Enhance password strength
- The length and whether the password is in the specified character set
- The ability of password characters to be logically adjacent, such as aBc, abC, etc.
- The ability to be adjacent to the physical position of the password character keyboard, including the adjacent horizontal and left and right slash directions, such as qwer 1qaz 0okm, etc.
- Ability to see if a password is present in a weak password pool
- Adjacent single character repeated multiple times
- The password should be a combination of English letters (case sensitive) + numbers + special characters
- Password maximum and minimum length
- Password special character set
Install with npm
npm install --dev @kaffee/mazagran
Install with yarn
yarn add --dev @kaffee/mazagran
Install with pnpm
pnpm add -D @kaffee/mazagran
const mazagran = new Mazagran();
mazagran.checkAll("password") // return err dict