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This is a template for local development, mainly targeted for Drupal.

In short: Drupal's all PHP lives in ./app -folder, and index.php - the docroot - is in ./app/web -folder. All containers are properly versioned, and none of the containers are updated automatically for projects local environment's long term consistency.

Everything happens in containers, and command ./ld is the main tool for configuring local, booting it up and so on.


Your laptop should have Docker and Docker compose as well as Docker-sync. Install Homebrew if you have not done it already.

Install Docker

$ brew install cask
$ brew cask install docker-edge # edge channel OR
$ brew cask install docker # stable channel

You may have the Docker already installed, in which case Homebrew will tell you.

Install docker-sync

docker-sync is a Ruby Gem and it shold not be installed using sudo.

$ gem install docker-sync --user-install
WARNING:  You don't have /Users/USERNAME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin in your PATH,
    gem executables will not run.
Successfully installed docker-sync-0.5.14
Parsing documentation for docker-sync-0.5.14
Done installing documentation for docker-sync after 1 seconds
1 gem installed

# Update the PATH variable in your favourite shell config. Note that the
# exact path to configure will vary (see above).
# $HOME is your home folder path.
$ GEMPATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin
# Zshell:
$ echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$GEMPATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc
$ source ~/.zshrc
# Bash
$ echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$GEMPATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc # Bash
$ source ~/.bashrc


Main usage is done using a script: ./ld. Executing the script without no arguments gives you command list.

Start using local-docker

This section describes how to take local-docker into use in a project where it has not yet been initialized. If your project already has local-docker initialized, with all necessary configuration tracked in your project's own repository, refer to the "Setting up local environment for a project with configured local-docker" section.

This tool can be used both as a base for new Drupal 8 projects and as a local development tool for Skeleton based projects (known by Exove developers).

New project

Clone this repository as your project folder, reconfigure Git repository and start the initialisation.

$ git clone [email protected]:Exove/local-docker.git my-project
$ cd my-project
$ ./ld init [TEMPLATE-NAME]

Init will ask you for your new Git repository address and flatten the local-docker commit history to single init commit.

It will ask you details about your project and set your local development up based on the information provided. Finally it will start your local.

Existing project

Copy all of this repository on top of your current project.

.gitignore.example # (or copy rules to your existing .gitignore)
ld  # (ensure you have this symlinking to correct

Open your favourite terminal, type ./ld and hit [ENTER]. If you get an error, ensure has execute permission:

$ chmod 0744

Initial setup asks if you some generic information.

$ ./ld init [TEMPLATE-NAME]

If you are applying local-docker on a Skeleton -based project, see "Skeleton" -section .

Setting up local environment for a project with configured local-docker

If your project already has local-docker initialized/configured, with all necessary configuration tracked in your project's own repository, there are fewer steps that you need to do.

Build and start the containers

You should skip the init step, and you can build and start the docker containers right away using the ./ld up command.

Install composer dependencies

Next, install composer dependencies:

$ ./ld composer install

Settings file for a Drupal project and initial installation

If you are dealing with a Drupal project, at this point when you visit https://yourprojectname.local/ you should see the Drupal installation page.

Next you should generate the settings.php file. First, make sure your web/sites/default/default.settings.php contains the following setting (you will likely need to uncomment and modify an existing line):

$settings['config_sync_directory'] = '../config/sync';

Then do a minimal installation of Drupal, to prepare the settings.php file:

$ ./ld drush si minimal --db-url=mysql:https://drupal:drupal@db/drupal

You are about to:
* Create a sites/default/settings.php file
* CREATE the 'drupal' database.

Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:
> yes

At this point visiting https://yourprojectname.local/ should show to you a Drupal login page.

Import an existing database

Next, copy a database backup from an existing server to your local and place it under the db_dumps/ folder.

Let's say you have a file db_dumps/myproject-db-dump.sql.gz. In that case you can import it like (Note: For Drupal sites YOUR_DATABASE_NAME would normally be drupal):

$ ./ld db-import YOUR_DATABASE_NAME db_dumps/myproject-db-dump.sql.gz

Drupal site: clear cache and import configuration

If you are dealing with a drupal site, you likely need to clear cache after importing the database.

