清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
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计算机专业课(408)思维导图和笔记:计算机组成原理(第五版 王爱英),数据结构(王道),计算机网络(第七版 谢希仁),操作系统(第四版 汤小丹)
MySQL Server, the world's most popular open source database, and MySQL Cluster, a real-time, open source transactional database.
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see…
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
PostgreSQL manual Chinese translation by China PostgreSQL Users Group
An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
ilovesport / orchestrator
Forked from openark/orchestratorMySQL replication topology management and HA
A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core
TiDB - the open-source, cloud-native, distributed SQL database designed for modern applications.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
ilovesport / PyRedisAdmin
Forked from JoneXiong/PyRedisAdminA web GUI for Redis data management
Opensource,Database,AI,Business,Minds. git clone --depth 1
Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
A command-line client for SQL Server with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.
Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.