Now part of Hasura GraphQL Engine. Listen to postgres events and forward them as JSON payloads to a webhook
imekinox / node-dynamodb
Forked from totemstech/node-dynamodbSimple DynamoDb Library for Node.js
Calipso is a simple NodeJS content management system based on Express, Connect & Mongoose.
imekinox / openkinect
Forked from OpenKinect/libfreenectDrivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on WIndows, Linux, and OS X
Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on Windows, Linux, and OS X
Set of functions to animate elements with webkit using jQuery
bunch of components/helpers and behaviors the use the google api for cool goodies
imekinox / cakephp2x
Forked from evrard/cakephp2xOfficial CakePHP 2.x Git Repository
imekinox / localized
Forked from cakephp/localizedGit repo to hold I18n and L10n related CakePHP code
bunch of components/helpers and behaviors the use the google api for cool goodies