I have a lot experience with the full-stack. I mainly work on the back-end, front-end and devops. I have built a lot of web and mobile apps using various technologies especially Laravel and Vue.js. Also, I am always learning and experimenting with new technologies and other topics than software engineering.
The biggest project I developed:
- 🏆 Have more than 1 millions users
- ✌️ Over 5000+ QPS
- 🔨 Implement CI/CD by Github Actions
- ☁️ Kubernets (k8s) deployment with a lot integrations (Grafana, Prometheus, Kong, etc)
- PHP 10+ years
- Node.js/JavaScript/jQuery 10+ years
- Vue.js 6+ years
- React/ReactNative
- CI/CD: Github Actions, Jenkins, Drone
- K8s, Docker
- Other languages: Golang, Python
💬 Feel free to contact me and let me know what can I do for you ✉️