Easily upgrade Rancher services.
You can build this image or customize and build your own, to upgrade a service, use it the following way:
Considering your Stack with ID 1e9
named myapp-production
running on a environment ID 1a5
. This will also update the tag with the CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM. The use case here is if you use the CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM as your v123 tag number and want to update this on each deploy rather than using latest. It will also update the environment variable BUILD_NUMBER. If you are using circle for your CI/CD, you can call this from your circle.yml file to upgrade the 'web' service.
Under this stack, you want to upgrade a service named web
docker run --rm \
-e RANCHER_URL="https://my-rancher.com:8080/v2-beta/projects/1a5" \
-e RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY="my_api_key" \
-e RANCHER_SECRET_KEY="my_api_secret \
-e RANCHER_STACK_NAME="myapp-production" \