$ ./ld drush cr

You may also want to import the latest Drupal configuration:

$ ./ld drush cim

Local domains

./ld init sets up your local IP addresses and domains. You'll be asked for a local development domain among other things, and local-docker will write a /etc/hosts -record for you and maintain localhost IP address aliases.

Some development tools and other services are accessible via their own subdomains:

SSL/TLS certificates, ie. HTTPS for local

During the initial project initialisation local-docker generates self-signed SSL/TLS cerificates for your local development needs. Certificate is created for *.example.local -domain, which means it covers all auto-generated subdomains you have.

If you wish to have automatic HTTP -> HTTPS redirection for you local check your docker-compose.yml file and comment out some lines below label key (under nginx or any other service).

You can also have several certificates for multiple domains. Place generated certificates inside docker/certs folder and adjust docker/certs/certs.yml file.

Traefik will terminate encrypted requests and pass forward unencrypted queries.

Check also section "Drupal and local HTTPS".

Install Drupal

Once the local is up and running you can install Drupal.

Note: MySQL is accessible in db instead of localhost.

  1. Using Drush

     $ ./ld drush si -y minimal --db-url=mysql:https://drupal:drupal@db/drupal
  2. Using browser:

    Drupal is not yet installed you'll be redirected to

    Install Drupal as usual. Be default database -container (db) has one database (drupal) and credentials for accessing (drupal/drupal). Database hostname must be db (database container name). Docker connects containers internally using container names.

    If you need more databases or need to manage anything inside Drupal's database, you can

    1. connect to db container either via shell

       $ docker-compose exec db sh
    2. or use Adminer with your browser:

    3. or use your favourite SQL GUI app (SequelPro or similar), and connect using LOCAL_IP (see .env file, 127.0.X.Y), default port 3306, username root and password from your .env file, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.


If you are applying Local-docker on a Skeleton based project start by copying all things mentioned in "Start using local-docker" -section on top of your project repository and copy all environment variables from. .env.example to your own .env file.

$ ./ld init skeleton

After some configuration your codebase is built, and Docker volumes (including volumes used by docker-sync) according general Skeleton structure.

Drupal should also connect to correct database host. This is usually done via your site's settings.php file. Where Skeleton may use localhost as the database host. local-docker uses db container, and by default credentials drupal/drupal with database named drupal (simple!). Example for Drupal 8:

$databases['default']['default'] = [
  'database' => 'drupal',
  'username' => 'drupal',
  'password' => 'drupal',
  'prefix' => '',
  'host' => 'db',   // <== IMPORTANT!
  'port' => '3306',
  'namespace' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Driver\\mysql',
  'driver' => 'mysql',

However, editing settings.php manually for database connection is usually necessary only if you are applying local-docker on top of an existing Skeleton -project.

Drupal and local HTTPS

Since Traefik acts as proxy and terminates encrypted connections, nginx won't see the requests coming in as encrypted, and therefore Drupal needs some help recognizing them, too.

Place this inside your sites/XXX/settings.php file to fix the issue:

 * Tell all Drupal sites that we're running behind an HTTPS proxy.
 * @see

// Drupal 7 configuration.
if (defined('VERSION') && explode('.', VERSION)[0] == 7) {
  $conf['reverse_proxy'] = TRUE;
  // Do NOT do this in publicly accessbile site.      $conf['reverse_proxy_addresses'] = [@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']];

  // Force the protocol provided by the proxy. This isn't always done
  // automatically in Drupal 7. Otherwise, you'll get mixed content warnings
  // and/or some assets will be blocked by the browser.
  if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {

    if (isset($_SERVER['SITE_SUBDIR']) && isset($_SERVER['RAW_HOST'])) {
      // Handle subdirectory mode (e.g.
      $base_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] . ':https://' . $_SERVER['RAW_HOST'] . '/' . $_SERVER['SITE_SUBDIR'];
    else {
      $base_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] . ':https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'];
// Drupal 8 configuration.
else {
  $settings['reverse_proxy'] = TRUE;
  // Do NOT do this in publicly accessbile site.
  $settings['reverse_proxy_addresses'] = [@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']];
  // See
  $settings['reverse_proxy_trusted_headers'] = \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL;

Daily usage

Execute ./ld to see some options to control your local docker stack. Behind the scenes script starts and stops files syncing and containers.

