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Getting Started

Innectic edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 6 revisions

Getting started with Permissify

To get started with Permissify, you should start by downloading the latest release of the plugin from here. If you're using Spigot, download PermissifySpigot.jar.

Next, put that jar file in your plugins folder and start your server to allow for the default plugin configuration to be generated. Once that's done, shut your server back down, open the configuration file located at Permissify/config.yml in the plugins folder.

Then, you can move on to Choosing a storage medium

Choosing a storage medium

The storage medium that the plugin should be using can be changed by setting the storage variable of the config. This defaults to mysql, but you can also choose sqlite (More options coming soon.). If you choose mysql, you'll need to fill out all the fields except for file under the connection section.

If you've chosen sqlite, then the only field that you need to fill out is the file field. This will be the name of the database that the plugin will generate.

Once you've done that, save the file, start your server up again, and move onto the next step.

Granting a player super admin, and creating your first group.

DISCLAIMER Superadmin is the highest permission in Permissify, and should only be given to trusted players! WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT HAPPEN TO YOUR SERVER!

Super admin can only be granted from the console of your server. To do this, type /permissify superadmin grant <username> You can have as many superadmins as you'd like.

You may also revoke superadmin with /permissify superadmin remove <username>

Once you have a player in the superadmin state, you can start creating groups, and giving permissions.