit for the files in these folders should go to the authors in [2] and [3]. The versions of the C++ code that we include here are exactly the same except for one line in the code, altered to extract the indices corresponding to the simplices of the persistence pairs after taking a lexicographic refinement. These are the line 474 in ripser-image-persistence-simple/ripser.cpp and line 829 in ripseer-tight-representative-cycles/ripser.cpp.
    • ripser-image-persistence-simple: folder with the files for Ripser-image [3]. Go to the original branch of the ripser repository for further detail.
    • ripser-tight-representative-cycles: folder with the files for Ripser [2] with an additional feature that computes representatives for the persistence bars in the barcode, as explained in [4]. Go to the original branch of the ripser repository for further detail.

Academic use

This code is available and is fully adaptable for individual user customization. If you use the our methods, please cite as the following:

	title = {Fast {Topological} {Signal} {Identification} and {Persistent} {Cohomological} {Cycle} {Matching}},
	url = {},
	urldate = {2022-10-03},
	publisher = {arXiv},
	author = {García-Redondo, Inés and Monod, Anthea and Song, Anna},
	month = sep,
	year = {2022},
	note = {arXiv:2209.15446 [math, stat]},
	keywords = {Mathematics - Algebraic Topology, Statistics - Machine Learning},


[1] Reani, Yohai, and Omer Bobrowski. 2021. ‘Cycle Registration in Persistent Homology with Applications in Topological Bootstrap’, January.

[2] Bauer, Ulrich. 2021. ‘Ripser: Efficient Computation of Vietoris-Rips Persistence Barcodes’. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 5 (3): 391–423.

[3] Bauer, Ulrich, and Maximilian Schmahl. 2022. ‘Efficient Computation of Image Persistence’. ArXiv:2201.04170 [Cs, Math], January.

[4] Čufar, Matija, and Žiga Virk. 2021. ‘Fast Computation of Persistent Homology Representatives with Involuted Persistent Homology’. ArXiv:2105.03629 [Math], May.


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