More importantly using it helps you to not delete database by mistake, but executes (and restores) database backups in db_dumps/ -folder, keeping most recent as the restorable dump.

Initial start

Note: This step is only needed when you are first configuring local-docker in a project. If your project's local-docker has already been configured (e.g. by someone else), you do not need to run the init command.

It is recommended to start the project first time with:

$ ./ld init [TEMPLATE-NAME]

and answer some question to set up things properly.

The template name must match the docker/docker-compose.TEMPLATE-NAME.yml template file names.

Start local

Pulls, builds and starts all containers.

$ ./ld up

Stop local

Put local to sleep (no DB dump created, but databases won't be immediately destroyed either).

$ ./ld stop

Stops local, create DB dump.

$ ./ld down

Note that files sync must be started in order to start other containers, and it keeps 1-n pcs of containers running when it is started. ./ld commands take care of that, too.

Watch filesync logs

It may be helpful to keep eye on files sync logs.

$ docker-sync logs -f

Create a snapshot/backup of database

This is done automatically when you stop or destroy your containers.

$ ./ld dump

Restore (old) db backup

Put a file in db_dumps/ -folder and create a symlink pointing to it:

$ ln -s MY_GZIPPED_MYSQLDUMP_FILE.sql.gz ./db_dumps/db-container--FULL---LATEST.sql.gz
$ ./ld restore [PATH-TO-THE-GZIP-DUMP]

Composer, Drush, Drupal

Composer, Drush or Drupal console are aliased inside php container as well as commands in ./ld [drush|drupal|composer].

$ docker-compose exec php bash
/var/www # drush status
/var/www # composer require drupal/pathauto:^1
/var/www # drupal ce --exclude-config-hash --directory=../config/sync

These commands are funcionality-wise the same:

$ ./ld drush status
$ ./ld composer require drupal/pathauto:^1
$ ./ld drupal ce --exclude-config-hash --directory=../config/sync

You can also execute commands directly in the shell:

$ docker-compose exec php bash -c "drush status"
# OR
$ ./ld drush status

Compile CSS

Look at the nodejs -container in docker-compose*.yml, correct file paths and enable it. Launch the project again to get the container booted up.

You can expose nodejs container logs with:

$ docker-compose logs -f nodejs


php -container has Xdebug up and running, but not turned on by default. You can read Xdebug value, and toggle it on/off with this command:

$ ./ld xdebug [1|0]

When you load your PHP application, or run Drush / Drupal console commands php container tries to connect to your IDE:

xdebug.remote_port = 9010
; Docker for Desktop (on OSX at least) maps host.docker.internal to
; host machine.
xdebug.remote_host = host.docker.internal

This Xdebug configuration is initially set in the base image this project is using (xoxoxo/php-container). However, this can be overridden for example in 95-drupal-development.ini file (PHP 7.4) , and Xdebug's full config can be checked either from Drupal (admin/reports/status/php) or with command

$ docker-compose exec php sh -c 'exec /usr/local/bin/php -i |grep xdebug'

Note: You should set your IDE to use port 9010 for Xdebug in order for IDE to setup a Xdebug listener to the port Xdebug is trying to connect to on your host. Port 9010 is being used to avoid collision with possible running php-fpm on the host machine port 9000.

Project level alias for ./

You can set up a "local-docker finder" via Bash/Zsh function, which will try to find the project's script, and pass command name and other argumets to it.

Add this to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc:

# Local-docker tool
# This shell function travels upwards in the directory tree starting from the
# current directory and up to the user's home directory (or filesystem root).
# If the file is found and is an executable shell script, execute it passing
# all provided arguments forward.
function ld() {

  while [ "${#CURRENTLY_CHECKED}" -gt "1"  ] && [ –z "$FOUND"] ; do

    [ -x "${CURRENTLY_CHECKED}/" ] && FOUND="1"

    if [ -n "$FOUND" ]; then
      ${CURRENTLY_CHECKED}/ "$@"
      # Pass the received return code as-is.
      return $?
      # Shorten the directory path by one.
      #If we reached the user's home directory, stop.
      if [ "$CURRENTLY_CHECKED" = "$HOME" ]; then
        echo " not found in this or any of the parent directories. Traversed up the tree until reached home directory ($HOME)."
        return 1
      elif [ "${#NEXT_UP}" -eq "1"  ]; then
        echo " not found in this or any of the parent directories. Traversed up the tree until reached the filesystem root."
        return 1


Source the file (or start a new shell window) and you can use ld to execute your local-docker commands.

