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Repository files navigation


This is the root folder.
The project tree is set up as follows:

api/				java and resource files for building the java api jar file.  A standalone maven module
metadata/			configuration files, sql files and other stuff
web/				java and resource files that are used in the webapp/war file.  A standalone maven module
webapp/				jsp files used in building the war file.  A standalone maven module  
.classpath			classpath settings (generated by and used by eclipse)
.project			project settings (generated by and used by eclipse)	default properties used by the ANT build.xml file
build.xml			ANT build file containing convenience methods into the maven build
license.txt			the OpenMRS license	ANT build file containing convenience methods to run liquibase actions	checkstyle jar properties
pom.xml				The main maven file  
readme.txt			this readme file