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Sales Incentive Management System

Spring Boot React Native MySQL Hibernate Maven Bootstrap Spring Security JWT

OverviewEntitiesAPIsDemoApplication PropertiesDevelopmentBuild


Problem Statement

Creating a solution for a customer which is a big player in the Vehicles sales. The company has sales channels in multi geographies and sells different types of vehicles - 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers, 4 wheelers and commercial vehicles. They have a complex commission calculation model and needs help in creating a sales incentive management platform.

Demands of the customer

  • Used to manage the commission to be paid to the Salesmen.
  • The system should allow addition of a sales team member.
  • System should allow for the definition of products under the following product types:
    • 2 Wheelers
    • 3 Wheelers
    • 4 Wheelers
    • Commercial Vehicles
  • System should allow for batch input of sales for every product on a daily basis.
  • The system should calculate the commission payable for every sales team member once the data for a month is updated.

Technology Stack

  • Backend - Spring Boot
  • Database - MySQL
  • Frontend - React
  • Build System - Maven



  • userId (primary key)
  • username
  • name
  • password
  • userQuota
  • role


  • roleId (primary key)
  • roleName

User Role (Hibernate Auto Generated Table)

  • userId (foreign key)
  • roleId (foreign key)

Product Type

  • productTypeId (primary key)
  • pType


  • pId (primary key)
  • pName
  • pCost
  • pType

Sales Details

  • salesId (primary key)
  • pId (foreign key)
  • userId (foreign key)
  • pName
  • pType
  • transactionMonth

Commission Structure

  • commissionId (primary key)
  • productTypeId (foreign key)
  • startRange
  • endRange
  • commissionPercentage

User Commission (Query Auto Generated Table)

  • transactionId (primary key)
  • userId (foreign key)
  • productTypeId (foreign key)
  • userAmount
  • transactionMonth
  • pCost
  • userQuota
  • pType
  • commissionPercentage



  • Post Mapping to return JWT.
    username: "user",
    password: "password"


  • Get Mapping to find all users in the database.
  • Get Mapping to find user by ID provided.
  • Post Mapping to create user.
    "username": "username",
    "name": "Full Name",
    "password": "password",
    "userQuota": 50000
  • Put Mapping to edit user by ID.
    "username": "newusername",
    "name": "Full Name",
    "password": "password",
    "userQuota": 48000
  • Get Mapping to find all products in the database.
  • Post Mapping to create new product.
    "pName": "Honda",
    "pCost": 72000
    "pType": "2 Wheeler"
  • Post Mapping to add sales details (Upload CSV in frontend). Auto updates the User Commission table when performed.
        "pId": 1,
        "userId": 2,
        "pName": "Honda",
        "pType": "2 Wheeler",
        "transactionMonth": "2022-07"
        "pId": 2,
        "userId": 3,
        "pName": "Hyundai",
        "pType": "4 Wheeler",
        "transactionMonth": "2022-08"
  • Get Mapping to return commission structure for every product type.
  • Get Mapping to find commission structure for a particular product type within a rage by it's ID.
  • Put Mapping to edit the commission structure by ID.
    "productTypeId": 3,
    "startRange": 28000,
    "endRange": 45000,
    "commissionPercentage": 6
  • Get Mapping for forced commission change. Updates the auto calculated commission amount of a user by force using Query.
    "userId": 2,
    "transactionMonth": "2022-07",
    "userAmount": 34000


  • Get Mapping to find all sales by every salesman in the database.
  • Get Mapping to find their sales based on the month.
    "userId": 2,
    "transactionMonth": "2022-07"
  • Get Mapping to display all the sales carried out by the logged in user.
  • Get Mapping to display commission amount and user quota in bar chart form for the logged in user.



Application Properties

server.port = yourPreferredPortNumber

spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql:https://localhost:3306/yourSchemaName
spring.datasource.username = yourUsername
spring.datasource.password = yourPassword


  • Frontend
npm install
  • Backend
mvn install


  • Frontend
npm start
  • Backend
mvn spring-boot:run