In order to not interfere with /usr/bin/ld, you may use another name besides ld as function name. However, it is quite rarely used a command.

Update local-docker itself

Since project repository is detached from the local-docker repository there is a script to get the new updates for the local-docker itself.

$ docker/scripts/ [RELEASE]

Script defaults to using the latest release. All available releases can be seen in

Projects in parallel

local-docker isolates local projects behind IP aliases (alias to the loopback interface) and therefore you can run several projects in parallel.

In case there are port collisions first thing to check is you have .env file with LOCAL_IP set to something other than ./ld init sets up a random IP address from range

You can change IP address by putting your local down (./ld down), changing the IP address value, and starting your local again.

You can check currently set aliases using command: ifconfig lo0 | grep netmask | grep -v ''

Local ports

Docker exposes services to host using ports :80 and :3306. Exposed ports are bind to LOCAL_IP to restrict outside access (from your current network) and to make parallel running of your projects possible.

Prevent local-docker asking sudo password

You can add this content to your own sudoers file to allow local-docker to update your /etc/hosts file with local domains and allow it configuring networking (loopback interface, lo0) without asking password.

Edit the file with command

# Edit using the default editor, usually vi:
sudo visudo
# Or edit using nano as the editor:
sudo EDITOR=nano visudo

Add these lines at the end of the file:

# Allow local-docker to add hosts file records without asking password.
# @see
Cmnd_Alias LOCALDOCKER_HOSTS_ADD_EMPTYLINE_CMD = /bin/bash -c echo >> /etc/hosts
Cmnd_Alias LOCALDOCKER_HOSTS_ADD_COMMENT_CMD = /bin/bash -c echo '#'* >> /etc/hosts
Cmnd_Alias LOCALDOCKER_HOSTS_ADD_RECORD_CMD = /bin/bash -c echo '127.0.'* >> /etc/hosts
Cmnd_Alias LOCALDOCKER_LOOPBACK_IF_ALIAS_ADD_CMD = /sbin/ifconfig lo0 alias 127.0*
Cmnd_Alias LOCALDOCKER_LOOPBACK_IF_ALIAS_DELETE_CMD = /sbin/ifconfig lo0 delete 127.0*


In case you need to adjust these commands you can see sudo'ed commands on MacOS using (executed past 1 hour):

log show --style syslog --predicate 'process == "sudo"' --last 1h | grep COMMAND

Customize ld -script variables

Local-docker configuration is defined in ./.env file, which is created during ./ld init process. The file should be committed to project repository and be shared among all developers.

Local overrides can be set via .env.local file, for example to have different local development domain or IP address. This file should not be committed to project repository but be considered private.

Variables present in the .env.local file will override project level configurations from .env.

These file should contain key=value -pairs, such as

# Comments start with a hash.

What's in the package?

Behind scenes local-docker uses Docker. Recipe of what is launched is in docker-compose.yml (or for the DEVELOPMENT server

To overcome the known technical limitations (ie. nerve wrecking local drupal site slowness) docker-sync is being used. It sets up intermediate containers and hides the OSX filesystem incompatibility there.

Pros and cons

Con is that the initial sync after launching the local takes a bit of time (up to a few minutes). Once that is done local is ... ready. Files syncing between host and docker containers may take a few seconds, but running docker-sync logs -f on a terminal will expose what and when is being synced. It is also the fastest tested flavor of various ways to share folders between host and containers (including NFS mounts).

Pros No rotten local development environments ever again! At least for the handful of years a head of you. The trick is local environment is not built locally, but loaded from the Docker hub as-is (apart for some minor config adjustments).


