Small seed example project, built upon the spring webflux framework and uses the non-blocking api of elasticearch to create a seamless non-blocking experience.
- Docker should already be installed
Docker pull:
docker pull
run docker compose, will startup two elasticsearch instances:
cd es
docker-compose up
Create index manually with rest client:
PUT {index_name}
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"number_of_shards" : 4,
"number_of_replicas" : 2
Bulk insert dataset into elasticsearch:
cat es/dummy/data.json | \
jq -c '.[] | .id = ._id | del (._id) | {"index": {"_index": "advertisement", "_type": "gps", "_id": .id}}, .' |\
curl -XPOST --data-binary @-
Your data.json file contains an array of objects that you want to bulk insert into Elasticsearch.
- Create a mapper from SearchResponse or GetResponse to a domain model (is this directly possible?)
- Example unit tests and Integration tests