Local-docker does not start

  1. Bind for unexpected error (Failure EADDRINUSE)

    There is some other application that reserves port :80 on your localhost. Turn it off.

    Turn of yor local (on Mac) web server (Apache, Nginx, whatever):

    $ sudo apachectl stop && sudo service nginx stop

    Turn off your local MySQL (on Mac):

    System preferences -> MySQL ->stop

    Check also "Projects in parallel" -section. Other projects or tools may have acclaimed ports your project is trying to use.

Local files not getting synced

If you feel file sync is not working properly, start by checking logs and editing some files that should be synced:

$ docker-sync logs -f

Docker-sync may get stuck on host or inside the container. Sometimes stuck can be 'released' nudging the sync container a bit:

$ docker-sync start

If this does not help (chekc docker-sync logs -f) try cleaning the syncs:

$ docker-sync stop && docker-sync clean && docker-sync start

If even this does not solve the issue, Docker itself may be hanging. none of your edits in host or in container are being synced, clean up and restart:

  1. stop file sync and local (./ld down) if needed
  2. clean up your volumes ./ld nuke-volumes if needed
  3. start your local again ./ld up and optionally restore database ./ld restore

Optionally restart Docker, or reboot your operating system.

The last resort is to clean up everything Docker -related. BE WARNED This will delete ALL volumes in ALL Docker projects across your laptop.

$ docker kill $(docker ps -q) # Stop all containers
$ docker container prune # Remove all stopped containers
$ docker volume prune # Remove all unused local volumes

If even that does not help, clean up EVERYTHING Docker -related (downloaded images, created volumes and containers).

BE WARNED This will delete ALL volumes, downloaded images and containers in ALL Docker projects across your whole laptop. Sorts of resets everything else but Docker configuration.

$ docker system prune --volumes

Docker-stack does not start

mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h

You have probably updated Xcode or Command Line Tools but have not yet approved a new license.

Makes sure you have Command Line Tools installed:

$ xcode-select --install

After initial Command Line Tools installation and updates may need to accept the license.

Another option is to install Xdoce from the App store, launch the application and approve the license during the initial start. However, for the Docker Sync full Xcode is unnecessary, Command Line Tools can handle what's needed.

If you get this error: xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance you should also reset the command line tools path with

$ sudo xcode-select -r

NFS share does not work

When you start local-docker but an error like

ERROR: for YOUR-PROJECT_nodejs  Cannot create container for service nodejs: failed to mount local volume: mount :/Users/USERNAME/Projects/clients/YOUR-PROJECT/app:/var/lib/docker/volumes/YOUR-PROJECT_SYNCNAME/_data, data: addr=,nolock,nfsvers=3: permission denied

Host OS (macOS) is preventing NFS to share parts of your filesystem. MacOS updates tend to change the settings, and in Catalina the shareable parts of the filesystem are behind strict access control.

Your MacOS should be set to allow sharing the folder(s) you are trying to share but only to localhost (mind the path). Check that user id (501) and group id (20) match your own, and also use the correct, full path to your projects folder (/Users/perttuehn/Projects):

 $ id -u
 $ id -g
 $ sudo -i
 Password: [YOUR-PASSWORD]
 root# echo '/Users/perttuehn/Projects -alldirs -mapall=501:20 localhost' >> /etc/exports
 root# nfsd restart; exit

NOTE: If your project is located under ~/Documents you must also grant "Full Disk Access" to /sbin/nfsd in Settings > Security & Privacy > Privacy.

Granting a full disk access to /sbin/nfsd "Granting a full disk access to /sbin/nfsd"

Issues with installing gems / Unable to download data from [For Mac users]

docker-sync is a Ruby Gem and it shold not be installed using sudo. If you do, you should also understand the risks when doing so.

 $ gem install docker-sync --user-install # docker-sync is just an example
 ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'docker-sync' (>= 0), here is why:
 Unable to download data from - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A: tlsv1 alert protocol version (

If you are encountering the error above when trying to install a gem, simple workaround is to explicitly set source (with http protocol)

 $ gem install docker-sync --user-install --source

Why my favourite feature is not there?

This is the initial version of the local-docker. Redis, Solr and others are coming once the need arises.

Asking for help is highly recommended, and pull requests even more so.